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Hey, someone got rid of my Spindle thread, so whoever did it... I hate you. ;)

Here's pics of us... enjoy.


There's all of us. That's John at the mike with his hand in the air, Nik to his left, Brian on his right, I'm the one with my back turned, and that's Evan hidden behind the drum set.


Meeeeeeeeeeeeee! Fear the hair!!


That's Nik in the front, Brian behind him.


Tracks are...

1- Fallout

2- I'm Not Blind

3- Diary

4- Never Surrender

5- I Try (You Try)

6- Analyze It

7- Kings of Emotion

8- So Far Away

9- The List

10- Type A Protocol

11- At The End Of The Day

Edited by Ender

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I don't think anyone got rid of your thread. you just didn't look hard enough :p

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*Hits beeurd round the head with guitar*

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I <3 Spindle. Reminds me kind of Finger Eleven.

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nice....lol first corsec now you with the hair....tis an invasion!!!! :p

Edit: Alright Im confused here, Janson, your band is named Spindle? Or are you just dedicating this thread to both your band AND Spindle?

Edited by Generally Inept

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Edit: Alright Im confused here, Janson, your band is named Spindle? Or are you just dedicating this thread to both your band AND Spindle?



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Edit: Alright Im confused here, Janson, your band is named Spindle?  Or are you just dedicating this thread to both your band AND Spindle?




lmao, not seen that one before!

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Edit: Alright Im confused here, Janson, your band is named Spindle? Or are you just dedicating this thread to both your band AND Spindle?

Yes, the name of my band is Spindle.

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Very nice.

It's not the best I've ever heard, but it's not too shabby.


Edit: Umm...your list says track 1 is Fallout, but windows media player is naming it conversations, so I delted and tried downloading again, and it has none of the names. Which one is it?

Edited by Chickenman

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