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So did anyone watch the show? I was a fan of it and watched before Fox cancelled it...the assclowns. Anyway, I'll probably buy the season on DVD.

So...did anyone see the movie? If you havn't...what's wrong with you? Hehe, j/k.

Serenity is a truely brilliant film. I've heard it said that it's "The new Star Wars"...and that was said by a Star Wars fan. I agree with them. I've seen it three times and it's just as good the third time as it is the first. The story is excellent. The characters are talented and funny. The camera work is astounding. And the CG effects are awesome. Guys...if anything, go to see the space battle at the end. It looks so real. Not only that but it's realistic too. If not that, then go to see a 17 year old girl beat the sith out of a horde of bad guys. That was extreme...

Anyway, now that I've flooded this topic with adjectives...GO SEE THE MOVIE!

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Nope, not yet.

But it's good to have another opinion.

I'd like to see the movie, but I was told it was better to watch Firefly first, so I would get everything.

But then a guy at work told me that it didn't matter and to just go see the movie.

What would you recommend?

I have easy access to the Firefly DVD's.... (my cousin loaned them to my dad a while back...).

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It really doesn't matter either way. I would actually recommend seeing the movie first because it was more written for the newcomers instead of the series fans. The first 15 minutes of the movie wraps everything up in a neat little package anyhow, lol.

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Seen the movie twice. Love it. Need to see it again. Never saw the TV show, but I've ordered the DVDs and they should arrive anyday now.

"New Star Wars" is a pretty good summary of it. ^^

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Isn't that, like, blasphemy or something? :p

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It really doesn't matter either way. I would actually recommend seeing the movie first because it was more written for the newcomers instead of the series fans. The first 15 minutes of the movie wraps everything up in a neat little package anyhow, lol.

Okay cool. I'll have to see if I have time.

I think my dad sent the DVD's back to my cousin anyhow. :p

Edited by Mara: Forever

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Isn't that, like, blasphemy or something? :p

Not if it's the truth. ;)

Well...to get more specific, I'd say it's what the Millenium Falcon would be like if it had a crew of 8 and half of them were Han Solo. :p

Edited by Drake

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That sounds horrible. :p

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Horribly funny!

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Got my DVDs last night. Halfway through "Our Mrs. Reynolds" now. OMG so good.

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I agree.

I am a convert.

Firefly FTW!

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I'm so proud of you... ^^ :p

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lol they grow up so fast! :p

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I love firefly and the moive baced on it but i think it fundmentaly differant then star wars

Star Wars is a classic fantasy (old wizards, black kinghts, chaming rogues, caputerd prinsses, and simple farmboys with untaped powers) in a sci-fi backround

Firefly is more of classic western (noble outlaws with a past, living buy the way of the gun, hi class hores that are sercitly in love with the main character) in a sci-fi backround

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Darth Nemesis

I really wish they'd bring this series back to television.

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lol very true.

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Firefly was an awesome show, I own it on DVD aswell as Serenity. I was actually watching it earlier today.

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Go you! Firefly = teh rox

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Must see Firefly.. watched Serenity tonight.. was awesome.. the dialogue freakin' rocked.

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And Firefly is every bit as good. Go forth and watch! Spread the greatness!

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Shiney. ;)

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I found the series for $30 at Borders, and I have to say it is one of the finest things I have ever bought. :D

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My cousin has it.. :p

Or I'm sure I could get it for a $1 at the library.

Edited by Mara

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My dad bought Serenity the other day. Saw it for the first time. We bought Firefly shortly afterwards, and we're working through it. Definitely worth seeing more of.

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