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Hmm, I'm a little worried that if this goes ahead, what happens to automated emails such as newsletters, confirmation messages, or Admin notices that are normally sent out en-mass or by using web-based email scripts?

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Well.. I doubt that they'll target small, minor internet sites. They'll probably being targetted at these companies who make their living on mass e-mails.

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Radioactive Isotope

no more spam? YAY! :D

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It's about time, even though now that Christmas is over, maybe spam will slow some

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I keep getting all those Paypal emails. It was amusing at first because I don't even have paypal, but they're the only spam I get and I'm still getting them daily and, well, I don't have paypal. ::bemused::

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Hmmm...sounds interesting. Of course, there could be a system in which "approved e-mail addresses" could be accepted without the delay (Say for newsletters, confirmation messages, or Admin notices, as beeurd said)

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Eldar Galadhon

I get spam for perscriptions, mortgages, credit cards, etc.. Those are annoying!

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Radioactive Isotope

as well as ads for enlargements to assets one may or may not have :roll:

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  MsSolo said:
I keep getting all those Paypal emails. It was amusing at first because I don't even have paypal, but they're the only spam I get and I'm still getting them daily and, well, I don't have paypal. ::bemused::

block them.

as well as ads for enlargements to assets one may or may not have 

wow.. that's the second time you've said that joke and that's the second time I didn't laugh. :p

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Eldar Galadhon

  Lady Eowyn said:
as well as ads for enlargements to assets one may or may not have :roll:

LOL! :rofl:

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Bad furday

So.....if I show up at JM's house and ask to inspect her assets, I presume I'll be smacked, thwacked, and whacked, all while standing on the doorstep! :p :lol:

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Eldar Galadhon

I think you forgot one.... kicked! :nutty:

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  Eldar Galadhon said:
I think you forgot one.... kicked! :nutty:

Nah.. Doesn't have the same 'acked' to it.. And I doubt he'll be 'kacked' out, on the door.. but for hygene reasons I really hope it doesn't happen..

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Radioactive Isotope

  Bad ?urday said:
So.....if I show up at JM's house and ask to inspect her assets, I presume I'll be smacked, thwacked, and whacked, all while standing on the doorstep! :p:lol:

that about sums it up. :lol: wow, Furday, you're smarter than you look :p

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I don't know if you'll want to whack him JM

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Radioactive Isotope

hmmm. you may be right, Prin. wounded pride has always been more my style ;)

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Bad furday

Ah...I suppose that doing the last one would be cause enough to have the police book the Wook on charges of Indecent (what is this word, Indecent?! :p ) Exposure! :lol::lol: :p

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Radioactive Isotope


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*ahem* *dusts off modly whip*

Back on topic! All of ye! :p

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*shockdies* Wow, CorSec actually acting Modly

Spam in the place where I live (ham and pork)

Think about nutrition, wonder what's inside it now (oh boy)

Spam in my luchbox at work (it's the best)

Really makes a darn good sandwhich any way you slice it at all

If you're running low, go to the store

Carry some money to help you buy more

The tab is there to open the can

The can is there to hold in the spam

Oh, spam on the table at home (ham and pork)

Think about selection, are there different flavors now (let's eat)

Spam in my office at work (it's the best)

Think about the stuff its made from, wonder if it's mystery of meat

If you need a spoon, keep one around

Carry a thermose to help wash it down

Now, if there's some left, don't just throw it out

Use it for spackle or bathroom grout, now

Spam in my pantry at home (have some more)

Think of expiration, better read the lable (oh boy)

Spam breakfast, dinner, or lunch (it's the best)

Think about how it's been precooked, wonder if I'll just eat it cold

Now, once you start in, you can't put it down

Don't leave it sitting or it'll turn brown

The key is going to open the tin

The tin is there to keep the spam in

Oh, spam (spam)

Ham and pork

Think about nutrition, wonder what's inside it now (oh boy)

Spam (spam)

It's the best

Really makes a darn good sandwhich any way you slice it

Spam in the place where I live (have some more)

Think about addiction, wonder if I'm a junkie now (let's eat)

Spam in the place where I work (you're obsessed)

Think about the way it's processed, wonder if it's some kind of meat

Spam in the back of my car (ham and pork)

Spam any place that you are (ham and pork)

The tab is there to open the can (spam any place that you are) (ham and pork)

The can is there to hold in the spam (spam any place that you are) (ham and pork)

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