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Random Rant and venting thread for general or specific rage

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  Du said:
Everyone has faith whether they wanna admit it or not. ;)

In something...

I have faith that I will continue to lose my faith in society! ;)

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Uncle Du

Told ya. ;)

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Radioactive Isotope


Settle in, kids, for the Saga of the Birdy Vet.

For the past two or three molts now, one or two of Oscar's primary flight feathers have been coming in with twisted shafts. If it had only been one screwy feather, I would have let it go. But not 4 over the past few months, especially with one showing up in his other wing. So I called up the exotic animal vet and set up an appointment for Saturday. Got a call yesterday that their exotic vet is in the hospital and can they reschedule. I wanted to get him in sooner than next week, so they gave me the number for another exotic animal vet in the next town over. LONG freaking drive. So, called them up to see if they had any Saturday appointments. Their exotic vet is off Saturday. Great. So I describe the problem, scheduling checks with the vet (who I guess was standing behind them). She says it might be a viral infection and can I get him in tomorrow (today). I have to work, so they said I could drop him off overnight, they'd run some tests and call me in the morning. It hurt walking out of that office and hearing him screeching for me.

This morning I get the call. The vet wants to send bloodwork and the screwy feathers off-site for cultures. They had found an increased number of white blood cells in the feathers' pulp, but no bacteria to go with them. She also wants to put him on an antibiotic to be on the safe side. And by the way, these tests are going to cost just shy of $350. Granted, with the number of tests they're doing, that's a pretty fair price. However, it's still quite a bit of money. I told them I'd have to call them back before I OK'd anything to let Rob know how much. He's understandably not happy. He and I have differing opinions on how much one should do for a pet. He was a bit irked at me when I rushed Ziggy to the vet for persistant vomiting and it turned out to be nothing serious (but with dogs and barfing, you just never know).

Thankfully, he understands that Oscar means a lot to me and told me while he though it was way too much to spend on a pet, he knows I'm going to do it anyway. I'm not too thrilled with the price tag either, but Oscar's my baby and I love him even if no one else does. The tests will take 5-7 days to get results back, and I'm really praying it's nothing serious. I'm hoping (and the vet is too) that this is a result of some kind of trauma to that particular follicle (which will mean permenantly screwy feathers there) and not some kind of disease process that's spreading. I'm going to pick him up when I get off work and give him lots of loves and millet spray (birdy candy).

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Aww poor birdy :(

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Bad furday

  Radioactive Isomope said:
Oscar's my baby and I love him even if no one else does.


I'm going to pick him up when I get off work and give him lots of loves and millet spray (birdy candy).

It'd be hilarious if Jm's hubby was jealous of the bird, and they ended up on The Maury Show, with the coflict of the day being " Does your significant other spend more time

with their pet than with you?" :rofl:

Jm: ...and he's mah birdy and I wuvs him!

Bird: *taunts Jm's hubby* Tweet tweet. Tweet, tweet, TWEET!

Jm's Hub: *throws his chair* Oh, it's on now, b****!


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Radioactive Isotope

after some research last night, i REALLY hope he doesn't have Beak and Feather Disease (PBFD) because it's not treatable and most birds can't fight it off. :(

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Good luck.

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*crosses fingers*

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I. Give. Up.

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i spilt lager in my keyboard.... GREAT. onscreen kyb. sux0rz

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Stupid migraine all afternoon

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Well, I finally made a psychologist appointment.

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Good for you Unknown

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I'm glad! I hope it helps. :)

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Uncle Du

Sitting online with a microsoft rep is WICKED fun, and exactly how I wanted to spend my Saturday.

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Radioactive Isotope

Teh Saga of Teh Birdy continues......

FINALLY got the last of the test results back on Oscar. Turns out he's picked up a little fungal infection (don't ask me how; I dunno) and that's what's making his feathers go screwy. Even better news is the type of fungus is not an aggressive type like aspergillus (sp?) and easily treatable with medication. Super! It also turns out that this particular medication (and I've forgotten the name of it) is also used in people so my local Walgreen's should be able to get it. Awesome!

Now for the bad news. The medication comes in people-sized bottles. Obviously, I don't need a people-sized bottle to treat a cockatiel that weighs about 3 ounces (around 100 grams for our international members :p). Really, that's not a huge deal, except most pharmacies don't like to sell such a small amount (the whole bottle costs around $200-$300 and since it's not for me, insurance probably isn't going to cover it). I was told by the vet that Kroger pharmacies would usually split a bottle. I say super--and since no one at my local Walgreen's ever answers the phone--let's call it in to Kroger. Vet's office called back, said the medication would be in tomorrow (so today) and quoted me a price of $28. All is well.

........Or not. Kroger calls back and says their distributor won't let them split the bottle. AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH! The tech was very helpful and asked if there was somewhere else he could transfer the perscription to. I told him the vet's office had already closed and I'd call them in the morning and try to figure it out. So I've got that to do over lunch.

Now, it is VERY possible that I misheard the vet as my brain doesn't seem to want to handle extraneous information not related to my upcoming board exams. And it's really not handling that info too well. There also could be a difference between the Kroger in <my town> and the Kroger in <other town where the vet is>. So I'll ask Vet where she usually gets this medicine and I'll just drive out to <other town> to pick it up.

Edited by Radioactive Isotope

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What thrilling adventures will JM get into next! Stay tuned! Same cockatiel time! Same cockatiel channel!

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Bad furday

She already said 'accept' instead of 'except' :p *deducts points* That's minus 2 Int. :p

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Radioactive Isotope

i dunno what you're talking about. :shifty:

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Uncle Du

Love sucks.

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Yes it can.

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Goddamit. Either things get right and stay right or at least let me get over my fear of death.

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Hey man, I don't want to hear talk like that. :|

Things'll work out. I promise.

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Thanks, Chicken (and Beloved/Ayingel/Smurfette) for replying here and/or at Facebook. It's good to know at least someone gave a ewok.

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James the Defender

UGH!!!! I cannot watch documentaries on the Kennedy assassination! :snipe:

I cannot stand how they attempt to defend the theory that there was only one shooter! That simply cannot be! The Zapruder film clearly shows Kennedy hit from behind, clutching his neck. That was from the book depository, yes. Then his head slams BACK AND TO THE LEFT. I'll spare the more graphic details of how matter flew. The Discovery channel did an "investigation" and "proved" that he was shot from behind.

No...no...no...An object hit from behind by a Carcano's bullet (which, mind you, is a large bullet) does not get pulled backward... And not just pulled, blown!

Never once did they do a trajectory test and never once did they show the footage of the film that shows Kennedy's head being thrown back and to the left... They showed a computer generated model that showed their findings on how matter flew and compared that with the Zapruder film, again computer generated. They did not, in their computer generated models, show Kennedy's head moving, which it evidently does in the film, a great deal!

...GRR! Anyone who has hunted or knows riflery well knows how an obejct will move when struck from a certain angle! :rant::mad:

Gyah! I'm frustrated!...

Edited by James the Defender

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