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Space: The Final Frontier

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And good work on the title. ;)

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Should have said Trinary Sunset...mor Starwarsish :p

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The thread is for all space news, lol.

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Oooooooooh....ok...my bad

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Radioactive Isotope

i will refrain from calling you an unobservant moron :p

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I won't!

You unobservant moron!

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Further Shuttle Flights Cancelled

This really sucks. I can understand the safety issues involved but it seems like a waste. In 2010, the funding for the ISS will stop and, if there aren't any shuttles to carry the heavy equipment, the station will go uncompleted for a very long time. Granted the Soyuz will still be making trips for Russia but they're only large enough to carry food and supplies. This is a major disappointment.

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It's really time they update the shuttles anyway. I don't know about you, but if I were an astronaut I wouldn't want to be going up to space attached to a giant bomb powered by Commodore 64s.

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hahaha Commodore 64s = w00t

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*shoots NASA in the foot*

YOU ruined my trip to Florida. I WANTED to see my SECOND launch...but noooooo...you grounded it.

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I was very lucky to be at Space Camp in Alabama when the launch happened. We got to watch it on the Imax screen, and the atmosphere was just incredible, because everyone there was so into it. We clapped at all the major time markers... SSME start, SRB start, tower clearance, roll maneuver, throttle down, SRB sep, MECO, ET sep... it was totally amazing.

And anyone who got all that deserves cookies. Seriously.

I'm very upset that they've cancelled the shuttle. The ISS is completely screwed by this. It won't be completed until NASA develops a new, safer system. And considering the lack of public enthusiasm for NASA nowadays, it'll be extremely difficult for them to get the proper funding, at least in any sort of timely manner. Screwing the ISS even further. Grr.

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I'm still pissed off about that whole thing. It's such a huge waste of money. Without a shuttle to boost it into a higher orbit once in a while, the ISS will eventually burn up in the atmosphere. It would be a giant waste of billions...no, trillions of dollars of International funding and technology just because NASA is paranoid about a little chunk of foam. Good Lord people...do you think the Russian ships are any safer? I don't think so!

*shakes head* I used to be so enthusiastic about the space program...but now this is killing it for me.

Edited by Drake

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But if you think about it, they kinda had to.

People are more worried about "These poor people will die!" instead of "We're going to go save a space station we don't hear anything about!"

YOu have to realize, most people in the US either don't know or don't care. That leads to NASA and the space frontier being low on their list of priorities. Meaning, guess whats gonna be the first cut when the gov't needs money?

I would guess that NASA did this in order to get popular support and funding. So people can say "Alright, I'm giving money to help save astronauts" not "ALright, I'm giving money to something I have no idea about"

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Yeah, I know all of that. But that's why I'm pissed about it. No one knows and no one cares.

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Well...if it makes you feel better, they'll all die within the next 100 years, and humanity with them in the next, what?, trillion or so?

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Nah, Education and Healthcare go first, then NASA ;)

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lol true

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Radioactive Isotope

sadly, yes

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Shuttles have always lost heat tiles and insulation on the way up. That's just inevitable. But now that they hit a piece, everyone's all paranoid. The odds that they could lose a piece large enough to seriously damage the shuttle enough so it could absolutely damage them beyond safe return is extremely slim. But, paranoia is the order of the day.

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Not only the order of the day, the order of the century.

The chances of being killed by a terrorist is slim to none. I mean most nations biggest terrorist attacks didn't even hit 100s much less 1000s. If you compare that to their total population, it is very small. And yet, here we are pouring money to stop terrorists.

What a waste of money...that could be used for things that are actually seriously threatening the population.

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Like world poverty...AIDs research and care...health care...etc.

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Also..Radio-wave controlled monkeys, designed to do our bidding and complete the menial and degrading tasks normally left for the underbelly of society. Think of the power!


But yeah. AID's research might also be good. Less exciting. I mean....monkeys.

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