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Official RPG - Chapter One

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Michael flew his E-wing above the forest of Yavin 4 as he headed for the temple. He had spent the morning watching Melinda train, but there was only so much Light side/Dark side batha fodder he could take. So he hopped into his starship and flew to the other side of the planet. There he got to tainning a little him self.

Michael had lost track of time. It was only when Stinger reminded him that he was supposed to meet Melinda that Michael noticed how late it was. So he climbed out of the firery pit and jumped into his ship. Now he was flying at full speed back to the academy.

"Mel is going to kill me!" said Michael.

"Your probably right." said Stinger.

"Your not helping." said Michael.

Michael neared front of the temple. Melinda was there. He saw her pacing as he landed. He jumped out and said "Mel, I'm so sorry. I los....." His words were cut short by Melinda's kiss.

After a few minutes they broke the kiss and Melinda said "I'm so glad your ok." said Melinda.

"Why? What happened?" asked Michael.

"We have been feeling this powerful disturbance in the Force all day. The Jedi Masters made everyone stay inside the temple all day. It just stoped a little while ago. That's the only reson i'm out side now." said Melinda.

Michael had to use all his self control to stop him self from laughing. It was me trainning that they felt. He said "Well what ever it was it's gone now. Let's go get some food then some sleep. Tomarrow is going to be a big day."


Michael awoke the next day on top the temple (they spent the night up there again). Melinda was still asleep next to him. Today is the makes a beginning & end. But is it the end of the beginning or the beginning of the end?

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It was dark when Jay arrived back at the temple.

The usually welcoming temple was locked up, only the creatures of the moon's jungles kept him company.

He turned the comlink on: "Hello anybody there?"

A voice crackled back at him "Who is it?"

"Jay Darksider, I'm back from scanning the Coruscant sytem"

"Oh great! I'll let you in." he realised now that the voice was Luke's.

"And I think you will find this interesting" Jayt added as the door slowly opened.

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Grand Moff Tarkin

Kotor Ami looked over his vast army of battleship destroyers, he knew that victory was close at hand, but someone wasent quite right, Kotor sensed a small disturbance, he realised were it was coming from....

Kotor Ami: "Aurora, i sense you are uncertain?, are you not so sure about this mission, perhaps you doubt your actions, maybe there is till light within you"

Aroura looked nervous and felt like she was being given the highest degree of interrogation that a sith lord could give....

Aroura: "No, i dont doubt my actions!, i have no fear of them!"

Kotor Ami: "Do you fear me?"

Kotor attempted to overcome Aroura with a fearful blow, he sent out a ripple of darkness that he knew she would feel, he walked up closely to her and stared deeply into her eyes, Aroura could not stop staring at those eyes, so much anger, so dark, so very dark........

She collapsed onto the floor, unconcious, she could not withstand the darkness that lurked beneath Kotor and his brothers......

Kotor Ami: "Take her to her quarters, make sure she survives"

Reep Ami: "She is stronger than i thought, any other being would have died under such consumation of the force"

Kotor Ami: "Indeed, she has a quality, she may be useful yet, take her to the arena, test her skills with a lightsaber"

Reep Ami: "She has no lightsaber skills, she has no lightsaber"

Kotor Ami: "She could have the skills if she was released into the darkness, give her a training saber, she may suprise you apprentice"

Reep Ami: "Yes master, and what of my brother, we have not heard form him in days, do you feel he lingers"

Kotor Ami: "I have sensed the drop of light that may reside, it will soon be extinguished, now go and test the girl!"

Reep Ami walked from the bridge room and onto Aroura's quarters, the door slid open, Aroura suddenly awake and finding it hard to breathe, she choked and desperatly needed air and finally she took in breathe at last......

Reep Ami: "How do you feel"

Aroura: "What did your master do to me?!!! what has he done!"

Reep Ami: "He has made you feel the true nature of the force, you have been left with a scar of darkness that will not leave you, pushing it out will be hard to do, but do not resist your destiny, get to your feet, i must how you your true nature now that you have seen that of the force"

Aroura: "Were are you taking me?"

Reep Ami: "To a place of recognition"

Reep walked with Aroura into the large arena that kotor had built inside is flag ship.......

Reep raised his hand and pulled the training saber over to Aroura, who now understood what she was going to have to do......


Aroura ignited the saber, she felt the force, but suddenly it distorted into darkness anger, fear and agression, the scar which had been left by Kotor's power remained a beacon of unbalance in Aroura she thought: "ive never used a saber before, how do i defeat an apprentice of the sith"

Reep felt her thoughts: "Just let the dark side flow and it will come! now destroy me!

Reep lunged over her and swung his saber at her which clashed onto Aroura's, she felt a sense of power she had never before..... Her reflexes were advanced well above that of a beggining novice, the dark side was her ally, he did not want to feel this but she could not help the temptation of power she lept and attacked the dark night.......


Reep Ami: "Good i can feel your anger now resist pain"

Reep consentrated his power into a bolt of fury that hit Aroura, the force lightning continued, she yelled from the pain, Reep knew she had suffered enough he ceased, lying on the floor exhausted Aroura lay and in pain.......

(MsSolo or whoever owns Aroura continue from here please this is getting good! :) )

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Michael, Melinda, Dan, Jay, Cariista, Haladar, Maerthan, and Ka'al stood out side the shuttle. It was mid morning. The fleet was ready. The commandos were on the ship. Most importantly, they knew Kotor Ami was neer Coruscant (thanks to Jay's scouting). All that was left to do was to get in the shuttle, meet Kyp's squadron, and head into hyper space.

Everyone except Michael and Ka'al wore commando outfits. Ka'al still wore the same clothing he did when got to Yavin 4 days earlier. She refused to change. Michael had on the same black pants, black boots, black belt, and black sunglasses. He did not have his normal black shirt or coat. Instead, he wore a thick sleeve-less black vest (obviously light weight body armor of some kind).

"Ok. Everyone knows the plan. If anyone wants to back out now is the time." said Dan. No one said a word.

"Good. Let's go." said Dan and everyone got on the shuttle.

Only 4 people could fit in the copit. Dan and Cariista were flying the ship so they had to be there. Michael was doing the teleporting and that's he was there. Everyone else drew lots for the last seat. Melinda won.

The two pilots brought the ship up on replusers. "Let's punch it, Cariista." said Dan.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. I give this thing a tune up." said Michael.

"I think we can handle a shuttle, Michael." said Cariista.

"Ok, but don't say I didn't warn you." said Michael as he tightened his belts and sat back. Melinda did the same.

Cariista through the throttle forward. Everyone was slammed back into there seats. After Dan and Cariista recovered Dan turned around to face Michael and said "Not one word."

Michael just smiled. They were off.

(i'll get us on the star destoryer later, but i wanted to give MsSolo a chance to respond to GMT post first.)

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"Well, this isn't too bad, for a run-down bucket of bolts, now, is it?" asked Riista.

Dan looked up from the controls and smiled. "It's actually really nice. For a modified shuttle."

"I guess. But it's not an X-wing."

Michael spoke up from the back. "You should have seen it before I tinkered with it. Could barely make .5 past lightspeed, and look at it now! And, the manueverability's doubled, so I don't know what you're complaining about."

"Sure. This thing just barely cleared atmosphere! And manueverability is terrible!" she commented.

"Coming from an X-wing pilot, I'm sure that anything not an X-wing lacks in manueverability and speed." he replied.

Riista glanced back, and grinned. "Hey, a TIE has more manueverability!"

"I stand corrected, I guess." Michael shrugged. "Close enough. And E-wings are better, too."

"I didn't say a TIE was better than an X-wing! It just manuevers better!"

Dan spoke up, cutting off any comment that Michael tried to say. "Hey, Riista, we're coming up on the rendezvous point with Kyp and his buddies." announced Dan.

"Alright. We wait for their hail, or we call them first?" she asked. The comm system bleeped suddenly. "Takes care of that, doesn't it?"

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(sorry if I kept NE1 waiting:)

Aurora stood next to Kotor as he surveyed his ships. She was nervous, and hated herself for it. That nagging bit of doubt was still, well, nagging. She realised with horror that Kotor was looking at her.

Kotor Ami: "Aurora, i sense you are uncertain?, are you not so sure about this mission, perhaps you doubt your actions, maybe there is till light within you"

She hadn't expected this. She wondered if explaining her views on dark and light would help, but decided they wouldn't. Besides, she knew where she stood when the jedi were concerned.

Aurora: "No, i dont doubt my actions!, i have no fear of them!"

Kotor Ami: "Do you fear me?"

She felt a force blow hit her, the malicious energy making her wince, and bringing forth her own hatred. She didn't fall though, but looked away as he approached her. He was looking straight at her now, his dark eyes so very dark, and the darkness behind them even more so. It was like space without stars, empty yet still somehow alive, seething inside with anger and rage and...

* * *

Aurora lay stil in her quarters, half way between sleep and wakefulnesss. The door slid open, shocking her fully awake, but not fully aware. She couldn't stop the force grip that closed around her throat, tightening until she could no longer breath. She was panicking, she observed distantly, she knew how to cope with this kind of attack and defeat it, but as the last vestiges of air slowley slipped away... she was released.

Reep Ami: "How do you feel"

Aroura: "What did your master do to me?!!! what has he done!"

Reep Ami: "He has made you feel the true nature of the force, you have been left with a scar of darkness that will not leave you, pushing it out will be hard to do, but do not resist your destiny, get to your feet, i must how you your true nature now that you have seen that of the force"

Aroura: "Were are you taking me?"

Reep Ami: "To a place of recognition"

Aurora followed the apprentice, disliking him even futher for scarring her as had done. Many had done so before, leaving the kind of scars that nobody sees but many feel, and she hated the idea of another. She had always known of the darkness inside herself, but now it was naked and pulsing more angrily than ever, desperate for revenge and power. The 'Anti-Aurora' had found new allies and new sources to draw on, and Aurora wondered sadly if she wasn't now fighting a losing battle, if it wouldn't be better to succumb without a fight to the pain and misery that fueled her even now.

Aurora came out of her dazed dream to find a lightsaber in her hand, and the apprentice opposite her. She understood what she was going to have to do, but she just wished she knew the apprentices name. Oh well, Ami was a safe bet, at any rate.


Aurora switched on the lightsaber, wincing at the bright afterimage the glowing blade left on her retina. She was angry, and as she had predicted the Anti-Aurora was winning this final battle. She knew she shouldn't, but she opened herself to the force as she hadn't done for years, letting it flow through her. She wanted to kill this upstart apprentice, this boy who stood before her, mocking and challenging. And she knew, somewhere inside her, that she wouldn't need a saber to do it. Something was holding her back, keeping her from stopping his heart, from turning it into a mangled lump of dying muscle.

Still, the normal Aurora persisted, holding herself back from outright murder, and throwing up objection when ever she could. I've never used a saber before, how do i defeat an apprentice of the sith? He'll be much more experienced. The apprenticed replied inside her head:Just let the dark side flow and it will come! now destroy me!

The apprentice lunged at her, but her reflexes came into play and she swung the blad upwards. The cracking made her head hurt, made it hard to think. The Anti-Aurora, the dark thought and repressed anger, stored for almost a decade, took control. She lunged. Who cared how you fought with a lightsaber? Hold the hilt and jab the other end into the enemy. Simple enough. She remebered a distant scene, when she had still walked under suns and light, being told that the best form of attack was a jab, it made it easier to parry any sweeping blows and was harder to defend oneself against.

The memory faded, and with it the light. SHe would kil theis sithspawn knight of darkness, she would...


Reep Ami: "Good i can feel your anger now resist pain"

He's cheating she thought wildly, as a bolt of force lightning left her writhing on the floor, both lightsabers forgotten. She lay twitching, pain shrieking through every nerve. Anger hadn't won the battle for her, but instead had left hre open to mistakes and attacks. She had been fighting blind, she realised with sorrow.

The apprentice still stood over her, his lightsaber several meters away, dropped when he had blasted he with the lightning. Now Aurora was coming back to herself, now the Anti-Aurora had shrunk back, nursing it's wounds and plotting revenge, she was thinking clearly.

The apprentice frowned as she withdrew into herself, cutting herself off from the force. The dark scar inside her still remained, still lectured hatred, but it was easier to ignore now. Of course, she was going to do as it suggested, so that may have been the reason, but she didn't have to strike out in blind rage.

The apprentice bent down, curious. Perhaps he'd been a little over-zealous? He didn't even see the haloblade as Aurora swept her arm up from her belt and buried it into his stomach. He stared in confusion as she flund herself open to the force again, and he found himself pierced by both lightsabers, one through the front and the other through the back.

Aurora stood up and brushed herself off. She left her haloblade where it was, left it as a message. She didn't fear for the apprentices survival, the Sith had their own methods of healing.

I am a fast learner, she thought, no, broadcast, teach me nothing you do not wish me to know. Is it not said, keeps your enemies close and your friends closer?

Kotor Ami nodded, still standing on the bridge of his flagship. Yes, he would have to keep her very close, no matter where she finally decided to stand in the upcoming battle.

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Jay listened as he heard Kyp Durron talking over the com channel.

Being the closest to the cockpit door, he was the only one who could hear what was being talked about.

"Yeah, your squadron has to fly cover for us while we infiltrate the command ship" Dan was saying

"You know, I'd love to know how you are going to do that", Kyp replied, "didn't that Jay kid scan the fleet, and find a fairly strong defence shield protecting it?"

"Yeah, but we have our way of getting round that sorted" Dan said

"Well I sure hope you know what you're doing" said Kyp

Just then the com unit clicked again

Luke Skywalkers voice came through: "Okay we are transmitting the hyperspace jump co-ordinates now, they should bring you out right on the edge of the fleet."

"Thanks." said Dan

"The rest of the fleet will arrive about half a standard hour after you do." Luke said

"See you later then" said Dan

"May the Force be with you" said Luke.

"You too Master Skywalker." That was Riista.

He knew that he had a duty to his Master, Kotor Ami, and that if necesary he might have to kill her, especially after being assigned to be her partner when sneaking round the command ship But I don't want to kill her he thought. Perhaps she could be turned? He knew it would be pointless even trying that, but felt torn by this situation, a conflict building up inside him that only fueled the power of the dark side in him.

As Luke's comlink switched off Kyp's voice returned to the cockpit "You heard him! Let's go!"

The X-wing pilots arranged their ships into an escort formation around the shuttle.

"Prepare to jump to hyperspace at 3 - 2 - 1"

The craft shuddered as the hyperdrive kicked in - and the formation accelerated to lightspeed in perfect formation.

Well, this is it thought Jay, Soon my identity will be revealed and the New Republic shall fall

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Haladar was in the back of the shuttle, briefing his Commandos on what their mission would be on board the ship. Guarding the shuttle, their only way off. Any other Jedi might have felt a little resentment at having suc a relavtively minor part in the overall scheme of things. However, the only thing that bugged Haladar was that he wouldn't be able to watch Jay, who he wasn't sure he trusted anymore. Bringing up a plan of the Destroyer's shuttle bay on a small holographic projector, and giving the troops their assignments, he decided he would have to have a word with Riista before they all left.

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"Yeah, your squadron has to fly cover for us while we infiltrate the command ship" Dan explained to Kyp.

"You know, I'd love to know how you are going to do that", Kyp replied, "didn't that Jay kid scan the fleet, and find a fairly strong defence shield protecting it?" Kyp sounded confident, but his presence in the Force was anything but.

"Yeah, but we have our way of getting round that sorted" Dan said.

"Well I sure hope you know what you're doing" said Kyp, an little uneasily. The comm clicked, and Skywalker's voice came out.

"Okay we are transmitting the hyperspace jump co-ordinates now, they should bring you out right on the edge of the fleet."

"Thanks." said Dan

"The rest of the fleet will arrive about half a standard hour after you do." Luke continued. A half hour....without backup! this plan was sounding worse all the time...

"See you later then" said Dan, he sounded very confident, a confidence Melinda didn't have herself, despite the danger.

"May the Force be with you" said Luke.

"You too Master Skywalker." That was Riista, the first time she had spoken in a while. Kyp's voice, once again filled the silence.

"You heard him, Let's go!"

Stars turned into starlines as they entered hyperspace. Melinda unbuckled herself, and went aft, to make sure everything was ready. Everything seemed under control, but a nervous looking Jay, was hovering closely to the door. She glanced at him, then returned to the matter at hand. Gotta watch out for him...he's becoming rather suspicous.

"We've entered Hyperspace." Melinda said to Haladar. "Is everyone ready?"

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"We're all set," replied Haladar, "Now we find find out if Michael really can pull this stunt off."

He walked awa from Melinda, forwards into the cockpit. He looked meaningfully at Riista, and implied through the force that they needed to have a chat before the mission began.

"Guys," said Haladar, addressing everyone, "I have an idea. If, when we get there, you all use the force to trick the guards in the bay and sneak past, while we engage them, you'll be able to get to your missions without the delay that a hangar battle would cause. We'd be able to hold them without help. What do you think."

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"That's a good idea, Haladar." said Dan. "That's what we'll do."

Michael looked unhappy. Melinda asked "What's wrong Michael?"

"It's nothing. Really." said Michael.

"Ok well I better get back." said Haladar as he left and shut the door behind him.

Michael looked out his view port into hyper space. Then he hear a thought from Melinda. What is it? I know you don't want to tell them, but you can tell me.

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"We're all set," replied Haladar, "Now we find find out if Michael really can pull this stunt off." He walked away. What did he mean by that? Mel wondered. He doesn't think he can do it Mel frowned, but followed Haladar back to the cockpit.

"Guys," said Haladar, addressing everyone, "I have an idea. If, when we get there, you all use the force to trick the guards in the bay and sneak past, while we engage them, you'll be able to get to your missions without the delay that a hangar battle would cause. We'd be able to hold them without help. What do you think." A good plan

"That's a good idea, Haladar." said Dan. "That's what we'll do."

Michael looked unhappy. Melinda asked "What's wrong Michael?"

"It's nothing. Really." said Michael.

"Ok well I better get back." said Haladar as he left and shut the door behind him.

What is it? I know you don't want to tell them, but you can tell me. Mel asked through the force, hoping nobody would hear it.

It's just...The Aing-Tii believe free will is the greatest gift given to you by the Force and to take that away with the Force is blasphemy. Michael replied.

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What? You never said anything before. Thought Melinda.

No need to. It's what I believe. It's got nothing to do with you. I just will not be able to help out with the troops. Thought Michael and he left it at that.

They flew the rest of the way in silance. Michael felt everyone on the ship was lost in there own thoughts. After some time passed an alarm went off.

"1 Minute to real space." said Dan.

"I better get ready." said Michael as he started drawing on the Force.

"Ok, come back to real space...............now." said Cariista.

They came back to normal space. Right in the middle of a TIE fighter formation.

"Son of a Sith!" yelled Dan as he and Cariista pulled back hard on the controls to avoid hitting one of the TIEs. "PUNCH IT, RIISTA!!!"

"On it." said Cariista bringing the shuttle to full speed. "Where's the Star Destoryer?"

"There!" yelled Melinda pointing out the view port.

"I see it! I see it!" said Dan.

The Star Destoryer was indeed out there. About 10 km away. It was surrounded by Kyp's people and the Star Destoryer's TIEs. Dan and Cariista turn toward the Sith Lord's ship.

"Ok, Michael. You can teleport us now." said Cariista.

"No I can. For something this big we need to be closer." said Michael.

"Ask and ye shall receive." said Dan flew in closer.





50m. "Michael!?!" said Melinda.



1m. "Now!" said Michael.

Michael had teleported himself many times before. So he was used to what it feel like. However, the Jedi were not. Teleporting felt like exploding and imploding at the same time with a lot of motion sickness mixed in.

"You might want to get us in the bay before they shoot us down." said Michael he sounded tired.

"R-Right." said Dan and he flew the ship up into the docking bay.

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The group stepped out of the shuttle, security was a little lax around the hanger, so they didn't need Michael's help in Mind Tricking the guards anyway.

The lack of security surprised them all, except for Jay that is.

"Must be lacking manpower" Jay suggested after they had taken care of the guards

"I don't think so" said Mel "There is something strange going on here"

"I feel it too" said Haladar

"We should all be especially carefull then" said Dan. "Me, Mel, Maer, and Michael will head up to the bridge"

The three mentioned moved closer to Dan, ready to go up. "Jay and Riista," he continued, " you will head down to the engine room, and Haladar and Ka'al will stay here and make sure we can get back to our ship if re-enforcements arrive"

"We'd better go then." Jay said to Riista.

"May the Force be with us all" said Dan.

Jay and Riista where just about to exit the bay when Haladar shouted Riista back.

"Riista" he said, once she had got back to him, his voice low enough that Jay couldn't hear. "I still don't trust Jay, be carefull - I think he's up to something."

"I don't feel anything wrong about him" Riista said

"Neither did Master Skywalker, just be careful okay?"

"Sure" Riista said.

"Come on!" shouted Jay, "We have to do this as soon as possible!"

She ran over to him, and they both left the hanger, by now everyone else had gone to their assigned duties.

It's only a matter of time... thought Jay to himself.

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"This is a little on the weird side, wouldn't you say, Jay? I mean, you'd think there would be some Sith troopers or commandos or something here, wouldn't you say so?" asked Riista.

Jay shrugged. "They probably have a skeleton crew on this ship, so they can spread their forces over the fleet."

"I never thought of that. I was going to say it was like they were on to us or something. Bet you're right, though." she said. "So, how far to this engine room?"

"I'm not sure, we should be there soon." Jay responded.

"Since you did the scouting, how many you think will we have to take out?"

"My, my my. Just full of questions today, aren't we?"

Riista grinned toothily. "You bet."

"Not more than a small team of troopers, I bet. Blasters to stun."

"Why stun when we have lightsabers?"

Jay lokoed surprised. "We shouldn't kill if it's unnecessary." And, my Master would be furious if we kill too many today...

Riista unclipped one of her lightsabers, and held it in a grip. "Ready?"

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Michael, Melinda, Maerthan, and Dan headed for the bridge.

Michael. Michael. Come to me. I wish to meet you. A voice called through the Force.

Michael stoped. Your not the only who wants to meet, Kotor Ami.

Melinda stoped and turned back. "Michael?"

"It's the Sith Lord. He's calling me to him." said Michael. Dan and Maerthan stoped now.

"He knows where here?" asked Dan.

"Ya......." said Michael and then he turned to Melinda. "Becareful Melinda, I got to go."

"You can't be going." said Melinda. "Your still weak from teleporting us. You'll be no mach for him."

"I be fine." said Michael and he kissed her. "I love you."

"I love you, too." said Melinda.

Michael started to walk away and Dan said "May the Force be with you."

Michael turned back and said "It is." Then he was gone.

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The two Jedi raced down a corridor until they reached a turbolift. It was already on it's way up.

"Ready?" Riista asked, as they pressed up against the wall either side of the door.

"Yeah" said Jay

The doors opened and four troopers walked out.

Riista swung in first, using a single blade from her twin-bladed weapon, cutting up two of the four troopers in one go.

Jay was less successful, he thrust his lightsaber through the third trooper, killing him instantly, and pushed the fourth to the back of the lift. He manged to fire a couple of shots back, but Jay easily deflected them, while Riista finished him off.

"Not bad" said Riista.

Jay ignored her comment and went to the lift controls.

"I think this will take us down to the engine room" he said.

"Good," said Riista, "but this has been too easy."

"Well I'm sure we'll both find a challenge soon." Jay said. Riista wondered what he meant by that.

The lift reached the level the engine room was on.

"After you" Jay said

They walked down the hallway, only stopping to end the lives of a pair of stormtroopers. Once they had done that, Riista carried on in front - Jay followed her into a room.

"Well looks like we took a wrong turn" Riista said. "This is a dead end."

She heard a snap-hiss-bang, that sounded suspisiously like someone activating a lightsaber then destroying a set of door controls with it. She turned round.

"This is the only way out of here." Jay said. "And to get out you will have to get past me"

"What? Jay? What are you doing?" she asked, clearly confused.

He knew what he had to do. He was an able swordsman, but he felt this would be the hardest battle he would ever face. Aside from the lightsabers, he was fighting his own internal battle, and thought he knew how Luke Skywalker had felt when he was left alone with in the trench with the Death Star exhaust vent.

"I am Hatred Ami" he said.


"I infiltrated the Jedi Academy to spy for my Master, Kotor Ami."

"Master Skywalker said you were..."

"He was wrong." Jay said as he brought his glowing lightsaber up a defensive position.

Riista activated both blades of her own lightsaber.

"Now we find out who gets to open the door"

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Aurora had watched the jedi arrive from a screen in the meditation chamber, standing next to Kotor Ami. She'd watched Hatred Ami turn on the female he travelled with. She'd watched the other apprentice's silent approach towards his selected target. And she'd watched the Aing-Tii monk stride towards the chamber.

"Why call him, if he already intended to come?" She glanced down at the imposing figure sitting on her right.

"It's what's known as pyschological warfare," the sith lord smirked.

Somewhere in side her, a small voiced asked what had happened to her plan to do the same against Kotor. The sleepless nights would have made micheal's battle an easy one, but after the first few times she'd given up. Of course, she'd been slightly distracted by Hatred's sudden reapperance, and subsequent disappearance. And the now comforthing presence of Muppit in her pocket. She;d already used the small droid to gain access to any number of restricted areas on the ship. In the name of justice, of course.

"Do you see that woman?"

"You mean that girl," Aurora snorted derisively, "Of course. She's been blundering around down there for that past five minutes."

"I want you to go to her and to kill her."

Aurora swallowed. "Why?"

"She is a jedi. Do you need any more reason than that?"

Well, yes, Aurora thought nervously, seeing as she's young, youner than I was when... No, not going there, not now. But she's still an innocent. Young and innocent. Too young to have been part of the attack.

"I need a motivation," she replied. A wave of blindingly dark energy flooded over her, and the hatred the apprentice had planted in her flourished again. He'd been right, she'd never be rid of it, but what he meant by 'it' and what she meant were two different things. Now matter how fast you run, you're shadow still stays with you. And everyone has a shadow.

Aurora walked slowley away from her 'master', through the doors and towards the girls, careful to take a path that wouldn't cause her to come into contact with the young man coming to see Kotor. There was no way within herself to justify what she was about to do, and the small, persistant voice, asked 'Is this just?' and all she could answer was 'no, but I have to do it anyway.' The Aurora who had collected the discs on Coruscant, who had stowed away with the jedi, who had stolen the Ewing and had blundered in Kotor's clutches, she was now the Anti-Aurora, opposing with her small persistant voice everything the current, power-filled Aurora said or did in ways so much more effective than the dark Aurora ever had. Guilt was a powreful weapon, and the light-Aurora had no qualms in using it. But she was still going to do this anyway.

The door to the bridge slid open silently before her.

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Master MJade

Too easy thought Ka'al as the commandos finished securing the place. Jay person is in't all he seems- ka'al started to think as an evil presence formed over. "Mik aki ronti?" What is that she cried.

"What did you say?" asked the Jedi in charge of the commandos, Haladar, she believed his name was.

"What? nothing... just...nevermind... do you mind if I go find the others and see how they are doing?"

"Kid, are you crazy? that could jeoprodize the mission!" yelled Haladar.

"First, i'm not a kid in any sense of the word except age in the standard sense. Second they don't call us Shadow Guards for nothing."replied Ka'al as her voice dropped an octave a sure sign of heranger starting to build."and do you really think you can stop me? because technically i'm not under your command. Or did the Jedi Master forget to mention that?" With that Ka'al stepped into the turbolift and was gone.


Now, what was that thought Ka'al as she brought her anger under control. she knew that the Jedi haladar was mad at her, but she had another mission to finish and that came first.

so let the Jedi be mad. It doesn't matter to me. That path was closed to me when my parents died. thought Ka'al as she stepped off the turbolift and started hunting for something.

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They ran through a seemingly endless maze of corridors, encountering very little resistance, when a dark figure loomed in front of them. The figure pulled out a lightsaber, and attacked Dan. Melinda stopped, and reached for her blaster.

"No Mel! You have to get Maer to the bridge!"

He didn't have to say that the mission depended on it. He didn't have to, Melinda knew. Yet, she hesitated. Something about leaving her master like this didn't feel right. But Master---

"Go Mel!"

Melinda grabbed her blaster, and continued to bring Maerthan to the bridge. It didn't take long to find it, but it took a minute to get the door open, and she only had to take out two guards on the way.

"Hurry." Mel said impatiently. She wanted to get this over with, and to get to her master's side as quickly as she could. She didn't know what she couldn do, but she felt like she had to do something.

"I am." The door slid open, and the hacker walked straight to a computer terminal.

There were six crew members inside, before any of them could get up, she had stunned two of them, they slumped in their seats. She continued to blast stun bolts at the rest of them, and had finished the rest, with minimal trouble. She looked at Maerthan, who was pulling a body out of the main terminal's chair. She walked over, to see if she could help.

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Michael got to the mediation room with no problems. "Welcome, Michael." said Kotor standing in the middle of the empty room with a active duel sided light saber in his right hand.

"Kotor Ami. We meet at last." said Michael. He made no move to get his light sabers.

Kotor waved his hand and the door behind Michael closed. Closed and locked.

"Now what?" asked Michael.

"Well that depends. On you that is." said Kotor. "You have a power that the others do not. A great power. It could be very useful to me. Join me. The others will not survive this day, but you may yet. Well? What is your anserw?"

"Are you insane? I will not even join the Jedi and I like them. I'm just hear to kick your butt." said Michael.

"You will pay for that!" said Kotor as he rased his left hand. Then Force lighting shoot from his fingers.

The Lighting hit Michael's Force shield and did no damage to the 19 year old Force user behind it. "Is that all you got?" Michael droped his shield and rased his right hand. That's when a single thick Force bolt shoot from his palm.

Kotor leaped into the air. He went up about 20m to the ceiling of the room. Then he landed like he only jumped a few cm. Impressive. Then a idea came to him. "We both have big flashy powers, but I think we should put them away and do this the old fashion way." said Michael as he removed his light sabers from his belt and activated them. "Light saber to Light saber to Light saber."

"Not thing would please me more." said Kotor.

They charged at each other. There duel had begun.

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Haladar watched the Shadow Warrior turn and leave.

"You know, if I wanted to, I could have easily stopped you," he muttered when she was out of hearing range.

At that point, there was a brief respite in the firing, so he took the chance to repostion his troops. Taking barrels and containers, he set up a wedge around the hangar entrance, and ordered the commandos to take cover behind them. Quickly, the were all in position. Haladar crouched behind a barrel at the end of the wedge, ready to jump out and engage the next squad with his lightsaber.

Soon, the hangar bay door opened and a few squads of stormtroopers came running through, blasters blazing. All Haladar's commandos opened fire from behind their barrels, catching the stormtrooper in a lethal crossfire. Soon, all the enemies were dead, but Haladar's men had suffered another casualty. At this rate, Haladar would be the only one left by the time te mission was finished.

Hurry up guys! he sent out thorough the force. He hid behind is barrel again, and waited with his seven remaing men for te next wave...

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Riista arched a blond eyebrow over her right, scarred, blue eye. Haladar warned me! Why didn't I listen? He told me, he told me, he told me! She was losing control of her emotions, she could feel anger boiling up.

Jay smirked at her. "Good, Yo've already taken the first step towards your training."

Riista frowned, and quickly tamped down her anger. SHe smiled as and idea formed in her head, a calm, confident smile. She deactivated her blade. "I will not fight you."

Jay fought to keep his jaw from dropping. "So, you wil llet me cut you down where you stand, without a fight?" He pleaded silently Don't make me do this, Riista. Please, please, please, don't make me kill you with out a fair fight...

Riista considered. "Yep. That's about it." Jay feinted a step in her direction. She didn't even move. Oh, Sith, oh, Sith, oh Sith...the others! I've got to warn them! she concentrated Haladar? Dan? Mel?! Michael! We've been betrayed! Get out of here! she thought urgently.

Jay laughed at her. "Come, now, Riista. Did you really think I'd let you warn your friends? You insult my intelligence."

"Didn't know you had any." she hissed, setting her jaw, snapping on her lightsaber, and arced in towards him. Their blades met with a crackle of discharged energy, and Riista met his stare openly, pressing her blade harder against his. She whirled away, blocking his blade and parrying it away. Her blond hair whipped around her face, and she somersaulted over him, dropping in to a defensive crouch behind him.

Distract him a little longer, and everyone will figure out that something's up. He can't kill me, that would alert them that something's gone wrong, too. Or can he kill me?

"You aren't too terrible at lightsaber dueling, Riista. I can help you become better, if you join us." Jay commented as he swung his blade down.

Riista laughed bitterly. "I think not. I will never betray my friends, unlike you."

"You were never my friends to begin with." Jay snarled. Well, you were, Riista... They continued to block and parry and slash, neither overpowering the other. Soon, however, it became obvious that Riista was tiring, breathign harder and sweat pasting blond locks to her forehead.

"Tiring so soon, little Jedi? I thought Master Skywalker trains better than that." he smirked. He winced inwardly at her expression. Well, he amended, if I can get her to act on her anger...

"I wasn't trained by Master Skywalker." she gasped, ducking a slash, and blocking a hard blow. She staggered back a few steps.

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The jedi Aurora had been sent to 'kill' had her back to the door as it slid open. Neither the young girlnor the man trying to hack into the computer seemed to notice her. Her contempt deepened, but so did her pity. Someone would be dead before her battle was finished, and she knew full well that it wasn't going to be herself.

Aurora walked up behind the girl. She was careful to keep her distance, but realised with horror that her reflection was clear in the viewscreens. The girl's reflection winked at her cheekily.

Aurora sighed, and submitted herself to the force as the girl turned around. She could feel now how terrifed the child was, facing a woman 10 years her elder. She also felt the comression of that fear, the 'repression' taught by the jedi. Contempt flickered again, and she made certain the jedi-child could sense it.

"What's your name?"

"What sort of question is that?" the girl snarled at her.

"I just want to know so I can put it on your grave." A cheap shot, Aurora knew, but it did have the desired effect. The girl flinched. A bland pride shot briefly through Aurora, the sickening realistation that her talent for pyschological warfare was undiminshed.

"Melinda," the girl replied suddenly. This time Aurora flinched. Knowing the name of someone always made it that bit harder to kill them, and she realised with a wry smile that she was being beaten at her own game.

"I'm Aurora. Do you remeber me?"

"Yes, you stowed away on our ship. Sorted out your discs yet?" They were slowley circling one another, neither daring to pull the first punch or fire the first shot.

"All done, thanks. Actually, i have some infomation your masters might be interested in?"

"Really?" the girl actually sounded interested, Aurora realised with bemusement.

"Of course, if I kill you, I won't have a messenger, and if you kill me, there won't be a message."

"Why don't you come back with me. You're not," and here the girl paused, as if confused by what she was about to say, "you're not consumed with the dark side. You're angry, and you hate, but you're not using the dark side of the force."

"I could, if I believed in it," Aurora replied cautiously. What was this girl getting at?

"You don't believe in the dark side of the force? You've been living with a Sith lord!" The girl exclaimed increduolously.

Aurora flinched suddenly. Despite the fight she now knew to be occuring between Kotor and the Aing-Tii monk, he still had time to impress his purpose upon her. Get on with it! was the general message, though in Aurora's head it was much more painful.

The girl took a step towards Aurora, concerned by the sudden pain on the older woman's face. Aurora's head snaped up and she tared into the girl's eyes, her own blazing.

"A rookie's mistake," she hissed, and flung the concealed haloblade straight towards the girl's neck.

Aurora watched mutely as the blade spun slowley, as though moving through a thick soup, towards the girl. She knew that there was nothing odd about the air, or the blade, but only her own sense of time. Slow motion, she thought distantly, as the blade inched closer towards the girl, and as her hand, clutching a blaster, crept upwards, like in those tacky holoflicks. Wow. I never actually thought it would happen. Could happen The blade continued on it's hideously slow path, and the blaster slid up another few milimeters. At least it will be quick, the soft voice in Aurora's head pointed out, she deserves that. She is too young to have ever hurt us, and, really, too young to have ever hurt anyone. She doesn't deserve this.

Images flashed through Aurora's head, and she realised with horror that they were the scenes playing through Melinda's mind: A tortured childhood on the streets of Coruscant, time as an Assassin, Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, her master, and the young man now confronting Kotor Ami. A kiss.

Suddenly, time seemed to revert to a more normal speed. A flash of red light hit the haloblade, not destroying it as the firer had planned, but knowcking it off course. The front of the blaster was sheared off.

Aurora was vaguely aware that there were other people in the room, but they seemd hazy and unimportant. Kotor spiked the pit of rage in her, and she stared at the girl with renewed hatred. No more taunts now, no more circling, no more verbal repetoire.

Aurora ran straight at the girl and apast her, jumped, dug her feet against the console (breaking a few vital instruments in the process) and flipped over backwards, landing where Melinda had stood a split second previously. She did this without the force relying on her own native talents.

She slid abruptly into a box spilt, her legs out on ether side, as a high kick snapped over her head. She scissored her legs around and caught the girl's toher leg, astill grounded, between them, pulling her to the floor.

Melinda was on her feet before even Aurora was, and0 Aurora knew that if she kept up this way she would lose.

Aurora grabbed a pendant around her neck and drew on the force. Her hair streamed out as if she'd just grabbed a pair of electric wires, and her eyes light up. Now, she let herself into the force as only she knew how, the power she had been taught to utilise and wield visible even to the blind, heard even by the deaf, felt even by the numb.

When Aurora jumped this time, she planted her feet on the ceiling to launch herself at the girl.

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Riista moved forward again, although she herself was tiring, her double bladed lightsaber was tireing Jay a lot. Jay kicked out and knocked Riista over, as the lightsaber flew out of her hands, Jay caught it with the Force, twirled it around a bit for show, sensing his victory, and then threw it out through the transparisteel window that overlooked a large docking bay.

"Surprise" Riista said, as she revealed an identical weapon.

"What the?" Jay thought, realising he was mistaken What had clouded my judgment he thought, although in his mind he knew what. I can't let my feelings betray my master.

Clearly annoyed he reached to his belt and unclipped the second lightsaber he carried. It was slightly smaller than the other one he had, and the blade was yellow-gold in colour.

Even though he had two individual sabers, as one of her blades retreated, the other one whirled around threatening to catch him if he wasn't careful.

The it happened. He drove Riista's attaking blade back, and mis-timed his defending arm, and felt a burning pain cut into his leg. He didn't fall though, it couldn't have gone deep. If I had been a fraction of a second later with that block, I would probably be dead right now/

In his anger, Jay used the Force to rip a computer console off the wall and threw it fast at Riista. She quickly jumped backwards out of the way, and Jay flung it upwards, leaving a gaping hole in the ceiling.

As Riista brought her saber up at him, Jay slammed down with both of his lightsabers, and she pulled back, and thrusted forward again, this time the four blades locked in deadly pairs of pure energy.

I can't do this Jay thought. The thought had come from nowhere, or a place in his body he had not yet discovered. It's too late now he thought. Wait. No it's not. He relaxed his arms a bit, and felt himself falling backwards onto the ground. He realised that he no longer held either of his lightsabers. He closed his eyes and felt Riista's presense much clearer. He heard the humming sound of Riista's lightsaber very close to his face.

As his eyes opened he saw Riista standing over him. "Why Jay?" She said. he couldn't answer her.

As he lay there he noticed small pieces of durasteel falling from the hole in ceiling above where he and Riista were.

"NO!" he yelled, and reached out with the Force and pushed Riista back as fast as he could.

Riista flew back as Jay dissapeared under a cloud of dust and durasteel.

Riista stood up and looked over at the pile of rubble that was covering Jay.

"You saved my life" she said.

"And you saved mine" Jay replied, coughing heavily.

"I have to get help" Riista said. He just tried to kill me She thought Why should I help him

"Can't you go into a healing trance or something."

"I didn't..." he coughed again, it was obviously painful to even speak "...learn healing..." he coughed again and lay still.

"Jay?" Riista asked.

She went over to Jay and checked his pulse. He was still alive, and still breathing. I've got to help him.

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