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Jedi Davideus

Avian infuenza (bird flu)

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Jedi Davideus

What do you guys think about this whole asian bird flu scare? Scientists think it could mutate and infect humans and cause a global pandemic were millions could die. I hear the WHO (World Health Organization) gives numbers up to 100 million people could die from it, which I think is absolutely insane. I admit I was a bit fearfull of it for a while, but they've been worrying about this for many decades now and nothing really has happened. What about the whole thing with SARS which they worried would become global, but they've managed to contain it.

I am guessing this thing could spread a lot through Asia but I am pretty confident it will be secure in countries like the U.S.

What say you people?

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well if it happened i don't think there is a lot we could do, as individuals. We just have to hope that vaccines can be developed fast enough if the disease does adapt to affect humans.

I think the SARS outbreak was helpful in showing how it can be contained somewhat, and had the authorities acted quicker in alerting the WHO the outcome of that would probably have been a lot better anyway.

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You think we can really truly curb the spread of diseases? You confidence in our government is disturbing [/vader]. :p

No seriously, dude. Hate to break it to ya, but the only reason SARS was "contained" was it just isn't a very spreadable disease in the first place. Now you get something that you can catch just by looking at somebody with it, and we're all screwed.

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Jedi Davideus

Well, we've got vaccines now for this kind of stuff. If a flu epedemic DID break out, it would only be a matter of time before a vaccine was developed for it. In 1918 when the flu killed millions of people, scientists developed antibiotics for it and so it had to effect on it.

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No one is safe when it comes to diseases. They're often unpredictable.

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Well, we've got vaccines now for this kind of stuff. If a flu epedemic DID break out, it would only be a matter of time before a vaccine was developed for it. In 1918 when the flu killed millions of people, scientists developed antibiotics for it and so it had to effect on it.

I wouldn't rely on vaccines saving you on time. Look at just how few diseases actually have a vaccine for them.

Also, antibiotics would do diddly for the flu, seeing as it is caused by a virus. I think the 1918 epidemic was stopped simply by the weather warming up and the flu season ending, really.

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Exactically what TSL just said. Even flu shots aren't always effective. And giving antibiotics to people that have the flu just causes increased amounts of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics, and just makes the fight against infectious disease even harder. Here's what you do. Wash your hands (lots of times, or use hand sanitizer). Cook your poultry to well done, you should be doing that anyways so that you don't get Salmonella related food poisoning. Cover your mouth with a tissue or your sleeve when you cough or sneeze, and wash your hands afterwards. Get plenty of rest for your immune system to stay strong and eat lots of vitamin C.

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Jedi Davideus

Excuse me, I meant antibiotics had NO effect on the flu when it occured in 1918.

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Excuse me, I meant antibiotics had NO effect on the flu when it occured in 1918.

No...you didn't...you said:

"Well, we've got vaccines now for this kind of stuff. If a flu epedemic DID break out, it would only be a matter of time before a vaccine was developed for it. In 1918 when the flu killed millions of people, scientists developed antibiotics for it and so it had to effect on it."

You basically said that scientists found a way to stop the flu, which stopped the epidemic. When TSL and Prin (who are in the medical profession) proved you wrong, you changed your answer to mimic theirs'.

Nice try though! :cool2:

Edited by Chickenman

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Oh man, Chickenman with no mercy

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There was also alot more to the 1918 flu epidemic than just the flu. There was the condtions at the time.

ANd in the usage of vaccines, the virus does adapt to it. samething with antibiotics. So don't rely on just those.

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Oh god!!! The bacteria!!! It's mutating!!! :eek:

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Oh god!!! The bacteria!!! It's mutating!!!  :eek:

Oooh bacteria mutations *gets all excited* jumping0047.gif

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Oh man, Chickenman with no mercy

<voiceover>They took his sanity away from him...but now he's back...for revenge!

Chickenman is...

The n00b-smacker!

Coming to a theatre near you...unless you live in the Yukon, or Siberia or something...then you're screwed.



Edited by Chickenman

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Please please please tell me they got it from turkeys. The irony would be so delicious. :D

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We've got this thing on the bulletin board at work from the health department about guidlines for testing for it and the conditions under which testing is allowed to occur. Gotta love the part about biohazard suits and double doors with a safety shower in between for decon

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Who is "they?"

The aliens? :p

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*cracks up* ok the military bulletins they're putting out over here now are COMPLETELY pointless. Now they're trying to tone it down and make it sound like no big deal, like you're just going to sprout feathers and fly. Ah... military intelligence.... my favorite oxymoron.

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So far it doesn't appear to be such a big deal. The people getting infected are those that spend lots of time with these birds. The only way it's gonna end up really dangerous is if it mutates. Until it does, I'm not getting scared about this.

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Yeah, this has just been another world wide panic, curteousy of your friendly neighborhood media. They seem to have this thing about flu. :roll:

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