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Random Rant and venting thread for general or specific rage

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Uncle Du

in response to Mara's post...

No, I don't think that you're off topic at all. Here's the thing:

Our situations are completely different. For over ten years, I was a professional working man. I was successful, and I was really good at what I did. I made good money, and I had all the things that every person generally wanted out of life: house, car, job, things of that nature. The thing that was lacking for me was, that relationship. That end all, be all, love, that everyone wants to feel. I had been married once, and to realize that it wasn't all that I had dreamed of, (for the main reason that she didn't care for me the way I did her), crushed me. It crushed the very fabric of who I was. I had thought anyone who was willing to get married, and commit their life to someone, would really, actually, love that person. But I was wrong. And totally naive about the way that people really were.

After that, I concentrated on what I knew I could do: be a good Dad, and do my job. Then I met someone who really made me feel what I had always wanted to feel: loved. Not that I never felt loved by my family, and my son, but it's a different love that you find with the person you want to spend your life with. It's something that we all search for. When I found it, I knew that it was going to take sacrifice on my part. I knew where Nat wanted to be, and I felt that if I didn't make those sacrifices, that she wouldn't want to be with. And I sacrificed all the things I had; the house, the job, the life I led in comfort. I did it for a greater cause. I did it willingly. And to see how things have become, it's ridiculously demoralizing.

If it sounds like I'm only in it for the me aspect, then you're totally mistaken. I am acutely aware of the responsibilities that I have. I'm so aware of them, that I'm willing to sacrifice proximity to my wife to make sure I can fulfill them. I know that I am capable of so much more, and that what I am capable of, I enjoy doing. There is nothing wrong with that at all. I mean, if someone really enjoys shoveling cow sith for a living (like some people I know in Upstate NY), then by all means, do what makes you happy. My qualms are with people who just DO because that's what they think they SHOULD do. It's crap. If you do something temporarily because it's a stepping stone to something greater, then do it! That's what you do! What I'm talking about is selling yourself short, because it's what you've been raised to do. I'm sorry, any parent that raises their kids to think that they have limitations, whether they do it on purpose or not, IS WRONG. Parents should always aspire to have their children be greater than them. Teaching them that there's nothing outside of where they grew up is a ewokin travesty.

I don't know how far I can go without sounding like I'm repeating myself. I will end with this: you DO need to be able to please yourself, if you're to please those that you care for. Don't take care of yourself, you can't take care of anyone else.

Edited by Uncle Du

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I am applying for short term and even this seems like a hassle.

That ain't got nothing on long term. They need to know every time I've seen a doctor since June and my employment history for the past 15 years

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My post was really more general, DU. It wasn't directly specifically at your post. ;)

I do get what you mean, with the relationship thing. Personally, that is something I do want, eventually. Realistically, though, I know I wouldn't be able to handle it at this point in my life. I barely have time for a social life right with my hours, and if I had a boyfriend, I would only see him on Saturdays, probably. That is not an ideal situation for starting a relationship like that. And, quite honestly, though it's something that would be nice to have, someone to share things with like that, I know it's not a priority right now for me.

And also not settling for something just because you think you have no other choice. I've seen too many other people stuck in a job they hate but unwilling to change (and not because there are no other jobs, like now) because they don't know what else to do.

Anyway, a slight deviation from my own post, something that really kind of pisses me off. Again, directed at the human race in general. At least, the stupid ones.

People who don't know how to plan ahead really annoy me. I can't even count or remember the amount of shows I've seen at work where there is a couple/family buying a new house because "oh, darn, we're having a new baby and don't have room for it right now." And usually the woman is 5 months along or further. Hello, maybe if you think you might have more kids, start looking for a house then, not 3 months before she delivers. Plan ahead! Maybe, just maybe, when you get married, and think you might have kids, buy a house with extra bedrooms. Don't believe that you will have time to buy your next house with more rooms when you do decide to have kids. Come on. I don't think when your wife is 8 months pregnant (I have seen this one more than once) that should be the exact time you think, oh, our 1-bedroom, 1-bath apartment is too small for a kid. Hmm, really? Seriously, people, think ahead. It's not all about your own needs, especially when it comes to your future children.

Oh, other people who annoy me are those who complain on and on about how poor they are. Which I can understand--in this economy a lot of people are trying to do without less than they were used to. But what really bothers me is when these same people talk about how many movies to go see (once a week, at least) and how many times they eat out. Oh, geez, I wonder why you're so poor, then? Maybe if you actually saved your money for something important, like, say, bills, instead of wasting it on movie tickets and fast food, you might actually get ahead in the world.

Especially when I compare them to myself, when I had been saving up money as much as possible to pay off my college loans. I could have just gone on and on for years just paying the minimum of $209 or so every month. But I decided, since I had some money saved away, I would pay it off faster, so that I could more quickly save money for a house or other big things. So I would pay off $1,000 a month, sometimes $2,000 instead of the minimum. Somehow, I feel like this makes me one of the odd ones, someone who is sensible about saving money and paying off my debt, instead of crying to the government for help or filing for bankruptcy every two years (and there are people who do that).

And then there are these people who have no idea how they got $50,000 in debt. You didn't notice it until it got that high? So I guess the notices of $30,000 or even $10,000 were invisible? Start saving your money, stop wasting it on stupid things and pay off your debt fully, instead of the measly minimum payment.

Stupid people disgust me.

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Uncle Du

I totally hear ya. And for the record, I didn't take your post as directly to me. :)

The following is something that my good friend Jim wrote. He is the most intelligent person that I have ever met in real life. And I've met some friggin MIT types during my tenure with the Navy. The thing about Jim is, he's never been to college, he did 20 in the Navy, and his IQ is ridiculously high. I wanted to share this, because it's a rant, and it really hits home to me. I know it's really long, but it's totally worth reading.

The Death of Objectivity and the Reign of Self-Entitlement ~Jim Hess

The guy parks his car directly in front of the supermarket when an empty parking spot is 60 feet away. The rationale is that he will only be a minute, therefore it is okay (he is 20 minutes). Walking the extra distance is for other people, not him. His rationale is based on irrational justification and a feeling of entitlement (rules applied to others are not necessarily for him).

The lady is driving in the left-hand lane on a two lane highway with a line of cars behind her. She putts along at the speed limit plus or minus a marginal amount while not passing any car in the slower lane. She refuses to move over no matter how many cars go around her, scowling and gesturing. She has no desire to move nor cares to. She has rationalized her actions as appropriate to her needs regardless of the negative impact on others.

The majority of the American population continues to vote aligned with a specific party despite the inherent flaws, weaknesses, and abject failures demonstrated by those parties. When the Republic is not going in the right direction or the current Administration is falling miserably short, the voting public rationalizes that a party shift will fix everything despite clear indications neither political party is equipped to serve the greater good. Facts are ignored or justified in the name of fueling or maintaining ones beliefs. They are destined to repeat this process over and over and over…….

Is it me, or have we allowed our own personal bias to significantly diminish reason and objectivity when dire times requires it most? Over the last few years, I have been exploring what makes society (and me for that matter) believe or act contrary to hard data, researched statistics, common sense or empirical evidence. Having a bias is natural, but when it places constrictive parameters on logical deduction, it chokes objectivity and intellectual growth. I am finding it harder and harder to find people with an open mind these days.

The current political landscape is a perfect example. If you are liberal leaning and watch CNN or MSNBC only, you reinforce your beliefs without getting the full story of what is going on. It’s the same for people that watch Fox News or Drudge Report; you get only the conservative slant. Neither situation fosters truth identification and logical deduction, it is confirmation bias. In this case, people have a tendency to perceive/interpret information in a way that confirms/affirms one’s beliefs. It takes a sincere desire to understand the truth beyond ones ideologies.

Rationalization is a powerful mechanism in the arsenal of the human mind. People willfully construct a justification to an action they desire but may contradict a previous mental decision-making or social norm. Many people bypass logical deduction altogether and embrace irrationalism, where their decision-making is based on their faith in something specific or their feelings.

The battle over global warming is one of my favorite examples of objectivity gone wrong. One side presents data that “proves” beyond a shadow of a doubt that man made global warming is real and will doom this orb. Movies/documentaries are made, Peace Prizes are handed out, and environmentalists become the new power lobbyists. The IPCC (Link 1) made bold assertions that "Most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations." The term “very likely” has now forced costly and potentially reckless economic changes upon society. The travesty is that 650 scientists petitioned Congress (Link 2) presenting contradictory testimony that is equally compelling. This year, Al Gore and his Senate/Congress cohorts suppressed any opposing testimony at a few Global warming group gropes in Washington D.C.

I have my own views on “man-made” global warming but I am uninterested in voicing them in this piece. I am not an environmental expert, so I rely on cold, hard evidence to help me understand the proper stance I should take. The evidence currently presented is in hot debate from experts on all sides of the spectrum. Solar flares, once considered a non-player, have been brought back into the argument due to new scientific advances in research technology and better understanding of their effects. My point is that objectivity has been thrown out of that discussion. Al Gore said that “"the debate in the scientific community is over." How is that so when brilliant, respected scientists have continued debating this topic? Many have gone so far as filing suit against Mr. Gore (Link 3). It is not because they are government funded (which many are not); Al Gore himself stands to make BILLIONS on the money pouring into green technology. Environmentalism now has a powerful lobby, enormous funding, and government support….much like Big Oil and Big Tobacco.

As a rational public, we should strive to see all evidence before making profound changes to our Nation. In an effort to protect Yellowstone National Park, we culled the wolf population. The results were an upset in balance of the ecosystem of Yellowstone. Much of the indigenous brush that existed is no longer there today. We commit to actions out of what we feel is best, not what we know what is best. It is all the more important to weigh all sides as thoroughly as possible, even if it goes against our personal ideologies.

It is okay to disagree, re-evaluate or be wrong based on newer, compelling, contrary data. But society has devolved to embracing philosophical stances that leave little to no room for intellectual growth.

The current generation has an enormous sense of self-entitlement that stems from a lack of objectivity (among many, many other things). Many feel they should be able to start at the top vice work their way through the ranks (Link 4). Hard work is a buzz word to them, they have been raised in an era of prosperity where acquiring “nice things” is not a privilege….but a given. In an age where mining for truth and enlightenment is at the tips of our internet fingers, we have instead become a society “dumbed down” by media fed bias. The current generation should be far more intellectual and smarter than my generation, yet they cannot name the 50 states, cope with everyday stresses, or point to Venezuela on a map. Instead, they mimic behaviors/attitudes that they see on MTV or other channels rather than self-identify and explore/challenge who they really are.

No matter what your political leanings, no one can deny the sad, pathetic bias that occurred (and is still occurring) in the media during this past election. News channels gushing over a political candidate or ideal while impartial reporting was nowhere to be seen. Scrutiny was held at bay to promote a chosen candidate, lines where clearly drawn. We saw it, we KNEW it was happening….yet we sat and watched it unfold with no outrage. Many didn’t because it was confirmation bias; it served and bolstered their ideology. Where is the investigative reporting that presents the details of the situation and makes us think?

We are contributing to our own “dumbing down”. We are self absorbed into our own daily needs. We feel that we can say and act contrary to the established social norm because we “deserve” it. I mean really, is it THAT difficult to park where everyone else does and walk that extra distance?? You may argue that it is “not that big a deal”, but it is a loud statement how we think and act as a society.

My overall conclusion is that everyone has developed a personal philosophy that serves the lifestyle they choose to lead whether it is religion, self help, or intellectually based. But they all can’t be right. Some disciplines work because they present an open mind while exploring for the truth behind the bullsith. They also help us get along in society without killing each other. But panrationalism (use of observation or intellectual intuition) has taken a back seat to correspondence bias. Society has now been shifted to an entitlement phase, much like sports leagues pass out trophies to every kid just for participating. We are losing objectivity to life in general because we are handed way too much for little accountability.

The problem is, we all don’t get trophies just for participating in life. That is partially why suicide and clinical depression rates are on the rise. People are not learning coping skills, partially due to a “follow the leader” approach or subsidization. Someone has to be at the bottom rung because of choices made or circumstances they have put themselves into. It is what we do that make us who we are, not what we expect. If we don’t seek our own truths and dig for the “devil in the details”, we are destined to fall further down that intellectual ladder.

The next time you are sitting in the left hand lane blocking people or parking directly in front of that supermarket, ask yourself this. What gives you this special entitlement outside the norms that other abide by? What are you rationalizing that makes you right and others wrong?

Link 1: http://www.ipcc.ch/publications_and_data/publications_and_data_reports.htm

Link 2: http://epw.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Minority.Blogs&ContentRecord_id=f80a6386-802a-23ad-40c8-3c63dc2d02cb

Link 3: http://www.petitionproject.org/

Link 4: http://www.azcentral.com/arizonarepublic/opinions/articles/2009/05/30/20090530twenge30.html

Edited by Uncle Du

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I am applying for short term and even this seems like a hassle.

That ain't got nothing on long term. They need to know every time I've seen a doctor since June and my employment history for the past 15 years

What a hassle. I presume you can ask your doctor for a list of when you saw them or something?

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Props for your friend man. He speaks the truth.

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Uncle Du

Friggin QVC!!

We were flippin through channels last week, and stopped there because they were advertising the Wii Fit plus and all that jazz. From the way they were advertising it, it looked like it was the Wii and the Wii Fit stuff. So we bought it.

We get it today, and there's no Wii with it! It's just the Wii Fit stuff, and some other fitness game, for 200 friggin bucks! So now I gotta send it back and wait to get refunded so we can get a damn Wii.

EDIT: I meant to post this in the Cantina if one of you modly types cares to move it. :p

Edited by Uncle Du

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Did you get at least 2 other fitness games with it? Otherwise that'd be a ripoff.

(And I thought that this would be a better place for this post)

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ya, wii fit is only $100 by itself and wii fit plus is only $30 or so. they really ripped you off...

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The bundle for Wii Fit plus with the balance board is $99.

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Uncle Du

Yea, wow, they really got us good. I went to Gamestop and checked out how much the stuff would be on its own. We're sending it back, and we'll just get a brand new console. Whenever we get our refund for it.

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Props for your friend man. He speaks the truth.


The first part especially, because I'm so sick of idiotic drivers.

Clean the damn snow off your car, all of it, not just your window and your windshield. Clean the hood, the roof, the trunk, too, so it doesn't fly off when you're driving like a maniac on the unsafe snow-covered roads, and tossing ice chunks at other cars.

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Uncle Du

Oh man, I hate that! I park my car outside, and over the last few days, I have gone out with the broom and swept my whole car off, whether I'm going any where or not.

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i saw someone driving a gov't car the other day with almost a foot of snow on the hood. i have no idea how he was able to see the road O_o

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I saw a lady on the way to work today who barely cleaned hers off, she was continually running her wipers because she apparently couldn't scrape off the ice, and I saw a baby seat in the back seat with the baby in it. And she was at least 5 over the speed limit. With ice on her windshield and back window, snow on her roof, hood and trunk blowing everywhere.

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Uncle Du

That is un-freakin-believable. That means that baby was sitting in a freezing ass car. She couldn't take the extra time to warm the damn car up first?! GImme a break!!

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I have insomnia again

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lol, I just clear snow off my windows. :p

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Uncle Du

Aghhh, you're that guy!! :p

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Me too. The best part is that I also speed and have to stop short constantly, so all of the snow from the roof slides onto the windshield and I'm blinded in the middle of a four way intersection.

I'm...not a good driver.

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Aghhh, you're that guy!! :p

We don't get snow very often... I'm not going to just throw it on the floor if I can take it around with me! ;)

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Bad furday

I brush all of the snow off as best I can..but window frost is another matter. :p

I scrape off only what is necessary for the drive home ( most of my frost scraping takes place in the parking lot of Kohls after work).

I leave a windshield strip of frost that almost but not quite reaches halfway down the windshied. Think of it like a racing sun guard thingy ( see Ender's post on the desktop thread) It actually works great when blocking out the rising sun. It burns us! :p

The other windows have the frost removed only where it really matters- so that I can see out, see the mirrors etc.

It's ok...because once I've got the car warmed up, by the time I'm almost home the frost has completely melted, and all 6 windows are clear. :p


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Uncle Du

Does said ice scraping occur with a credit card, or something of that nature? 'Cause that just makes it even better. ;)

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Apparently hospital ID badges work for the same thing. We have these cards that we're supposed to wear on the back of our badges and my man used his to scrape his truck window one day and busted it in half.

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i use my old computer cards from other jobs...and old school ids. but robert broke our old scraper to make me a super long scraper and brush :) now i only need to stand on one side of the car

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