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Okay...this does have something to do with the movies, believe it or not. this group is against seeing any of the Star Wars movies, all because of a few "political things" that George Lucas said. Some of the regulars here know that I have been e-mailing the founder of the site, just to ask why they even bother.

The first series of e-mails is in the Galactic Senate in "Your Story: Revenge of the Sith."

When I asked him where the quote was found, he brought me this site which is half biased, and makes the point that he wrote the movie long before 9/11 occured. So really, what is the point of boycotting a movie just because of one thing said? It's just like boycotting the Beatles. It isn't going to get very far...

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These people are fundamentalist idiots. They have taken the Right Wing stance to the super extreme, disregarding all sense and rationality. There's nothing wrong with being a strong conservative, don't get me wrong, but these guys are insane. And I'm not just saying that because they dissed SW. Just look at the website, and you'll see what I mean.

Of course, the scary part is they are a recognised enough organization that I found out about them from a news story from a major national news source.

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I'm not just saying that because they dissed SW.

I am! DAMN THEM!!! :evil:

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Yeah, but they are also boycotting just about every movie and actor. One guy stated on the forum that only movies like The Passion should ever be made. They have a petition to charge Michael Moore with treason for dissing the Pres during wartime for goshness sakes! They believe everyone must agree with and support the Pres on everything because he is the Pres and it is wartime, no matter what. If you do disagree with anything, they want you charged with treason and thrown out of the country, because obviously, you don't deserve to be an American. Oh, and forget other countries. They are the cause of every problem....after liberals, of course. Walmart is good for the economy, according to these geniuses, and outsourcing all our jobs is even better, but God forbid any foreigners get jobs here, legal or no!

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Of course, the scary part is they are a recognised enough organization that I found out about them from a news story from a major national news source.

yeah, the site said the guy was gonna be on tv, but they never aired it...

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Radioactive Isotope

i couldn't even read all of it. i could feel my brain cells rotting. yeah, sure, ROTS does have some similarities to our current world situations. but this story was in place LONG before any of this happened. the coincedence is just that. a coincedence. freaky, yeah, but not this huge deal they're trying to make it. i'm with beeurd on this one. anyone who disses Star Wars like that deserves to be thrown out an airlock.

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Hmm... Was this the same group that were boycotting LotR: The Two Towers because it was apparently called the Two Towers to cash in on 11th September?

Edited by beeurd

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Radioactive Isotope

if so, they really have no hope.

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I don't know about that, but most of the actors in LOTR are on their banned list :roll:

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These people obviously never read the part in the First Amendment called "Freedom of Speech." I may not like Michael Moore, and I know that he's a dirty lying douchebag, but I'm not trying to try him for treason. No matter how twisted or biased it is, you can still say it in this country.

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yeah...i mean...isn't this what Volatire wanted? "I may not agree with what you say, but I'll fight for your right to say it." They're all for the French (so am I most of the time *waves a french flag*)...didn't they get that memo?

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Hmm... Was this the same group that were boycotting LotR: The Two Towers because it was apparently called the Two Towers to cash in on 11th September?

If they are the same group, then this is a joke. That whole Two Towers thing was a joke. Someone else in response made a petition against RotK because it was offensive to Elvis.

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ya sound a little defensive there...;)

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Hmm... Was this the same group that were boycotting LotR: The Two Towers because it was apparently called the Two Towers to cash in on 11th September?

If they are the same group, then this is a joke. That whole Two Towers thing was a joke. Someone else in response made a petition against RotK because it was offensive to Elvis.

These people are definitely not joking...

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Poor George ... just a few months ago the liberals were hounding him because he'd thrown in his lot with the local republicans over tax issues ... now the conservative extreme is mad at him.

But seriously, what makes me the most mad is people trying to turn anything into an interpretation of a political statement. It's ewoking STAR WARS ... a galaxy far, far away. This is supposed to be a fantasy movie made to take us on a journey away from this world, not attempt to parallel ours. And the comments George made ... none of them directly compared his film to the US governement, and none of them really took sides. I agree that parallels between Vietnam and Iraq are amazing. What does that comment have to do with star wars though? I was gonna go on discussing the Vietnam and Iraq differences and similarities to give some backing to our stint in Iraq ... but that's all moot to the point I wanted to make.

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Lucas has said that the storyline is supposed to reflect the Vietnam era and Hitler's rise to power sorta combined.

It's not his fault there are similarities between those situations and every single other political situation/war ever to have existed anywhere ever.

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Yes, you're right. I misspoke a bit there, my bad. I remember George said that the Vietnam War was his inspiration for the Ewoks defeating the Imperials on Endor. The so called primitives with less technology beating an army with advanced technology. He wasn't making a political statement with that though, which is what extremists like to insinuate. And Vietnam was not the only war with which this occured, and I'm sure Lucas didn't look solely at Vietnam and say "I want to work this into my movie so that people will always be anti-vietnam and all that vietnam involved!" And as I write this I realize that the one thing he took from the Vietnam, in no way applies to the Iraq war, hmm, ironic I say.

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The so called primitives with less technology beating an army with advanced technology. He wasn't making a political statement with that though, which is what extremists like to insinuate. And Vietnam was not the only war with which this occured

Happened in the Revolutionary War.

Anyway, about the PABAAH bullsith, I believe I can sum up what would be a long rant with the following words.

Political extremists, whether conservatives or liberals, are psychos. And not the good kind.

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The so called primitives with less technology beating an army with advanced technology.  He wasn't making a political statement with that though, which is what extremists like to insinuate.  And Vietnam was not the only war with which this occured

Happened in the Revolutionary War.

You mean the Rebellion against the Empire? :p


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Uncle Du

Nice to know that you've finally come to terms with that. ;)

(Now look who the Empire is) :p

Edited by Du: The Bushmaster

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I think you're more like the Old Republic, actually, but that's getting into nasty politics so we won't go there... :p

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lol, I think you're right.

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*high fives teh beeurd*

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Uncle Du

Politics? What's that? :p

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Well...it's been near two and a half weeks since I've heard from the head of PABAAH. So, I guess that means that he had no more information to back himself up.

oooh...back pedal back pedal back pedal.

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