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The Spice Bar

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Welcome to my Spice Bar! We have every kind of spice available. My service droid D-8PO will take all your orders. Please leave all weapons at the door and your speeder keys. There's a coming down room in the back. Enjoy! :rocol: :shock:

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*walks in*

Can i have your strongest stuff mixed with your second strongest...

Is there a place for me to sit down, beside the floor?

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*8PO mixes the spice and points to all the padded booths and tables and inquires if you want a drink*

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A drink? Yes please something with more than 80% Just to wash it all down...

*sits down on a chair in the corner, looks at all the spice helpline posters throught out the place*

Yumm, Andris...

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*comes in* Ooh, sweetness! I bet it's REALLY fun... er, flying in here with all the swirling colors on the walls and ceilings...

*8PO comes up to her and asks if she wants anything* Just some ryll would be fine, thanks. If I need anything else I can get it, it's okay. Princess told me to watch the place while she's out.

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*8PO hands him his spice and drink* Thank you very much... *sits back and watches as te room breaks down into a swirl of colour*

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*Takes her ryll* Oh, now THIS is fun...

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He he

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*comes in with a headache*

Give me some glit and some 3D to wash it down...

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*8PO fills Drake's order and Pod, still... under the influence of the ryll... sets upa mini "lab" behind the bar and starts "experimenting" with different combinations of spice, muttering to herself the entire time*

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*downs the spice and the drink and immediatly the weight of the galaxy lifts off his shoulders*

*starts laughing uncontrollably at Pod*

Look at the purple bunny! AH HA HA HAAA!!!

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*looks at Drake and shakes her head* Sheesh, some people should really learn to hold their spice... *swats at nothing* Not NOW Herman, I'm busy! Stupid antelope...

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Spice bar? *blinks*


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*The spice Pod's playing with explodes* opps! But I know what I did wrong! *goes back to work, covered in burnt spice*

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*looks at the big blodges of blue*

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All spice and drinks on me, since this place is getting dry..

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*walks in*

Hi everyone, welcome to my bar. Thank you 8PO. Pod, please take your experimenting into the experiment room, I don't want this place to blow.

*grabs some glit*

MMMM Spicy!

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I'm almost done! I promise! Just a few more minutes...

*a few minutes later*

*Theres a very small poof-like explosion in the spice Pod's working with* I did it!!! Princess, try this! *offers Princess a dose, who loks a little reluctant* It'll be okay, I think the ingredients are compatible. Okay, fine I'll test it on myself.

*pops a dose in her mouth and starts running around the bar making airplane noises* WHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! *after about twenty minutes of "flying" around the bar, she runs in tight circles near the door* AHHHH NOSE DIVE!!!! *falls to the floor and passes out*

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erm... werent you saying quite recently that drugs are bad? ;)

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*wakes up with a start* Huh? me? Nah., doubt it.

*goes back to where she was playing with the spice before she passed out* That was good but it should have lasted a lot longer before I clonked out. Hm...

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Keep working on it Pod. We need to come up with our own versions.

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Yeah we need some good spice. Try to come up with something with no bad after effects like tiredness or melancholy.

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*still working* Well, that one worked like that, except I passed out a lot sooner than I should have, but I'm not groggy...

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good... well if you need any help with chemistry, just ask.

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I'm not doing anything methodical, but thanks anyway, Hal.

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