The next film in the Star Wars Anthology series has been confirmed as a Han Solo adventure, and will be directed by the duo who brought us The Lego Movie. Their awesome credits also include 2012's movie adaptation of 21 Jump Street and it's sequel, 22 Jump Street. The story for the new film is said to focus on a young Han Solo and how he became the renowned smuggler and scoundrel that we first saw in the Mos Eisley cantina. The pair have said, stating that this is a dream come true for them, "we promise to take risks, to give the audience a fresh experience, and we pledge ourselves to be faithful stewards of these characters who mean so much to us." The screenplay will be written by Lawrence Kasdan and his son, Jon Kasdan. Lawrence Kasdan is already known to Star Wars fans as the man behind the screenplay for The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, while Jon Kasdan has written for television shows such as Freaks and Geeks and Dawson's Creek. Lawrence and Jon Kasdan have expressed their excitment about working with Christopher Miller and Phil Lord, saying “they’re two of the smartest, funniest and most original filmmakers around, and the ideal choice to tell the story of Han Solo, one of the coolest characters in the galaxy.” Kathleen Kennedy will be producer for the project and has also commented that they have found the perfect team for the job. Lawrence Kasdan will also act as executive producer along wil Jason McGatlin, with Will Allegra as co-producer. The Han Solo Anthology film is currently slated for release on 25 May 2018.
Christopher Miller and Phil Lord have been revealed as the directors of a Han Solo movie in the Star Wars Anthology series.