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The Garden Of Torture

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As the House of Pain is sent to its final resting place, the Garden of Torture continues the gruesome tradition...

Garden of Torture Staff:

  • Pod - Owner and Torture Mistress (recognized expert in the horrific arts)
  • Princess - First Torture Assistant (Knowledgeable in the Science of Torture)
  • JediMaster91 - Junior Torture Assistant (She's more evil than she looks)
  • Makia - Special Assignment Executor (Currently on leave)
  • Rogue - Key Holder (Oh but does she know her way around!)

Resident Animals

  • Fluffy - Wampa (Marshmallow's Mate)
  • Marshmallow -Wampa (Fluffy's Mate)
  • Lilo - Wampa (Stitch's Mate)
  • Stitch - Wampa (Lilo's Mate)
  • Muffin - Rancor
  • Precious - Giant Dianoga
  • Cookie - Vornskyr
  • Cupcake - Krayt Dragon
  • Shortcake - Massif (not quite grown up yet)
  • Poochie - Nexu
  • Angel - Acklay
  • Cloud Dancer - Aiwha
  • Fang - Tuk'ata
  • Melkor - Dragon

Rules of Torture:

  • Only those (members or otherwise) that have been given AGGITATOR or TRAITOR status may be tortured.
  • Personas of Real World people CANNOT be tortured if they are: (A) The leader of a country (don't care how much you hate them); (B) Another member's relative (unless the member has given you special permission); ? Any other elected official; (D) Historical figures, unless you are accurately recreating something that has already happened to them (you must present resources upon request).
  • No animals are to be harmed, which includes one animal harming another, at the direction of the owner or not.
  • A victim must have done something to YOU.
  • Staff are givers, not receivers (take this as you will)
  • While board mods make sure you follow the rules of galactic basic, staff members make sure you follow the Rules of Torture. Most of the active staff are mods or administrators as well. Watch out for them double. (Yup, only warning)
  • Respect the staff, or volunteer for their next experiment. (yup, only warning on this too)
  • Pod has a short temper, so watch out for her bad days. She's scary. (and talking in third person)

An Aggitator meets one or more of the following:

  • A member that makes countless nonesensical posts (more so than the rest of us)
  • Someone that has ticked you off and won't take the hint
  • Anyone who's just plain annoying to two- four other members

A Traitor meets one or more of these guidelines (ONE of these overshadows one of those under AGGITATOR):

  • Any member that purposefully and maliciously causes harm (real or virtual) to befall another member
  • Any member that hacks the site
  • Any member that hacks another member's personal information/ files, potentially endangering said member
  • A member that attepts to overthrow the admins
  • Dirty, stinky socks (this in addition to administrative punishment
  • Anyone who flames someone else relentlessly (If Pod catches you flaming a friend, she'll probably beat the snot out of you... in the nicest, most diplomatic way possible, of course) ;)

A few notes on equiptment use:

  • No, you cannot buy equiptment
  • Pod and the Garden of Torture staff reserve the right to refuse use of equiptment to anyone they so choose (it's not discrimination, it's capitalism)
  • Please report any hazards to those using equiptment to a staff member immediately. We don't want SOME people to get hurt. ;)
  • If you damage any piece of equiptment or part of the compound, you will pay for the repairs, and will be the first person on which I test the new equiptment.

How to find your way:

  • Each of the four wings (north, south, east, west) have containment facilities.
  • The offices are located in the central building - if a staff member is not in the wings, she is probably in her office.
  • The basement is where we keep the animals most of the time. They are not all locked up. Enter at your own risk of ingestion.
  • The sub basements are restricted. Don't go there.
  • Below the sub basements are the catecombs, which is where Drake let loose his little Sith monster thing. The Dark side gives me a real head ache. I'll kill you if you go down there again.

Please feel free to leave a note with any staff member for any reason at any time if you cannot find them on their rounds; enjoy the screams!

Edited by Princess

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*moves her stuff into her new office and lets Angel, Poochie and Cloud Dancer wander around*

Hmmmm, too quiet in here

*Plays tape of screams of the damned*

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*walks in, pocketing his secret master key from when he rebuilt the HoP*

Hehe. You forgot aboot my pets. Fang and Melkor. A tuk'ata and a dragon, respectively.

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Garden of Torture...oh! You mean Eden! :p

Nice place.

*runs away from Angel*

Edited by Smeagol/Fett

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Speaking of garden...this doesnt seem like a garden...more like a building....:p

*Runs like Drake!*

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Lol, like Drake? How does he run then? :p

*goes into the catecombs to play with the Sith monster thing*

Cutie puppy! :D

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Well hopefully fast...:p

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I'm not running...that was Fett. :p

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There...I added my pets to the list. I also fixed some errant code errors.

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I've been informed that the Sith monster was killed ages ago, lol, so this must be an entirely different Sith puppy. I'm thinking it was a pup that wandered down here, possiblly to escape Melkor, and, due to the incredibly high concentration of evil, mutated into a fearsome Sith Puppy of DOOM!

*carries him back up to the main floor*

I shall call him....uhh....well, I don't have a name yet, but I'm keeping it! lol

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Yay! :twisted:

Oh yeah...isn't Cloud Dancer one of those things that the Kaminoans ride on....a...uhh...aiwha?

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That's it! Pod and I couldn't remember the species. We remembered the planet and what she looked like, but I was too lazy to go search the databank. And TSL, didn't Pod say not to play down there?

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She was rescuing the poor little puppy. :p

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And TSL, didn't Pod say not to play down there?

As I read it, she said Drake couldn't go down there, lol.

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No, I said it's Drake's fault it's there, and no one can go down there. *pops some Tylenol*

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*drags in her pathophysiology teacher*

Make me study for your class will you? Now you get to meet my friend.

*Princess whistles for Angel who comes running*

Meet Angel, my pet Acklay. She's real hungry. I'm sure that you'll be good friends

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Wait wait wait!!! *runs up with a glass bottle and a knife. Makes a cut in the prof's arm and catches some blood in the bottle, which she corks.* Okay, go ahead.

*goes to the center of the middle building, where a perfectly stark white tile marks the very center of the compound, and smashes the bottle on that tile, letting the blood dry on the floor* There, all christened, lol.

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No, I said it's Drake's fault it's there, and no one can go down there. *pops some Tylenol*

Lol, oh well. Simple misunderstanding...and I got an evil puppy out of it! Yay!

Still need a name :p


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Wasn't it me and Ani that got the aiwha for you?

It was me and someone. I think we killed your old pet or something, and had to get you to say sorry or something...

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Tsl- He's so cute! ;)

*Pulls out comlink* Bring em in boys.

*Several Pelican dropships come down, loaded with prisoners. The Marines begin off-loading them*

Keep it movin... keep it movin..

*A prisoner attempts to run, so Janson casually pulls out his battle rifle, aims, and fires, catching the prisoner in the back of the head*

Ahhh... now we're truly at home.

*Finishes loading prisoners into cells, dropships fly away*

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Wasn't it me and Ani that got the aiwha for you?

It was me and someone. I think we killed your old pet or something, and had to get you to say sorry or something...

Uh huh.

Yay! It's Christened.

*shocks her teacher*

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Radioactive Isotope


cute puppy, Tsl. :D

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The Devil Dog.

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Okay! Puppy's name is Fenris!

*whistles to Fenris and gives him a Jedi's femur to gnaw on*

Edited by Tsl

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Yay! New pet!

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