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What Type Of Gamer Are You?

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You are the fragger. You enjoy playing shooters and blowing things up. You are probably the reason people believe video games cause violent kids.

What Type of Gamer are you?

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You are an RPG freak. You spend large amounts of<br>time online playing with people you don't know.

Bah... 'tis a silly one...

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Radioactive Isotope

You are an RPG freak. You spend large amounts of time online playing with people you don't know.

heh. :nerves:

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Thats crap.

"You are an RPG freak. You spend large amounts of<br>time online playing with people you don't know."

Playing online for hours on end has nothing to do with RPGs. And only 4 possible responses? Pfftttt...

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