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Rebel Hater, imperial liker

Imperial Leaders

What is you're favorite Imperial Leader?  

15 members have voted

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Rebel Hater, imperial liker

I only like the imperials. I hate the rebellion. They have very bad battle ships, no order in there fleet. The imperials are way more advanced, and they have good order. :mad::mad::evil: :evil:

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I dont know I would beg to differ...

The ships I can see...as it is mentioned that a Mon Cal can take on I think 2 Victory Class Star Destroyers...

But that is because the Empire is made of thousands of systems...each with their own resources...the Rebellion is a ragtag group of freedom fighters who are outlaws/slaves/scoundrels/eximps

Order the imp does too...but it might not be a good thing....for example the Emperor is controling the Imperial Soldiers mind, bad. The Soldiers are obedient because they are afraid to die/injured, bad ((Well...unless you read The Prince by Machiavelli and took it to heart...the part of ruling with fear is disputable)). Now...Looking at Earths History...the British vs the Americans in the Revolutionary war. The Amiercans sometimes used Guerilla Tactics vs the British Straight-Lined attack lower rank to higher rank. Looking now Terrorists vs USA, Terrorists are using Terrorism...America is always on the defensive, always having to react...when they tried to take the offensive ((Iraq)) They got fierce criticism...

Anyways...your Poll is also messed up

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I fixed the poll, and I'm going to move this to Misc where it belongs. Welcome to GB.net!

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it is mentioned that a Mon Cal can take on I think 2 Victory Class Star Destroyers...

Victory-class Star Destroyers were a lot smaller than the standard Imperial SD, remember. Plus it depends on the size of the Mon Cal ship too. A big one like Home One or larger would be able to, I think.

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Radioactive Isotope

Thrawn pwns all :p

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Thrawn has to be the greatest tactical genius ever

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But... But... Palpatine was the evilist!

All hail Emperor Palpatine!


Okay that's enough. Now all hail me! *cackle*

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Best Imperial Leader? Paelleon...

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Then again, he does have a point.

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Thrawn was the greatest military mind of our time. I would love to live in his mind for one day, that's for sure.

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I only like the imperials. I hate the rebellion. They have very bad battle ships, no order in there fleet. The imperials are way more advanced, and they have good order. :mad::mad::evil::evil:

I was an Imperial once.

That was before I was sent into exile by an evil conniving Imperial Warlord who just so happens to be my father. But that's a story for another time children! :D

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Daala was too fixed on Tarkin and his Doctrine and tactics. She saw him as a god and that was her downfall...

Empire relied too much on the Force and corrupting Skywalker.

Thrawn...hmmm...He really didn't have a weakness...So I have to go with Thrawn.

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Radioactive Isotope

Thrawn's weakness was he underestimated a certian Noghri :p

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That's not really a generalized weakness...just a fluke

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Thrawn. No contest.

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Thrawn all the way.

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Let's look at it this way. Thrawns dead.

Pellaeon isn't. I win

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Look at it this way:

Thrawn is one of the options.

Palleaon isn't. I win!

Bwaha! Oh wait, I voted Palpsters. :(

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Radioactive Isotope

blasphemy! :p

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Well beeurd...the incompetence of whoever started this poll has nothing to do with the greatness of Pellaeon.

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Thrawn was the greatest military mind of our time.

riiiiiight... our time.. a little too much star wars and not enough carrots...

ummmm.... Pellaeon.. Yeah.. I'll go with that.. Baron Fel is too darn pathetic to win.

Just to emphasize the point.. again... Baron Fel is PATHETIC!!!!! BARON FEL and his 181 TIE's is pathetic.. It sucks!!!

Errr... back to the poll.. ummm.. Palpantine..

'Cause... He helped destroy an entire order of Jedi Knights, caused the Republics downfall.. Would murder Thrawn in any form of duel.. and is super ugly and super evil..

Edited by Andy

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Thrawn was the greatest military mind of our time.

riiiiiight... our time.. a little too much star wars and not enough carrots...


Edited by Andy

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not enough carrots

translate: CARROT = VEGETABLE = non-ALCOHOLIC!!! AVOID!!!!!

Edited by Andy

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Radioactive Isotope

*cracks up*

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