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Star Wars board games?

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anyone have these or know what they are about? Star Wars Epic Battles and Star Wars LIFE? I'm interested in finding out if they are fun or not.

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Master MJade

I HAVE STAR WARS LIFE CHECK BELEIVE IT OR NOT and i want Epic battles now that i know what the name

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The only SW board game i have is SW monopoly. It's great. You have imperial credits instead of dollars, and the locations are great.

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whats star wars life about? Same as LIFE or is it different?

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Master MJade

almost the same thing except that instead of money you build up jedi skills, however it takes a couple times of playin' to get used to it.

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Yep in SW life you even get a lightsaber and your own Jedi Master. Pretty cool really except when you play with two freaks who deliberately become Sith Lords.

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Who would deliberatly become Sith Lords?

Mwhahahaha! :evil:

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Master MJade

idiots in my spanish class

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Grand Moff Tarkin

I'd like too get one of these board games but i don't know which or where too get em......

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Ms Pablo Skywalker

I got given SW Trivia Pursuit for X-Mas, but the person who bought it didn't really think about who i could play it with...

But the pewter counters of Obi Wan and Sidious are cool! :)

These other board games sound cool too.

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Cool. I want that :)

I havn't got anyone to play it with either, but who cares...

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Yeah, sounds cool. Are the questions hard?

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Master MJade

games i want

~epic battle


~trivia pursuit

total cost about $60 dollars US

gotta go :(

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Ms Pablo Skywalker

The questions in Triva Pursuit are reasonable....

When i get home (as i'm in a net cafe) i will post some examples. They're divided up into 6 sections eg, characters, Planets etc.

It's useless playing, because i always win against siblings, and my friends would just disown me if i took it out to play :wink:

But i test myself and the counters are VERY cool :D

Oh, and i forget to say, it's an epI trivia pursuit...

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Doc Ani Jade

I got a computer version of sw monopoly for x-mas...It's totally useless. C-threepio talks way too much...

But it came with a cool little metal figure of anakin... :lol:

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Is that way too much even for threepio?

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Doc Ani Jade

Yes...oh yes...agony beyond belief...

the board game was fun, but the only time I played it was a short game... :(

Oh, did I tell you my latin teacher gets a little amiacal giggle every time she pulls out her latin trivial pursuit...


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Master MJade


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Ms Pablo Skywalker

Finally i have got round to posting an example of the qu's on Ep1 Trivial pursuit.

Characters: Which Jedi exhibits a tendency to take other life forms under his wing?

Weapons/Vehicles: What does Obi-Wan use to retrieve Qui-Gon's lightsaber?

History: What does Qui-Gon tell Amidala he can't do for her upon their return to Naboo?

Geography: Which planet lacks a molten core?

Droids, Creatures & Aliens: What droids unfold to release tripods of spidery legs and arms into which laser guns have been built?

Wild Card: What orchestra recorded the score for Ep1 The Phantom Menace?

Well, there you go... 8)

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Master MJade

i can answer all but the the last one

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Doc Ani Jade

London symphony...right? they did the last one...

(that's comin froman American... :p )

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I found my dad's old SW game. It's the Escape from Death Star. It's really cool.

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Doc Ani Jade


One time we were staying at a lake house, and I was searching through a closet for something-and back in the corner I found this set of metal sw things...I think it was from the early 80ds...

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Finally i have got round to posting an example of the qu's on Ep1 Trivial pursuit.

Characters: Which Jedi exhibits a tendency to take other life forms under his wing?

Weapons/Vehicles: What does Obi-Wan use to retrieve Qui-Gon's lightsaber?

History: What does Qui-Gon tell Amidala he can't do for her upon their return to Naboo?

Geography: Which planet lacks a molten core?

Droids, Creatures & Aliens: What droids unfold to release tripods of spidery legs and arms into which laser guns have been built?

Wild Card: What orchestra recorded the score for Ep1  The Phantom Menace?

Well, there you go...  8)

1: Qui Gon

2: The Force

3: Fight a war for her

4: Naboo

5: Destroyer Droids

6: I'm thinking London Symphony too... though that could be wrong...

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I truly wonder about you Hal

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