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Prayers Needed Please

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my mom was just in a car accident.

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Oh my gosh.

Is she okay?

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she says she's fine, i still want her to go to the ER, but we're gonna wait and see how she feels in the morning.


there's the car.

some idiot had apparently decided it was okay to make a U-turn on a dangerous road...

this is what my dad put on the family blog.

Unfortunately, a driver decided to try to make a U-turn on Hwy 14 in Rochester to jump their stalled vehicle about 6:30 at night. Blocking both lanes of traffic on an unlit, slick roadway wasn't the smartest thing to do. Fortunately, Deb was only slightly shook up and stiff.

obviously, the car's totaled. mom was walking and up after wards (that's her in the picture), i'm still stressing out a bunch tho.

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Egad! :eek: I hope she's okay.

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I'm glad that she appears to be alright. :)

Hope that your mind can be put at ease soon. :(

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I'm glad she's mostly okay, and that the car is worse off.

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For my sister... she's been getting a lot of bad jaw pain lately, even after she got a mouthpiece made to help with gnashing her teeth while she sleeps. Vicodin and my mom's naproxen didn't even touch the pain.

Plus, she has finals this week and graduation on Sat.

So I'd just appreciate prayers that she can get through it all and that her pain lessens up, at least until we figure out what's going on.

And my prayers go out to the family of the Hurricanes' Scott Walker; his wife has cervical cancer.

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Uncle Du

Aw damn, hope everything works out ok for your sis.

And I hadn't heard about Walkers wife. That s*** sucks.

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Yeah. But the article says she should make a complete recovery. :)

I do, too... I mean, she doesn't need any more medical problems. But hopefully it was just brought on by stress.

My mom thinks she might need jaw surgery or something. :/

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Uncle Du

What is that thing condition called, TMJ or something?

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Yeah. She might have that. Not sure if it has been confirmed yet or not.

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Uncle Du

How do they fix that?

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I have absolutely no idea.

I really don't know much about what is wrong with my sister besides that she's having pain. No one tells me anything. :p

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I would like to thank everyone for all prayer's in the direction of Rachael, Adrian, and I. The flawlessness of his birth and few days of being with us has definitely restored my shaky faith, and there is truly no one to thank except the God who watched over us and those who asked on our behalf. It's so amazing how one so scarred as I could assist in the creation of such a beautiful and miraculous gift :D

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Uncle Du

If Andy put a LIKE button in here, I would have pushed it. :)

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Mini update on my sister...

For now it just seems she has to wear her mouthguard more often (she was only at night), and now she has some physical therapy to do. And eat softer foods.

Hopefully this will help with the pain.

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Perhaps I am just paranoid, but I'd like prayers for my mom.

She got a call yesterday that she has to go in for a second mammogram. I guess because there was something on it that they want to check out more.

I just hope it's nothing.

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Keep my family in your prayers, especially my dad and his brothers. My grandmother passed way late this morning.

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James the Defender

I'm sorry to learn of that. My deepest condolences. :(

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Uncle Du

Sorry to hear that, they'll be in my thoughts.

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Sorry for your loss Mara

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Please keep me and a group of people from my church in your prayers and thoughts. We're going on a missions trip to Cambodia for 3 weeks in March. Among other things, we will be helping to build a church and dig a number of wells for some of the villages there.

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Thanks, guys. :)

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You'll be in my thoughts D. It's good of you to go on a mission trip.

My grandma is being admitted to the hospital right now. She's being put in observation and we're not really sure what's wrong aside from erratic blood pressure and the fact that she is once again not eating.

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My aunt's partner (who I consider to be an aunt in her own right) has a fast-spreading form of cancer. She is due for surgery to remove to her ovaries and lymph nodes in October.

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