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I know I shouldn't say it, but I do have a hard time taking him seriously

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Uncle Du

And does Nat's job description specifically say that she has to be certified?

As far as I know, no. She wasn't when she got hired.

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She should ask for a copy of her job description. BEFORE they have a chance to change it

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Good luck with the case Du, I hear taking an employer to court isn't as easy over there as it is here.

Finally got a date for my nerve conduction study... 29th July. So much for a couple of weeks waiting list, that's more like a month... :roll:

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Beeurd, I suggest that you call the place that's going to be doing it and ask if they have a cancellation list and that if someone cancels, then you'd like to have their spot.

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Yeah, I've gone through hell tryign to get on medication for my ADD. I got to the psychiatrist, only to be told my insurance is saying I'm not on the policy. Get that straightened out, go back, and he won't give me anything because I have a family history of heart problems (my dad died from a heart problem) and ADD meds can cause you to have a heart attack. So, he tells I'll need an EKG first to make sure my heart is good enough. I get to the doctor for that, find out my insurance ewoked up AGAIN, so I went ahead and paid out of pocket. Everything checked out, but I'm too broke to go back to the psychiatrist.

But socialized medicine is evil because our system is so great. :rolleyes:

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Uncle Du

Our entire healthcare system is based off of profit. F-in money grubbin' b******s.

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Beeurd, I suggest that you call the place that's going to be doing it and ask if they have a cancellation list and that if someone cancels, then you'd like to have their spot.

Hmm, I've never heard of such a thing but I guess it's worth a try.

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Uncle Du

So a little more on this saga, Nat printed out her employee record today, and that company is just doing more and more to shoot themselves in the foot. For one, she's only ever had ONE employee review while she's worked there. Also, she's NEVER had a negative remark, and her pay history will show that there is absolutely no reason for any of this. So, our case gets stronger by the day.

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Eeeeeeexcellent. :D:evil:

Here's to Du and his wife suing the company so badly that they can retire to the Bahamas where they will spend their days alternately playing golf with rich snooty types and boredly lounging around the pool and banging the occasional pool boy (That's right, in this scenario they have an underground pool despite the fact that they live on an island widely regarded to have outstanding beaches.)! Cause if that isn't the goddamned American Dream, then I don' know what the hell is!

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Du and a pool boy?

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Have you ever heard of a pool girl?


I did not think that you had.

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He is a sailor after all, it could happen :p

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Uncle Du

Eeeeeeexcellent. :D:evil:

Here's to Du and his wife suing the company so badly that they can retire to the Bahamas where they will spend their days alternately playing golf with rich snooty types and boredly lounging around the pool and banging the occasional pool boy (That's right, in this scenario they have an underground pool despite the fact that they live on an island widely regarded to have outstanding beaches.)! Cause if that isn't the goddamned American Dream, then I don' know what the hell is!

If we get that much money, I'll say to hell with the Bahamas, and just finance a GB meet to celebrate. :D

Du and a pool boy?


Wouldn't have even caught it if you hadn't said anything.

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Radioactive Isotope

If we get that much money, I'll say to hell with the Bahamas, and just finance a GB meet to celebrate. :D

w00t! someplace with a beach, yes? :D

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Uncle Du

w00t! someplace with a beach, yes? :D

You know it! How about Myrtle? ;)

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Bad furday

Someone's going to have to keep me away from those sun bathers. Oh wait...D and I will probably chat them up :p

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Life feels absolutely beyond my control right now. I'm caught in this vicious circle I can't get out of, and am living my life on autopilot. The problem is that the autopilot is flying me right into the ground.

At the moment, my weekly schedule follows this exact pattern. I can't sleep Sunday night and so stay awake until about 5 in the morning, in time to get about 2 hours of sleep before waking up to make the 9:52 train to Boston. I can't catch anymore sleep on the train, sometimes because I'm feverishly working on homework I didn't finish last night, but mostly I just find myself unable to sleep. A few subway stops later, I find myself at the main campus building, a full hour before class. I try to kill this hour as much as possible by walking rather than take a bus or subway to my class, which is a full mile away at a theater that screens independent films. I walk not to enjoy the fresh air or to exercise, but just to kill time, because I have absolutely nothing else to do with my life. Most things I do in my life is to kill time, which is pathetic. Like I'm slowly trying to drag death closer. Cheery thoughts aside, I still make it to class a whole half hour early but I take my seat and read or listen to music, occasionally talking with some people, but usually not, waiting for my one friend in the class to arrive. The class is three hours long, and then I once again walk back to the main campus and then hop on a subway. This beside the fact that there's literally a subway stop right outside the theater. Again, killing time. Arriving back at the train station around 2:30, I then try to kill time until my 3:45 train. What I'm trying to illustrate is that I have a 3+ hour commute interrupted by a 3+ hour class. My life force has been sucked out of me by this point, and by the time I stumble back into my car at the final station I can barely keep my eyes open. Clearly the best time to be driving. I finally make it home around 5:45 and promptly collapse into my bed, unable to stay awake a second longer, and I might as well be greeted by the soft embrace of my comforter than hardwood floor. I wake up around 9 or 10 at night, after not nearly enough time spent sleeping. I did get enough sleep to prevent me from sleeping further though.

Tuesday follows much the same schedule, except I have to make the 6:45 train to get to a 9:00 class. So I don't get to fall asleep at 5:00 AM and get those few extra hours of sleep before school. This means I'm even deader when I crawl into bed around 3:45.

Wednesday follows the same schedule as Monday, except my nap is cut short around 7:30 because I have an improv show at 9:00-11:00 that, while not being a member, I still get to participate in, and don't I need as much practice as I can get. I then stay after and hang out with the cast, who kind of but don't quite accept me. I mean, they generally like me but not enough for me to feel entirely included. I hang out with them, sometimes until 2 or even 3 in the morning, just standing on the city street talking until they either slip away to find a bar (which, being the underage kid, I hinder them from) or they finally call it a night. I come home and still can't sleep until around 5, but no more classes for the rest of the week.

Thursday and Friday, which should be spent at least trying to get some progress done are spent in a malaise where I sit at the computer and hate my life, and I'm just too tired or burnt out from the beginning of the week to do anything with my life. Until the same improv group's 11:00-1:00 Friday night. Again, I hang out with them until 2 or 3 before going home and finally collapsing asleep around 5.

Saturday is another one of those numb days where I'd like to do something with my life, but I'm in zombieland autopilot the rest of the day.

Sunday is spent in the same numbness until 4:00, when I go to another troupe's improv workshop, and then I stage manage them at 7:30-8:30. After that we go out to dinner and I get to feel like a black sheep for another couple of hours before heading home and waiting for the hell to being again on Monday.

If you're still with me I both applaud your diligence and question your sanity. Basically my rant is that I'm stuck in this vicious circle where I'm too tired to focus on anything in life (save improv, which is more an activity to save my soul and maintain my grip on reality than anything), least of all school, which I am badly BADLY failing as a result. This is what is happening every ewoking week, day by day, on repeat. And it's killing me.

My one ray of hope (HOPE!) was that I'd be getting an apartment in Boston next semester, cutting out the 15+ hours of commuting a week (I'll be taking 5 classes in the fall, even though I can't handle 3 this semester.) But even though he mentioned going apartment searching only a few weeks ago, it turns out that last week he got one with another friend, one that just so happens to be the next city away from where I'm living now. He's actually moved farther away from the school than he lived before. This extinguishes my one ray of hope. That is it. I'll now spend an additional year of the s*** you read about up there. Until I flunk out, I mean.

I just don't know what the ewok to do. These are the ewoking college years. They're supposed to be the best of my life. I'm barely living at all. Everything's gone to hell. I can't take this s*** anymore. What the ewok am I supposed to do?

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The campus doesn't have a residence? You can't find a student house near the campus? Those may not be the ideal since you would be living with complete strangers off the bat but, really, it's better than the commute.

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They share dorms with a bigger school. But it's too expensive. :(

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Financial aid?

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I am SOOOO not amused with what they're doing with Desperate Housewives!! I just started watching season 5 and I am BEYOND pissed off!!

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Financial aid?

Squatting? :p

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Financial aid?

Squatting? :p

That's so late 1970s. :p

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