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jedi guy


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jedi guy

why dont you get games for the site, and then convert the points/time left into republic credits.your profile shows how many you have and there's a leaderboard for the richest of the rich!

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I wouldn't know how to, and don't have the time anyway, lol.

But it would be good...

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Probably wouldn't work.

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actually, it just be a matter of getting a either PHP or JS game going, then post the variable $credits to the game, then retrieving it and uploading it to a database using a mySQL function

a PHP game would be safer since it's server side, and therefore people can't upload bogus variables and give themselves millions of credits. :p

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We're not that smart. :p

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heh, i didn't use to be either, then i got asked to see if it was possible

we had sabacc working where it interacted with a roleplay bank for the EH...too bad the AI stunk and people got rich fast. :p

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