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What era should the RPG take place in?

When should the RPG take place?  

8 members have voted

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I'm usually a soldier or warrior, I want to actually try Jedi this time.

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Jedi healer here. Just have to work out the specifics on my character

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Well, me and Beeurdy here were talking....and we think there should be a limit on Jedi/Force users.


Oh and Beeurdy..... I half a partial idea in my head for a plot...want me to PM it to you when I work it out?

Edited by Mara

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So you two are going to force people to have a character they don't neccesarily want to have? That doesn't sound very fair to me. If it comes to that, I'll probably drop out of the RPG.

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No, they're just trying to keep everyone from becoming a jedi, so we have more variety. It works pretty well on Mara's boards.

Hmm...I guess I'll be an echani, just like on Mara's. Luckily, I actually know more about them since getting Kotor 2. I used to be guessing.

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I agree...we don't want everyone to just run around with the force.

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Meh. I'll be a bounty hunter or something....whatever the Monarchy decrees. :roll:

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Damn straight! :p

But no, I think we said 2 Sith

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Well, it depnds on how they limit them.

Like one way, they could limit it to just the members with over 10,000 posts. Or to just Beeurd, Mara and I. :D

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Maybe I'll be an elite Jedi Hunter. Hmm... *puts Chicken's name at the top of his list* :twisted:

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Not gonna be a Jedi. :p

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I'll be um...a wookie! :p

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No one wants to see you running around wearing nothing but a banaloir.

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  Mara said:
Well, me and Beeurdy here were talking....and we think there should be a limit on Jedi/Force users.


Oh and Beeurdy..... I half a partial idea in my head for a plot...want me to PM it to you when I work it out?

Well good for what you think Mara. I don't think that there really needs to be a limit because who knows someone may want to be a rogue Jedi or someone who has Force sensitivity but it hasn't been discovered yet. There are plenty of variations for Force sensitive characters

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It's not just me.

It's not forcing anyone to do anything.....

Limits just make it more interesting. If everyone is a Jedi who wants to be a Jedi, everyone will be a Jedi. There won't be any "normal" people. Which isn't fun. I mean, think about it. It's like having a Ancient Greece RP where everyone gets to be a god. Where's the fun in that? Eventually the characters will run out of things to do. Variety adds versatility.

And I'm not saying that all the Force users have to be Jedi. I explicitly said "Jedi/Forceusers" as in, those who have the power to use the Force and are not Jedi, a.ka. isn't well know to other Jedi, etc.

As others were saying, it works well to limit the amount of characters who can use the Force. It's more interesting.

The limit would only mean that when it's met, something will be poster and all consequent characters have to be regular people. And if needed, like if there are a lot of people joining, the Force users could be opened up again for one or two more.

Beeurd, GI and I were only discussing. No concrete decisions have been made.

Any more objections?

Edited by Mara

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I think that the limit would be better

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Radioactive Isotope

i don't do so well with non-Jedi characters in a Star Wars story. just my $0.02. ;)

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Well, it's good to get out of your comfort zone sometimes. ;)

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  Drake said:
So you two are going to force people to have a character they don't neccesarily want to have? That doesn't sound very fair to me.

That's not what we said. We would just put a limit on how many their could be. It's a standard practice in proper RPGs - usually a percentage of the players. Hopefully we can work it out so that nobody who doesnt' want a non-Force-user is stuck with one.

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Do what must be done...do not hesitate...show no mercy...

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Well, Beeurd has the (kinda sorta mostly) final copy of the RP outline/plotline........Said he'd get to posting it or something tomorrow.....


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Money says he doesnt :p

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Well, I would do it, but I don't want to overstep any "lines."

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lol "omg mara posted the summary...ban!!!!" :p

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I'm the one who wrote it.....mainly. :p

I thought about a poll to determine the title.....but that would need the summary, eh? :p

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