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Bad furday

So on Facebook..I found an old highschool classmate. I think Jess transferred after freshman year, but she looks as good as ever! I remembered her being into horses...and apparently,

she's a dressage rider now. I sent her a friend request...

and she snubbed me:P :( I sent her a message the next day, becasue I realised she might not remember me, and think I was a creepy stalker. :shifty: Her response to that was to

change the privacy settings on her photos , and to make her name unsearchable on the Facebook search thingy.

Am I really that horrible a person? :p:cry: I'd find it strangely amusing if she thought that was the case. Granted, I was an arse to a lot of people freshman year but.... * has a senior moment* I can't remember :p

I hate the Facebook privacy settings. :mad:

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Uncle Du

I would go with the, "she's way to full of herrself, and you shouldn't waste your time with her any way" thing. :)

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Bad furday

Thanks, Uncle Du! :)

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Uncle Du

Any time Furry. :)

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I love how strict you can set the security settings. Makes things a lot easier for me. I went through and sanitized my account the other day.

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So my relatives are finally jumping on the bandwagon. I don't want to be a douche, but, you know, the stuff I post on there are for my friends. Or at least not for the family. I know it's not exactly the most private place to be posting things, but meh.

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Bad furday

I actually feel the same way. It's a place for me to be me without the relatives/parents overtones...which is why this one girl who works at Kohls..I think I must pity her bf. Both her mom and stepmom or something are on facebook and are constant writers on her wall.

I'd hate that...having helicoptor parents trying to 'figure out this new fangled intarwebs thingy' and mingle/intrude/offer un-necessary commentary to their child's online life :p

Though with the privacy settings....I enjoy living vicariously through other peoples pictures of far off places...and social events like parties. both of which, are foreign to me. :p

Edited by Bad furday

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Uncle Du

Good Lord, I could only imagine if my monster in law were on facebook.

When did people start to think that facebook was a place to air out your personal dirty laundry? I don't get it.

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i dunno....my dad was giving me flack about not adding his "business profile" as a friend.

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Bad furday

*says something to stir up controversy* :p

Hey Sticky....I think your friend Kim is pretty hot! ;) ;) :p :hehe:

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Kim's one of those "far off places" that you're never gonna experience, Furry :rofl:

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Bad furday

You mean Texas? :p

*blares the subliminal alarm just in case* :p :lol:

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...yeah, that's what I meant... :p

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Bad furday

*snaps fingers* Damn...I will not be able to experience her far off place! :p

*looks around* What? :p Sticks worded it awkwardly :p

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Uncle Du

You kids and your word games. ;)

So, if anyone has blackmail photos, I need them in the worst way for mafia wars. I'm trying to get NY done, and I'm getting so close. I can reward handsomely, except for rare, LE collection items (which everyone seems to put in their wish list) :p

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Ah jeeze, I don't get all those facebook games. I reject all those requests.

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Bad furday

I believe I have caused Ana emotional strife/awkwardness on Facebook. :p:shifty:

Oh...and I haven't checked my facebook Pet in ages...I think it may be dead. :p

And Chicken mentioned a war criminal turkey named Joseph Gobbles. :p :rofl:

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No Furday, he's just dirty and sad :p

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Master Hayes

So this might come off as off topic but I have to ask, did any of you see the South Park that was on last Wednesday? If you didn't you should. You Facebook folks my get a serious laugh from it. Or you'll be highly offended.... :shifty: I thought it was funny and I'm not even on that crazy thing called Facebook. :nutty:

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Bad furday

I suppose I'll have to check that out now.

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Hey Ayingel, are you going to play Restaurant City anymore? Cuz if not you have some awesome ingredients that I want

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lol i'll send them to ya :)

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Awesome! Though you should still play so I can have more active neighbors

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haha i'll send half maybe? i was running some other stuff in the background so it was loading slowly earlier

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Bad furday

Aurelius has re-friended me on FB.

The Upsidedown Admin is alive! :D

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