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Things you dont want to hear over the Star Destroyer PA

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Admiral Ozzel: Captain Piett, gimme some sugar!

"This is your captain speaking. There's been an outbreak of the avian bird flu aboard this ship...


It's leprosy!"

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Radioactive Isotope

"There will be a mud-wrestling match later this afternoon between Palpatine and whoever has the guts to take him. All are required to attend."

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"This is your Captain speaking, does anyone have a Star Destroyer repair manual?




Okay, just checking."

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"Jar-Jar, you're the only one on board who can pilot this ship."

"Surely yousa joking?"

"I'm not joking, and don't call me Shirley."


Such a wonderful movie. :D

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"This is your Captain speaking, does anyone have a Star Destroyer repair manual?




Okay, just checking."

Wow. that's about the time you haul your ass into an escape pod. :lol:

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"Umm, I, yeah, jetisoned the escape pods just to see if I could hit them with the superlaser. In other words WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!"

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"This is your captain speaking. Our ship has been sabotaged by rebel spies. Our sublight drives have been crippled and will take some time to repair. Communications are severed, we cannot call for help. Also, Life Support has been tampered with, and all the remaining air will by cycled into the bridge and the captain's quarters. We are sorry for this inconvenience, good day."

"This is your captain speaking, reminding you about the mandatory mud-wrestling tournament to be held in the mess hall this evening. Everyone is required to attend, and to take part in it. The dress code for the tournament is: Nothing. You will wear nothing. Our previous champion, Emperor Palpatine, is awaiting your challenge. That is all."

"This is your captain speaking. Tonight's musical guest will be none other than Cher. After the performance, Cher will streak naked across the ship, offering lap dances to any and all. As Cher is our honored guest, her lap dances may not be turned down."


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Just when you think you're scared enough to jury rig your own makeshift escape pod (put together with chewing gum and paper clips) he cones out with that....thanks guys. :wail:

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Radioactive Isotope

"Lord Vader suspects there may be Jedi aboard this vessel. Therefore, everyone will be strip searched personally by Lord Vader until he finds where the Jedi have hidden their lightsabers."

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"The Emperor's shuttle has arrived."

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Radioactive Isotope

*everyone cowers in ph34r* :nerves:

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Darth Paladin

The absolute worst thing you could hear which has probably been said, "Meesa Captain now, yousa people gonna die."


Edited by Darth Paladin

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Tonight, all will be required to attend Emporer Palpatine and Count Dooku's adaptation of their favorite movie. It is titled Brokeback Star Destroyer. Attendence is required.

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Radioactive Isotope

:shock: and you say i'm naughty?! :p

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"Captain Piett, report imediatly to Admiral Ozzel's office. The Admiral also requests that you wear your best matching thong and camisole. Thank you."

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Radioactive Isotope

"We hope you all enjoyed last night's performance of Brokeback Star Destroyer. Auditions for the sequel will begin next week. All are required to try out."

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Argh JM!!! :crazy:

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Darth Paladin

Just... one... more... drink. Zzzzzzzz.

Or god forbid....

I feel pretty, oh so pretty.

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Radioactive Isotope

Argh JM!!! :crazy:

what is this, the third or fourth time you've said that? :p

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I'm hoping it'll catch on. :p

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Bad furday

And continuing in the Brokeback way...

*There is a sudden tone, and then static, signifying that the PA has been turned on, and left on*


"Captain....your boots look to be immaculately shined today!"

"Thank you, officer, I always like to make sure my boots are shiny!"

"I like a man who has shiny boots..."

*ominous pause*

"I like you, Captain!"

*there are kissing and fumbling noises, before the comm is finally turned off*


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Radioactive Isotope

*heavy breathing noises*


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Jar Jar: Hey yousa! What are you two doing over dea?...Can I join in?

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Radioactive Isotope

ARGH!!!! :crazy:

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