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Random Rant and venting thread for general or specific rage

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Uncle Du

I hate when officials decide games: referees, umpires, and any others who make sure a team loses of their own volition or because they missed an OBVIOUS and BLATANT call! Rutgers deserves better! :mad:

Holy crap, that was HORRENDOUS!! My boys from the 'Cuse SHOULD have been playing Rutgers. Horrible sportsmanship from that douche throwing the ball too, the kid should have been suspended for the remainder of the season.


Thieves SUCK.

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Jake Durron

Ok... new rant some of the same old sith.

So My boss... who is a family member, decided to tell me that as of Memorial Day I no longer have a job so she can give my job to this ignorant ewoking ghetto bitch who works there. The same bitch who REFUSES to work for anyone, or come in and cover emergencies, and can't speak a single sentence correctly if a gun was to her head. Seriously... (WARNING: This may be offensive to some)

You're more likely to get the Pope to suck a dick on national television with a condom on

than have her come in and cover for someone... even if say oh... Willis gets a call his dad was found dead. Nope! Won't come in or help out at all for the next three days he is gone!

I may not be the most energetic worker at the center, but by god at least I'm reliable, professional and can speak ewoking English with some degree of success. I have worked my ass off for this job for FOUR ewoking years while getting treated worse than others to dispel any accusations of nepotism and haven't had but a 25 cent raise in all that time; and all I get is a gee thanks, you're terminated as of this date, in order to let this ignorant stain work. She's already admitted that she won't work there full time for more than six months cause she can't handle it and the minute winter comes around I KNOW she's going to be trouble because she REFUSED to come in EVERY SINGLE GOD DAMNED TIME it snowed! EVEN IF IT DIDN'T FREAKING STICK TO THE GROUND!

I of course covered her ass EVERY TIME and now, when my dad is having surgery for a dialysis shunt she won't trade days with me so I can take care of him! To make it worse, I have to take my two days of paid vacation I get a year to stay home to take care of him, so I get no vacation time AT all even though I'm EXPECTED to work for her and Willis for their vacations... oh and they get more days than me, even though I've worked there longer than she has. WTF

TO TOP IT OFF: I can't look for a job now, without ewoking up family relations because She's flat out said (the stain, not the boss) that she will not start working full time, even if given two weeks notice, until Memorial Day... but she won't wait a day after either. So I have to work there until, and can't have but a couple weeks to hopefully find employment cause I can't quit without making the boss angry for leaving her in a bind until then!

I've had three rounds of antibiotics but STILL can't fully shake off this bronchitis, any weight loss I had achieved has been regained, my knees are hurting again and I'm exhausted all the time just trying to keep up with work! Not to mention my mother is DETERMINED I'm not trans cause I didn't tell her as a toddler and kids ALWAYS tell their parents when they're toddlers... so according to her, I just hate myself and always have and its just because I'm fat and previous boyfriends have rejected me and if I talk to a shrink I'll magically agree with her that I just need a devoted partner and a better body in order to be happy in life.

THEN One of my best friends just told me that she has cancer

My sister is still on suicide watch

My mother is pissed because I'm not a ewoking bleeding heart liberal like her and say so publically on fb

And I still have to figure out how I'm going to raise money to move... meanwhile my family is very subtly making me feel like sith because my dad is going to be on dialysis starting in July and I'll be abandoning him.


ewok my life.

Seriously... I'm ewoking done. I can't take this sith anymore!

Edited by Princess
Sorry, some of the imagery was a little harsh for this forum

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*hugs* I really do think that you need to talk to someone professionally. I did it when I was sick, and it helped just to have someone to talk to that wasn't family and wasn't judging me.

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Uncle Du

Wow, that is un-ewokin-believable. At that point I think I would pretty say, ewok family. 25 cent raise in four years? That's someone taking advantage of the family aspect IMO. Because you're good enough to NOT say anything, people take advantage. ewok that. I have guns. Will travel.

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Ooooh! Oooh! Pick me!

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Jake Durron

AWWWW UNCLE DU!!!! *hugs* I've decided I'm just done with it all, I'll show up and do my job, but the moment I find a replacement I'm taking it... and if it requires less than two weeks notice... oh well! Screw it!

On a different note... anyone know some good manufacturer coupon sites?

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Uncle Du

I'm so sick of those people that you speak. The one getting your job I mean. The people that want something for nothing. That want to do the least, and get paid the most. The ones that never put forth any effort whatsoever to even go a LITTLE above and beyond. To try and better themselves. ewok them. It really pisses me the ewok off.

And speaking of guns, just got a new holster for nine. Inside the waistband, conceal carry. Oh yea.

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Jake Durron

I want to get my carry permit but I'm moving in literally two months so it isn't worth it. I want to get a bigger gun for carry too... I love my Ruger 22 for target practice but lets face it... It's a squirrel shooter. It's cool, I'm moving to New York the beginning of June and getting a higher paying job that's not even a tenth as stressful. Screw them all, they can have the screaming brats and strep throat!

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Uncle Du

I've got a Taurus 24/7 Pro 9mm. It's a full size 9, but it carries very well. I've heard the conceal carry permit is a lot harder to get in NY. I've never looked into it, but I think in the future, I would get my permit to carry there as well since that's where I'm from.

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Jake Durron

Oh screw carry permits... I want a permit just to have the damn thing in my house!!!

This is my prettiness!


Edited by Micah Durron

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James the Defender

In NJ, even to buy a pellet or BB pistol, we have to get a pistol permit. To carry a muzzleloader in the woods for hunting purposes we have to have our $75 firearms ID card...just to carry the rifle, not to purchase it. Laws in NJ are RIDICULOUS!!! We have awful laws! NJ sucks for hunters and firearm enthusiasts.

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Uncle Du

When I bought my pistol, there was a waiting period, but I don't have to have a permit to just have it in my house. That's just ridiculous!

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James the Defender

On the brighter side, I fired my new .22LR pistol yesterday! :D It's a great little pistol!

Here it is!

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Being English, I'm naturally allergic to guns.

Edited by Andy

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Uncle Du

That's just because you were raised to think guns are evil, lol.

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They are! ;)

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James the Defender

Du, see, he's brainwashed :p

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Guns aren't evil. It's just that your country has a higher ratio of people who would use them for evil.

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Uncle Du


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...or stupidity.



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"Really! I'm gonna be able to watch a couple of episodes of 24 and get my homework done. That's what two monitors are for!"

I wake up. Robert hasn't come to bed and he looks like a zombie in front of his computer. "Didn't do you homework."

"Eff no, the show was too good."

"Told you so."


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Bad furday

I did not care for The Jack Bauer Power Hour :p

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Uncle Du

I'm so ewokin' sick of devoting all my time to this job, and never seein' my kids.

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Bad furday

Poor Uncle Du!

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Uncle Du

Not goin' to work tomorrow. ewok em. Had a buddy screw me at work this evening, and I'm gonna show him what a real leader can do to raise a goddamned insurrection.

Sorry I only seem to be posting in this thread exclusively. I'm definitely in FML mode.

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