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RFID - Invasion of privacy?

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Guest The sudedongdong!

Somebody told me that Credit Cards are the devil. One day they will, supposedly, become compulsory.

They -apparently- hold the number of the Devil and remove all forms of money.

I'd be more afraid of the processor which can think faster than the world's entire population (2060).

Beware of SKYNET. :)

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They already have processors that think that fast.

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Not that bad, atleast its not like cameras lol

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They're already using these. Soon, they'll be able to tell where you are, what you're wearing, what's in your house, who's in your house, etc. remotely.

Isn't it wonderful? Big brother just got bigger.

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There was a rally near me a couple of weeks ago...well in Dallas anyways at the WalMart there...it woulda been cool to go.

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Hmmm just a thought.

Who are we to say what privacy is. We may be "free" but we aren't free. They can say what privacy is and we can't do a lot about it. Unless it is totally radical, there won't be a big shift in how our gov't thinks any time soon.

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So....just because we can't do anything about it doesn't mean we can't complain and vent.

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True enough

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Yes, it is an Invasion of Privacy. Why should the Government know where you are, what you're doing, what you're buying etc?

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If the people don't want it they'll vote it down, so I see no reason to worry about it. Without the support of the people, there is no government.

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vote it down? I dunno bout you, but I never saw the issue on any ballot. :|

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I was thinking that. What planet is Alex on?

From what I can see democracy is a failing system. *shrug*

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I'm using vote as a figure of speech. Meaning that officials will not be elected again. If people disagree with something as a majority then there won't be a problem. However, if people don't really care one way or another if their clothes are bugged, then you'll just have to live with it, or viva la revolution. The government doesn't own you, you own the government. If there's no issue on the ballot, then make it an issue on the ballot. The government only has this kind of power because we let it. You can sit back in a thread and talk about "Big Brother," but I don't see you doing any more than that to change it. That's WHY the government is able to do this, people give them the power than remain totally apathetic.

Edited by Alexander

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I used to think that way.... That was back when I still thought we lived in a democracy though.

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Well there's no such thing as a true democracy - except in books - for the same reason why communism could never work as a form of government. You'll still have aspects of a different system in any form of government. Our system has democracy, communist, authoritarian, monarchy and totalitarian aspects in it.

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If the people don't want it they'll vote it down, so I see no reason to worry about it. Without the support of the people, there is no government.

You can already find RFID chips in products in stores now, such as Gillette products. We can't exactly vote that down, only boycott

It's not just the government that's doing this.

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Well do something about it, ranting on a message board isn't going to get you anywhere.

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She's allowed to "rant". If you don't like it, don't read it.

Do you work for a RFID company or something, cause you're awfully spazzy about it, lol.

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I'm not saying I don't like it. God knows I've bithed and ranted before about similar things. I just find it pointless to bith and rant about something, referencing Orwellian societies and Big Brother, yet remaining completely apathetic in the government process which would allow you to change these things. That's the reason I don't rant about privacy issues anymore, because I'm a pretty apathetic individual. Considering I disagree with RFID chips, if I were to rant I'd be right alongside her, giving her a pat on the back and saying, "Well done ol' chap." But sometimes critiques are more valuable than compliments, and not to mention a thread that has nothing but agreeances is pretty boring.

If I worked for a RFID company I would be supporting the chips rather than telling you to get off one's ass and do something.

Edited by Alexander

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lol, this is where I start slamming my head against the nearest wall...

*does so*

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Once again, doing nothing. Not even offering a counter-argument. FOR SHAME! :p

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I'll give you a counter-argument... YOU SUCK!

Oh wait, no thats not an arguement at all... never mind. ;)

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lol I agree with Alexander on this one.

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