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Discussion: GB Online Comic

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Okay, I came up with this idea for an online comic for GB. It will probably be published in episodes one or two weeks apart, and at the end of each episode, members can vote on what they want to see happen next. :D

I will be drawing it... In a rather crude style... due to the fact that my scanner doesn't work.

You Decide...

  • When in the Star Wars timeline is it set?
  • What planet will it start on?
  • There are two main characters. What species and gender are they, and what are their names?

There you go. :D

Discuss this and when we have decided I can start knocking up Episode I

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Radioactive Isotope

one of the characters should be a Trianii. :D

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Easy to draw things are the best ;)

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Time: late NJO (for some Yuuzhan Vong comedy) ;)

Planet: Tatooine

Character 1:

Name: Tara Nova

Gender: Female

Species: Human, smuggler with little Jedi training

Character 2:

Name: YVH 23-7B (aka Bob)

Gender: None

Species: Modified Yuuzhan Vong Hunter droid (has added personality and comedic subroutines)

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Come on you lot, you don't want JM and Drake to have it their way, do you? :p

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I like Drake's idea.

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Geez, can't you think for yourself? :roll::p

EDIT: Oh, wait... "think" yeah... ;)

Edited by beeurd

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I like Drake's idea too....wait....oh yeah....I'm Drake....interesting. *shifty eyes*

*lurks* :twisted:

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Bad furday


I like the robot idea...as droids are easier to draw than people...I think that we need a Twi'Lek! preferably female... ;):p

We could set it on Commenor....big enertainment and shopping sector....


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Radioactive Isotope

as long as one of them is a totall smart-aleck and constantly makes fun of the other stupid one. kinda like an R2 - C3PO relationship.

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I was kinda visualizing it as more of a Han/Chewie relationship. The one character (be it a male or female human or other species) is kinda serious yet funny in a sarcastic sorta way (like Han) and then the droid is always cracking jokes and making fun of people...except when it's in combat, then it goes into a different mode and opens up a can of whoop-ass. :p

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Radioactive Isotope

ok, yeah. it's kinda the same idea. two totally different characters that play off each other.

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I like the robot idea...as droids are easier to draw than people...

You haven't seen a YVH droid then. lol

Looks like the Terminators endoskeleton.

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Then add some armour plating onto it then. :p

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Wasn't there an idea for someone to draw up a Punks comic long ago? Or was it just teh PJ..or something. Meh...I vaguely remember it. It failed nonetheless. No one had any skillz...

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That was just a GB comic.

I couldn't find the original thread, hence the "Mk.2" in this thread's title. :)

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Thats smart...*gives beeurd a cookie*

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lol, I used to make Stickmen films on the comps at school... Ah those were the days... If only there was some programme I coudl get that could read the files :(

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Radioactive Isotope

you could just redo everything in Java, but that would require you to be unlazy ;) aaaaaannnnnnnnddddddd, Java sucks.

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And I'd have to learn Java :roll:

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I dunno much about Java, but flash is suppose to be a lot easier.

And... I'm going to nick a copy of someone.. Possibly..

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lol, okay how does this sound?


New Jedi Order Era (between Balance Point and the Edge of Victory duology)


Coruscant (but leaving rather soon)


Tara Nova, a female human.

BOB-3, an old TF battledroid who thinks he is a YVH droid.

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I like it..

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Sounds good.

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