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Random Rant and venting thread for general or specific rage

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Jake Durron

Dear Roommates:

I understand that you graciously opened your home to me and we're good friends, but if you want me to "leave sith alone" when I clean, then maybe you should get off your lazy fat disgusting unshowered asses and clean your ewoking home. There is standing dust on the every surface including the walls and ceilings, your ferrets' cage smells disgusting and the bathroom smells like piss.

ewok you.


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I've had roommates like that.

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Do like I do: keep YOUR living space as immaculate as you want. I am turning into such a neat freak since I moved in with my in-laws.

Daniel and I took some time to clean the other evening. He goes downstairs to switch out some laundry and his mom goes, "What are y'all doing up there?"

Daniel looks confused. "Cleaning. Duh."

"Yeah, but why?"

Daniel (he's come so far in his training!) just stares at her as if she has suddenly sprouted chicken wings and donkey ears.

Daniel's dad: "Maybe they don't like living in a pig sty."

His mom: "Yeah but... why? Do y'all have like, friends coming over? Is it a special occasion?"

Daniel continues to stare.

His dad: "No really, Deb, I think they just don't like living in a pig sty."

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The smart one, his dad.

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Yeah, if it were up to him, this would be a nice neat house. He's former military. And he married a hoarder. I'm not sure he knew that she was a hoarder to begin with. I'd claim false advertising and bail, personally.

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Jake Durron

Hehehe I know the stare you speak about.

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I'm just so proud of Daniel for honestly not having a clue what she was confused about!

She still doesn't get it. The only time any of the carpets have been vacuummed since we've been here have been when I or Daniel has done it. We moved in late February.

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I'm mad at myself because I forgot to go pick up my lyrica prescription today and that makes it so that I can walk without being in pain and I'm out of it and the pharmacy is closed tomorrow

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:( No fun!

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Jake Durron

oy that sucks Prin!

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I'm mad at myself because I forgot to go pick up my lyrica prescription today

I thought that said "lycra prescription" for a second. :p

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I'm mad at myself because I forgot to go pick up my lyrica prescription today

I thought that said "lycra prescription" for a second. :p

Me too -_-

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Well I got it. I guess I've taken one too many psychopharmacology classes.

Crap. I want/need coffee but it requires washing a dish. :(

Edited by Pandora

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Yeah, I'm just praying that the weather stays beautiful like it is

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The movie theatre has the air conditioning set SUPER cold. My leg was doing good until I went and sat through green lantern. Now it's time for the heating pad I think

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Summer: The time you need to bring a sweatshirt to the movies. It's ridiculously arctic in there.

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Dear Mother-in-Law,

You are a narrow-minded, selfish fool. Just because you didn't come up with it does not mean that the idea is bad or invalid. You have no vision. Yeah, we all agree that your masters degree (just obtained at the young age of FIFTY) makes you INFINITELY smarter than everyone else in this house when it comes to freaking public health, but when it comes to anything useful, you're retarded. Your son will NEVER be happy working for someone else. EVER. Unlike most people that don't like having to answer to someone else, he actually has a drive and work ethic to build and flourish his own business. He understands the risks involved in two incomes coming from the same industry, but guess what? It's better than only one income coming in at all. Don't put down your son's dreams because they aren't the same as yours were. His are higher. His are greater. His will not land him in a house he can barely afford the mortgage on, working twelve hours a day for someone he doesn't like. I liked you better when you were swamped in school work and we barely spoke. Now that you have all this free time to attempt to control everyone elses' lives, I'm about to rip your throat out. I absolutely HATE living with you. I hate having to see you everday. You're going to have to figure out how to be supportive of your family or you will destroy what weak relationships you have left with them. Face it. You're going to be wrong. A LOT. I am running out of willpower to refrain from pointing it out to you all the time. Tell Daniel to keep doing what he's doing one more time and I will go off on you and it will be ugly. You don't grow without change. Shut up. You're stupid. I hate your face.


Really Should Have Checked Out My Husband's Family More Thoroughly Beforehand.

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Summer: The time you need to bring a sweatshirt to the movies. It's ridiculously arctic in there.

You should come here... You'd be lucky if they had air conditioning. And even luckier if they needed it. :p

Edited by beeurd

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Uncle Du

Dear Mother-in-Law,

You are a narrow-minded, selfish fool. Just because you didn't come up with it does not mean that the idea is bad or invalid. You have no vision. Yeah, we all agree that your masters degree (just obtained at the young age of FIFTY) makes you INFINITELY smarter than everyone else in this house when it comes to freaking public health, but when it comes to anything useful, you're retarded. Your son will NEVER be happy working for someone else. EVER. Unlike most people that don't like having to answer to someone else, he actually has a drive and work ethic to build and flourish his own business. He understands the risks involved in two incomes coming from the same industry, but guess what? It's better than only one income coming in at all. Don't put down your son's dreams because they aren't the same as yours were. His are higher. His are greater. His will not land him in a house he can barely afford the mortgage on, working twelve hours a day for someone he doesn't like. I liked you better when you were swamped in school work and we barely spoke. Now that you have all this free time to attempt to control everyone elses' lives, I'm about to rip your throat out. I absolutely HATE living with you. I hate having to see you everday. You're going to have to figure out how to be supportive of your family or you will destroy what weak relationships you have left with them. Face it. You're going to be wrong. A LOT. I am running out of willpower to refrain from pointing it out to you all the time. Tell Daniel to keep doing what he's doing one more time and I will go off on you and it will be ugly. You don't grow without change. Shut up. You're stupid. I hate your face.


Really Should Have Checked Out My Husband's Family More Thoroughly Beforehand.

I sure hope he at least listens to you....or does he listen to his mother more?

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Jake Durron

He's too smart for that.

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Du, that is the crucial question. No he listens to me. He merely has the patience to deal with her. He is certainly no mama's boy, never was. In the end, he's going to do what he's going to do, and she really has no bearing in that at all.

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Uncle Du

I'm glad you're at least with someone that isn't a mindless family drone. I feel sorry for people like that. And I definitely feel your pain with all that sith. My former mother in law had NO education, and some how still knew better than everyone about any topic ever. :p

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Seriously. I am going to end up on the news before this summer is over.

So Daniel's youngest brother Dale is away at camp, so it's just the four of us right now. We went out to dinner and treated them as a Father's Day gift for his dad. My mother-in-law, in her usual charm, made us listen to her complain about her job for an hour and a half...after she told Daniel he should keep working for someone else (see above).

Now there is a lot of traveling going on the next two weeks. I am leaving Friday for Tampa to help my grandmother move out of her apartment and they (Daniel included) are going to Oklahoma the weekend I'm coming back. This will leave a gap in the care of my cats until I get back to town. So I say I'll just have my mom come over and feed them for me Friday July 1st (they are leaving the 30th) and my mother-in-law freaked all out about it. So then she's like, well Drew and Kirsten (my brother-in-law and his girlfriend) can come stay a couple nights. Well they have a dog. She not only jumps the fence but FREAKING EATS CATS! Not that she's a bad dog, that's just a quirk she has. She is a no cats kinda dog. She cannot stay in this house with my cats! Therefore, Drew and Kirsten can't freaking stay over night!

Well Drew doesn't answer the phone when his mom calls him because he hates her and Kirsten won't come over by herself and doesn't have a ke and Drew's a lazy ass son of a-- ANYWAY....!!!

so like, explain to me why I can't have my mother feed my effing cats?!?!?

So my grandma has to be out of her apartment by June 30th, and they are leaving that night for OK, so I guess what I'll have to do is make sure Daniel puts out enough food to get them through the night and some of Friday and I will just have to drive straight in Thursday night --13 freaking hours - after moving a two bedroom apartment with only my dad to help with the lifting so that my cats don't go hungry. All because my BELOVED mother-in-law doesn't want my mom seeing how increadibly revolting her nasty ass house is. Trust me, my mom knows how bad it is. I bitch about it all the time to her!!!


So on our honeymoon, I found a t-shirt that says "I really should've looking into my husbands family more closely." She doesn't know I have it. I am about to make it my own personal freaking uniform.

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Uncle Du

If you ever find one that says "I should have looked into my ex-wife's family more closely", you gotta hook a brotha up.

You know, I read your stories, and while others might think, "That's unbelievable!" I shudder because of the memories it drags up lol. But seriously, I know your pain. I got really hung up trying to figure out the "why" when really, why would you want to understand it?! My take on things is that, if you're able to understand it, that means you're like that. Obviously, you guys are in a kinda different boat than I was, you know, like you're still together. And while I know that it sucks, at least it's not forever. Some day you'll be on your own, and all this bullsith will have made you both stronger. That being said, I do have some hollow points.... ;)

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Me too. Loaded in a 9 mm. Easily accessible. And 12 guage buck shot. LOTS of it.

Hmm. Now I feel like cleaning my Remmington in the living room.

*sighs* I know it's a temporary situation and it's seriously not as bad as it could be but even knowing that doesn't make it any less irritating. I'm so stressed out and on edge and depressed that I live with my freaking in-laws that I'm having the hardest time concentrating on what I need to do like studying for my insurance exam and working on summer research for school, all these things I need to accomplish to get the hell out of here.... *sighs*

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