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NJO: Destiny's Way

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Tahiri Veila Solo69

Hello everyone! i am new here and i just read your forum. Miss Rogue, i wholeheartly agree with bringing back Anakin and it wouldn't be cheesy. Thank you for your time.

Tahiri Veila Solo69 :D

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Hey! Another Tahiri! Nice to meet you, and you can just call me Rogue.

hey, drop by my cantina for a drink....once it's fixed....it just got bombarded by missiles last night...lol don't ask.


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Admiral Daala

:party: i hope its a good book

cadet 4

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Corran Horn

Anakin cant come back, because he was burnt to a toast ( I hate being the bearer of bad news). Unless of course Kameno (sp) cloners started on cloning an army of Anakins. Which I doubt. Besides bring Anakin back would be realy, realy, realy cheesey. I mean come on, it was cheesey enough killing the poor kid. Oh and I hope it is a good book to.

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Is it DW that is supposed to be the HUGE! book, because I heard somewhere that there was a book coming out that was going to be big - even compared to SbS, which is a pretty big book as far as SW novels go.

No DW is not the huge book. It's about 150-200 pages shorter than SBS. It would have been longer if they left the e-book Yelsia(sp) in there.

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Wow... this topic pre-dates the forum upgrade, and the book still isn't released. Yet.

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*disclaimer* If you don't want to know who the two characters in DW who die cover your ears and turn away. 'Cuz here I go.

Drum roll please...

Vergere &

Admiral Ackbar.

You can cry/shout/whine/scream/curse/hit something now.

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To be honest... that doesn't surprise me...

The one has lived longer than they should have anyway, and the other has been defying the odds since before the OT.

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Yeah. I actually don't mind them going out I guess. I mean when you think about it they're pretty old. It's their time to go. (I just wanted to see more of Vergere before she went out. I really enjoyed her character in Traitor.)

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Most of the Alliance figureheads are gone now... Who's left now? Just Leia, isn't it?

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I think so. I can't think of anyone else still alive.

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I just found out that Ackbar doesn't die (the person who told me so lied...or at least mislead me so that I wouldn't be spoiled :mad: ) but I did mange to find out the people who *really* dies. And yes, Vergre is still one of them. Here's a link if you want to find out who dies and major plot spoilers.


*sigh* They killed off some great characters! Why? :cry:

Also this reveiw scares me. I mean I'm really looking forward to DW because so much has happened in the NJO. I know that WJW (the author of DW) had turned his book in before the previous 4 paperbacks were turned in (Dark Journey - Traitor) and because of that some things in those 4 paperbacks are ignored. *shrug* Oh, well. I'm still getting DW in hardback this week and I will judge it for my self. Until then enjoy the reveiw, children. :p

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I don't like the way they mention "Planet of Twilight" and "The Crystal Star"...


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Okay now that review is just plain scary.

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It could be worse, they could have compared it to Jar Jar...


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lol... actually, I'm not too bugged. This is just on guy's opinion. And what he complained about mostly was not being abl to follow where it was going, so maybe he's just not reading deply enough. Plus, I thought Planet of Twilight was alright. Children of the jedi was dull, but POT wasn't that bad IMO...

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Master MJade

i'm going to try and get the book this weekend

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I'm halfway through DW, and I think that it's nothing like the guy describes it! I love it.

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Master MJade

i need DW RS RD

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DW arrived today, I haven't read much of it yet, and I'll be out getting drunk tomorrow..... so I might not finish it until sometime next week...

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DW was awesome. It only took me 7 1/2 hours to read and even though I didn't like the way Jaina was portrayed a few times, I still thought that it was a great book.

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I just finished it. The book isn't bad at all. It's nothing like they said in the reveiw. (although they did give some spoilers out :p )

Anyway I really like the itching scene. LOL The Vong deserve it. I also think that Shimmra's character is very cool. I hope he fights a Jedi *cough*Jacen*cough* before the war is over. It would be awesome to see. So what do you guys think will happen to Nom Anor now? Like where will he go and what will he do?

I really, really, really enjoyed Kyp's reaction to Luke's statement on aggression. :p It was priceless! :rofl:

I'm also glad that Jacen is back. I'm very interested in what his destiny happens to be. I can't wait to see how it turns out. I also liked the force lighting he used. That was cool. :D

Well I got to go now. I'm quite sleepy. :wave:


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Master MJade

i couldn't find it. :( found SBS PB :) so not a total waste

is DW HardCover or PaperBack?

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I can't believe that after all these years, they STILL get the length of a Super Star Destroyer wrong...

They should not mention it if nobody is sure what it really is...

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Jeez.. I don't think I'v got to that bit yet... I figured out where Ylesia fit into the story (betweem chapts 21-22) so I'm reaading that now...

But everyone knows it's 8km... An ISD is 1.6km

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