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Rogue's Cantina

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I need a great deal of alcohol to assuage my guilt. *Is handed a very large glass of alcohol* Oh it's not for me, I'm buying it for EWing. See, I'm even paying with credits, despite the fact it's all free here.

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*pulls the glass back* For Ewing? But he doesn't drink....*suddenly worried*

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she is right...... i don't

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*drains mug in a sink*

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really? oh well. I'd offer you a Bothan Biscuit, but the Bothan's wanted them back :(

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*moves all her possessions from the other Cantina here, and they're scattered accross the place.*

until i figure out what to do what to do with the other one....keeps flooding in the rain...

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Master MJade

you need a new roof. call.... i don't know... nevermind me...

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*as usual, joins clean up crew*

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Link...I haven't decided what to do yet...I appreciate the help...but you're better off ju.st leaving it

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Master MJade

if you clean up the mes you got everything will be messier later...

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Can't help it. I'm a compulsive neat freak.

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*peaks from the doorway, looks around then disappears to reappear again and walks in.* What's going on?

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Hey Twi! I guess this means you've been accepted!


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A round of Drinks on the House for the RPG's new member!

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Master MJade

:beer: :cheers:

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*blushes* i guess but u dont have to drink on my count. *sulks* i get jumpy with too much attention. Hey do you kno when i can get a hold of my master, Pod?

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Um...Twi, would it be okay if I gave her you're email? it might be helpful...

Oh, are you sick? If so i hope you feel better...we missed you at school today...

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Hey guys... about the RPG... what's up?

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*looks to Ewing*

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WHAT?!? I'm sorry..... My school work has been a little thick latly. Collage isn't easy.

I swear I'll post and move the story along before this weekend.

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*kisses him on the cheek* just don't stress yourself out...k?

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Master MJade

*walks in*

RPG is lost w/out Ewing

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*redecorates the Cantina*

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*sits down with a pen and paper, and writes her intro poem for english*

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Master MJade


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