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Inconsiderate. :roll:

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Jake Durron

*hugs prin*

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Jake Durron

Okay I get it, your parents were deadbeats, you had a sucky childhood, you (supposedly) sold yourself to support yourself, woe is you. Guess what sweetheart! You aren't the only person in the world who's had it rough! I get it, you think you're entitled and better than most people because you've been through sith and survived, but I've got a newsflash, you ain't as wonderful as you ewoking think! Get off your god damned high horse and examine life you stupid ewoking piece of trash! You are NOT god's gift to man, you are NOT high class, you are NOT more intelligent than everyone else. If you don't stop ewoking insulting me, insinuating I'm stupid because I don't go to school or because I actually get off MY ass and WORK. Here's another newsflash sweetheart YOU ARE NOT A PRODUCTIVE PERSON because you have a nom de plume and sit on your disgusting couch typing/playing wow!!!!!! Oh right... I forgot, you worked for 6 years straight so that entitles you to be a lazy ewoking piece of sith. Oh what am I thinking! I forgot you ARE better than me because you listen to metal, you hate society in general and you found someone stupid enough to marry you and put up with your sith! Here's another ewoking clue, I hope you're writing them down, when somebody spends money and time on a meal and offers you some, don't sneer and tell them "ewok no, I don't eat nasty sith like you." excuse the ewok out of me?!?!? I was being nice, you don't have to take it but how about you vacumn the sand out of your privates and go ewok yourself!!!

Eat sith and die you maggot crusted ######! I can't wait to be away from you!

Edited by Jake Durron

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*hugs Jake* It will be better soon.

*glares upstairs* Get out of the bathroom already! You don't need an hour up there when I've been watching the kids all morning and am still in my PJs. I need a shower too. You don't need to curl your hair and put perfume on to go clean at the new house! I would like a shower before the 2 year old gets up from his nap in 28 minutes!

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Jake Durron

I'm packing all my sith up, hell if I have to I'll live in my ewoking car! I just know if I stay here much longer i'm going to eviscerate her. With one of HER knives... The dull ones.

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*hugs* it's a Yankee thang. I still don't get it.

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Hey, not all us Yankees are inconsiderate prigs

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Jake Durron

*hugs prin again*

I know... Wanna go get a drink with me?

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If it wasn't just me and the kiddos right now, sure :p

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  On 7/10/2011 at 5:06 PM, Princess said:

Hey, not all us Yankees are inconsiderate prigs


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Uncle Du

I am. ;) :p

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One could make broad generalizations about Southerners too.

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And often are.

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Uncle Du


'Nuff said.

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Radioactive Isotope

It's karking hot.

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It's pretty awesome when you have no idea that one of the streets you use to go to work is closed but was never reported as such, so when I'm headed to work I have to turn around on a side street when I see a cop in the middle of the road and add probably 10-15 minutes to my commute.

Sometimes I think having a GPS would be handy.

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Dear drunken moron,

I don't care that you have a ticket. I don't care that it's a U2 concert. I don't care that your friends are still inside. YOU got piss drunk and, despite all warnings, went outside for a smoke. Stadium policy clearly states "NO IN/OUT PRIVILEGES." That means you can't go frolicking in and out at your intoxicated pleasure. Step up to this door again and the police will be summoned.

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It's never a dull moment there. Once the booze starts flowing, the senses leave and people do stupid things. We had one man - a GROWN MAN weeping because he got himself thrown out. One guy started a fight outside the gate I was working so we called the cops on him and he was promptly arrested for assault because the guy he was fighting was knocked out. We had about five people try to sneak in with a work crew. I kid you not, that's like something out of a movie. I'm glad we had a vigilant security guard who recognized one of them from an earlier attempt.

I ain't even mad. It's just fun. :p

Edited by Drake

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Bad furday

Lol, the more I think about it, those guys sound like this guy:


lols...the commentariat is particularly scathing! And what's with those plaid shorts? :p

Edited by Bad furday

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What's wrong with plaid shorts? I have plaid shorts. Just don't wear plaid shorts with plaid or striped shirts. :p

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Bad furday

You could claim you're a plaid salesman, and own a kilt warehouse. :p

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I hate the Comcast billing people. "Your account is over due." I tell them every time that I pay when I can and usually they're okay with it. Then I get this cranky ho on the line who won't let Robert talk to her because I'm busy and harass me until I agree to pay something right then and there which I can't do because I'm broke. I pay every ewoking Friday, can't they just leave me alone?

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It's called saying no and hanging up the phone.

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Or...cancelling the service?

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