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Random Rant and venting thread for general or specific rage

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Jake Durron

So I had a job, but the damn thing was a ewoking scam... Like Oh they sent me a check for nearly 3 grand which was my pay plus the money for the computer and games... The check was fake and he hasn't gotten back to me. Like the account was bad.

I also found out I have to pay to wash clothes at my house which nobody told me BEFORE I dragged a 70 lb suitcase of clothes down three flights of stairs, my computer has ewoking bit the dust, my car's check engine light is on, my roommates won't clean the house but yell at me if I try to, their ferrets smell horrible and they don't interact with them at ALL. The house has no central air and smells horrific, the landlord is scuzzy I have no way to pay my rent due in less than two weeks and my roommates are rude ass whores. I have 1/2 a tank of gas and enough food for four meals IF I stretch it out before i'm on water/slimfast for every meal and only two cans of powder to that. I have an interview for a job but it's an hour away from me so I gotta hope my car makes it and frankly at this point I'm waiting for the "you're being sued/car dying/hit by lighting/immaculate conception" news cause really? I'm not seeing a ewoking light at the end of the tunnel and I'm just waiting for the next god damn punch.

I'm also out of cigarettes which I really want right now, and my bitch of a roommate just informed me she thinks I'm an alcoholic and so seeing all the alcohol in the house was here before me, it's her's and I'm not to touch it.

Oh and the kicker is... I'd pay someone to just hug me, cause since I left Tennessee I haven't gotten so much as a handshake for touch. I know it sounds ridiculous... But I feel like some diseased disgusting person because it's almost like people are going out of their way to avoid touching me.

Edited by Jake Durron

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Uncle Du

Yup, got mine loaded in my Taurus 24/7 Pro, 9 mil. Haven't fired her in WAY too long. Could prolly use it for some release.

Found out today that I'm going to Seattle on July 5th, and my return flight isn't until the ewokin 22nd of December. It's gonna be a long five and a half months. :(

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Uncle Du

  On 6/21/2011 at 4:32 AM, Jake Durron said:

So I had a job, but the damn thing was a ewoking scam... Like Oh they sent me a check for nearly 3 grand which was my pay plus the money for the computer and games... The check was fake and he hasn't gotten back to me. Like the account was bad.

I also found out I have to pay to wash clothes at my house which nobody told me BEFORE I dragged a 70 lb suitcase of clothes down three flights of stairs, my computer has ewoking bit the dust, my car's check engine light is on, my roommates won't clean the house but yell at me if I try to, their ferrets smell horrible and they don't interact with them at ALL. The house has no central air and smells horrific, the landlord is scuzzy I have no way to pay my rent due in less than two weeks and my roommates are rude ass whores. I have 1/2 a tank of gas and enough food for four meals IF I stretch it out before i'm on water/slimfast for every meal and only two cans of powder to that. I have an interview for a job but it's an hour away from me so I gotta hope my car makes it and frankly at this point I'm waiting for the "you're being sued/car dying/hit by lighting/immaculate conception" news cause really? I'm not seeing a ewoking light at the end of the tunnel and I'm just waiting for the next god damn punch.

I'm also out of cigarettes which I really want right now, and my bitch of a roommate just informed me she thinks I'm an alcoholic and so seeing all the alcohol in the house was here before me, it's her's and I'm not to touch it.

Oh and the kicker is... I'd pay someone to just hug me, cause since I left Tennessee I haven't gotten so much as a handshake for touch. I know it sounds ridiculous... But I feel like some diseased disgusting person because it's almost like people are going out of their way to avoid touching me.

Boo! :(

Why did you go to Rochester?

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Jake Durron

Honestly because I was offered an escape. It was a way to get away from my family... I'm glad i'm away but this week really really makes me wish I hadn't.

Wish me luck I've got an interview in seven hours.

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You'll wow them, I'm sure. Good luck, hon. If you were in Rochester, MN instead of NY, I'd bethere to help ya :(

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Great, I need to find my ankle boot because I tripped over Charlie's tie out leash which is vinyl coated galvanized cable. I just caught my toes and flip flops, but I must've stepped wrong because now my ankle hurts

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Jake Durron

I got the job, will be traveling a lot lol

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Uncle Du

CONGRATS!!! What'cha gonna be doin??

And I know a guy in Rochester, where exactly are you living?

Prin, don't you have some sweet pain meds for that? ;)

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Jake Durron

Um Meigs St... Between Monroe and Clifton.

I'll be demonstrating and selling knives for Worldwide Cutlery at various Sam's and BJ's...

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  On 6/21/2011 at 10:16 PM, Uncle Du said:

CONGRATS!!! What'cha gonna be doin??

And I know a guy in Rochester, where exactly are you living?

Prin, don't you have some sweet pain meds for that? ;)

Yes, I do, but I went with the low key military special. Motrin 800

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Uncle Du

  On 6/21/2011 at 10:18 PM, Jake Durron said:

I'll be demonstrating and selling knives for Worldwide Cutlery at various Sam's and BJ's...


Like, are you actually in Rochester, or an outlying area? I'm not too familiar with the area really. I think my friend lives in Bridgeport or something?

  On 6/21/2011 at 10:19 PM, Princess said:

Yes, I do, but I went with the low key military special. Motrin 800

Still works. For me at least. Cause I never took it when I was in the military. :p

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Jake Durron

Ahh Brockport... It's about 20 mins away, yeah I live in the city.

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  On 6/21/2011 at 10:21 PM, Uncle Du said:

  On 6/21/2011 at 10:19 PM, Princess said:

Yes, I do, but I went with the low key military special. Motrin 800

Still works. For me at least. Cause I never took it when I was in the military. :p

I worked with a guy who was in the air force and he said that the military gave it out for everything

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Jake Durron

I made an awesome ass joke to my boss I got from Pandypod... I have a phd I'm poor, hungry and driven.

The boss didn't get it... He also thought I was like 32.

Oh well

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YAY!!! New job!!!!

My aunt and uncle are selfish control freaks. They are going to drag my grandmother away from me to their yankee hell hole over my dead body. Or theirs. Whichever comes first. Useless drunken morons. Called me tonight completely SMASHED. They think they're functional alcoholics but I can hear hear the booze. And they think I'm going to let them drive me and my grandma to Hooters for beer? NO EFFING WAY.

This crap ends. This weekend.

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Wipe them out.

All of them.

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Probably gonna.

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Jake Durron

If I'm in training I'll ups the shovel and be down Tuesday.

You could always feed em to gators!

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Uncle Du

Pigs. Like in Hannibal.

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But I'll be in Florida. I had considered taking a detour to the Tampa Bay bridge and shoving my aunt over the side...

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Jake Durron

There are gators in Florida!

If you throw her into water, make sure to cut off her thumbs and strip her naked first!

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Uncle Du

Definitely gators then. Actually, just dump her in the middle of the Everglades, no matter what ends up getting her, they'll never find a body. :p

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Dude, have you never seen CSI Miami? The gators never eat enough of the corpses before the cops find 'em, so they always get identified. :p

Edited by Ana

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Good thing I won't be in Miami, then. :p God I freaking HATE that show. They'd squint less if they'd just turn some damn lights on in the lab. :roll:

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Hey, idiot. Yeah, you in the blue Focus. You see that yield sign back there? That is why I was trying to pass you. You cut me off, twice, and then, decided to have your child wave at me as you braked hard. Have fun explaining the inappropriate hang sign (if you wanna know what it was, ask in the IC) I showed your kid.

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