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Eh, our counseling system kind of sucks here. As I understand it, you get ten one hour meetings with the counselor and then they refer you to an actual therapist. Who I'm guessing the school doesn't pay for.

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Bad furday

I want there to be a late night show hosted by Conan O'Brien...where Andy Richter and Ricky Gervais are regular comentators. :D Last night's Conan = hilairous.

Whitney Cummings is sexy :shifty:

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Uh, Furday, I think you posted in the wrong thread :p

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Chicken, there's got to be a College Democrats or something like that on campus that would interest you.

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It's a really, really small campus. I've hear a rumor about an improv club starting, but don't know if it's true. Then there's lime a school newspaper and some other things here or there, but not much. It's a pretty small school.

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  On 1/14/2010 at 5:06 AM, Chickenman said:

Eh, our counseling system kind of sucks here. As I understand it, you get ten one hour meetings with the counselor and then they refer you to an actual therapist. Who I'm guessing the school doesn't pay for.

What college are you at? PM if you want. I can get you hooked up. Trust me on this. At the very least, I can get my department (I'm in psych, remember) to look-up your go-to counselor.

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I finished my long-term disability paperwork tonight. I plan on sending it certified so that they have to sign for it. Wish I could send it postage due.

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  On 1/14/2010 at 7:27 PM, Chickenman said:

It's a really, really small campus. I've hear a rumor about an improv club starting, but don't know if it's true. Then there's lime a school newspaper and some other things here or there, but not much. It's a pretty small school.

You're in Boston, right? One in five people in the city is a college student. You'll find something, my friend. It's a great city, I've got friends there and I've never heard a bad word. Even if the club/meeting doesn't necessarily interest you, go to it. You'll meet all kinds of people, and ultimately that's what matters. Connections lead to more connections.

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Today hath sucketh muchly

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I tore apart 10 hours worth of knitting today. I keep screwing up whatever I'm working on.

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have you tried the knitting wheels? my mom has one and i really like using it to make scarves and hats...and socks...and slippers...

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I made my aunt a cast toe cover on one of the circle looms. Then my other aunt pulled on the end of it and ruined it. I like working with the homespun yarn on those though because you only have to work with one strand at a time.

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James the Defender

Crochet instead :p

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Uncle Du

Build models. ;) :p

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Bad furday

Build something advanced out of Legos :p

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Uncle Du

Ahhhh, I wish I knew where all my old Legos were.

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  On 1/22/2010 at 2:19 PM, James the Defender said:

Crochet instead :p

Don't know how. Yet...

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James the Defender

  On 1/22/2010 at 5:23 PM, Princess said:

  On 1/22/2010 at 2:19 PM, James the Defender said:

Crochet instead :p

Don't know how. Yet...

My wife prefers to crochet over knit. She says knitting takes a lot longer.

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Radioactive Isotope

Crochet also takes less coordination since you're working with only one needle.

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James the Defender


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Bleh. If it can't be made by children in a Sri Lankan sweat shop, I don't want it. :p

(Kidding, obviously)

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Uncle Du

But fricken hilarious. ;)

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On top of everything else right now, thanks to the paperwork getting lost somewhere, I don't have health insurance right now. Apparently, it's perfectly legal for a company to keep you as an employee for a year on a medical leave of absence but after 6 months they can stop paying for your insurance and make you get COBRA. I called Monday to the HR department and got the voicemail of the person in charge of leaves of absence and when I got up today she still hadn't called me back so I called again around noon and her phone went immediately to voicemail. She finally called me back after 4pm today and said that they notified the benefits center on Jan 6 and that the paperwork was sent out so I needed to contact the benefits center.

I've had the biller at the pain specialist's office try to cancel my appointment twice because I don't have insurance any more. I can't get new appointments or tests ordered because they can't verify that I have insurance and this stuff is expensive and I can't afford to pay for it out of pocket. Why does everything have to be so complicated?

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Uncle Du

Just remember, if Obama's healthcare plan goes through it won't be complicated ANY MORE!!!

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