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Random Rant and venting thread for general or specific rage

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Don't make him spell "Schumacher" in this state.

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Yes, that would have ended very poorly. But it was worth it.

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dear snowstorm.

i hate you.


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Uncle Du

I hate rain on Christmas more.

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um...make that rain AND snow.

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Uncle Du

ALL the damn snow is going now. Pissed.

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James the Defender

Same here

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We just got a sith ton of rain and wind here.

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  On 12/26/2009 at 9:03 PM, Du said:

ALL the damn snow is going now. Pissed.

Here too. Sucks cause I need to film something in the snow soon.

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Uncle Du

We better get one helluva blizzard sometime this year.

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It's snowing here right now

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James the Defender

I wish it was here...part of my backyard is flooded from all the rain/melting snow.

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i hope my car isn't frozen shut for the second day in a row...

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I think I'd rather it snowed here right now than the icky cold rain that's making everything slippery :/

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Uncle Du

Something sparked inside of me when I saw this said earlier today, and Prinny, this is in NO way directed towards you, it's just that I've heard it tossed around a lot lately, namely by the people who have grown up and lived out their lives in this one area.

...sometimes something is better than nothing.

This is usually preceded by the word "but", mainly due in part to the fact that I make a really good argument when it comes to anything, and arguing with me in person can be a scary thing for some people. (I get really passionate) :p

There is one thing that really comes to mind when I hear this, and to me, it always sounds like compromise. I used to wonder how people could just sit around and live their lives in one small place and never venture out from underneath their rock. It always seemed really boring to me. Indeed, it's why I left Upstate NY. I didn't want to end up that way. But what I see from the "small town" mentality, is that people get so comfortable, and they're so scared of venturing out, that they settle for whatever they can find. Because to them, something is better than nothing. Well ewok THAT. It's NOT better if it doesn't really make you happy. People really have them selves fooled into believing that they're happy. Well how the hell can you know if you don't ever venture out, and see what lies beyond?! Have a beer with breakfast, do things that other people are afraid to do, things of that nature! I have! And I know that there is SO MUCH MORE out there than what you can see right in front of you!

I might be a little more keyed up on the whole matter right now, because I'm currently reading Walden by Thoreau, and in the very first chapter, economy, he speaks of watching his fellow townsmen, toiling away in their fields, that have been passed down to them over the ages. There has never been a question as to what they will do. In his words, they have been indentured to this land since before they were born. I believe he was speaking quite literally on the matter, but I know that he also meant it metaphorically. Everyone has become a slave to what they think society wants from them. I know I have. And I've "been around". I've seen places others never will, and I've seen how well off I really am living, and being who I am.

So no, I will never settle. Not when I know there is better out there. I know that for me, in my situation, it's because of where I live, and that there is nothing here that caters to my specific skill set. I pretty much knew this when I got out. And what I do know is that there are opportunities for me elsewhere. I'll more than likely be headed some where else so I can have a good job. I don't really know what that means for the future of my relationship with my wife, but shouldn't the people you love, want you to be happy with what you do? No matter where it is?

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Bad furday

*applauds* Uncle Du...your post has so inspired me, I'm going to go have a glass of wine.....and it's not even 11am yet! :D

Also..that's why I'm job searching in California, and Nevada...they're NOT here, and they don't have that Ny weather ( which makes me never want to go outside) or that upstate NY mentality ( You cannot have an intellectual conversation with these people...really) and moving far far away will give me the best opportunity to start completely over. New place, new job, new me. :D

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Uncle Du

LOL! Cheers! ;)

Good luck in finding a job elsewhere. Cali is more expensive but it's so nice there. San Diego is an awesome city. A buddy of mine is living outside of Phoenix right now, and he says it's not too bad.

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Considering that we've had that same conversation a couple of times already, no offense is taken Du.

I don't really know what that means for the future of my relationship with my wife, but shouldn't the people you love, want you to be happy with what you do? No matter where it is?

Love shouldn't come with a set of circumstances

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Uncle Du

Exactly my point. It almost seems like there was some invisible prenup that I didn't know about which meant that I had to stay here to be married to her. It's agonizing because I love her so much, but I know that I cannot stay here and provide for my family the way that I want. We've discussed everything in length, and we both agree that we could probably use some separation from each other, even though we know it's going to be really hard on both of us. I just want her to see that if she trusts me, I can provide a good life for us, no matter where we are. Well, except here. There's a reason there are so many steeler fans around the US, it's 'cause they're the smart ones and got the hell outta here.

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I'm sorry that you have to go through that. I know how it is a little though because the economy here in Michigan is so crappy. I know I can get a job anywhere in the US at any hospital (Except Florida and California because I'd have to get licensed there) yet now I'm thinking of putting myself through the most grueling schooling ever.

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Uncle Du

If it's what you really wanna do, do it. So often we get caught up what others want us to do, we eventually start believing that it's what we want to do.

The things that you own, end up owning you. Just thought about that line from Fight Club. So true.

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I understand all that, and maybe this isn't exactly on the same topic. I want to do something that makes me happy, too. But, I also understand that in order to do that, you also have to be smart about it.

I mean, I want to be a writer; I have since I was 11 or so. And I know that in order to do that, I need to have another job, another means of earning a living. Because I will not automatically make a $1 million book deal the first time around. Because I also love having a roof over my head and food to eat, and I won't sacrifice those needs and wants in order to live my dream. Honestly, I do love writing, but I'm not sure I would actually be entirely happy and satisfied if I was living in a van down by the river because I couldn't afford a decent place to live.

A house IS something, and it IS better than not having a house. Or food. Or clothing. Or other basic necessities.

I have a job, and I write on the side. Maybe not as much as I should be or want to be, but I am. And, yes, sometimes my job can be a pain, but there are good days, too.

There is something to be said for planning ahead.

The same goes for buying my own house. I know I cannot just go out there right now and say, "I want a house!" and just get it. I need money for it. I need a decent down payment. I don't want a ginormous monthly mortgage payment. I know I won't be able to afford the 'house of my dreams' in the few years and probably never will. But that's not stopping me from saving up money to move out of my parents' place and finally get my own home.

And maybe it's just the way I was raised, to be sensible about things. To not go around pleasing yourself when there are more important things at stake. Material goods are only good for so long. Everyone is always "me, me, me" without ever thinking about other people. Their family, their friends. I would love to move somewhere else, but I also know that I would never be able to do that, emotionally. I'm just so settled in this area, and I do love it, too. I don't think I could ever survive being more than an hour from my family base.

I might have pleased my current physical needs by doing what I wanted, but everything else, social, emotional, spiritual, would have suffered. I really don't think that losing all that is worth it for temporary gratification.

And I think I got off topic there, haha.

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Oh my god, the paperwork for long term disability is obnoxious! They want to know all the jobs that I've held for the past 15 years

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James the Defender

I am applying for short term and even this seems like a hassle.

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I just had to pull out an entire skein of yarn that I'd made into a scarf because I screwed it up. Bah

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