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Wiretapping, Patriot Act, etc.

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I saw about that. tis pretty bad. What is the world coming to?

Personally I think Bush has majorly overreacted on this whole terrorism thing.

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I agree. He has way overstepped his bounds as President. I'm proud of the Senate for standing up to him on the Patriot Act

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  beeurd said:
I saw about that. tis pretty bad. What is the world coming to?

Personally I think Bush has majorly overreacted on this whole terrorism thing.

It's not overreaction. He's making such a huge deal out of it on purpose. He keeps using 9/11 as the reason behind everything he does. He keeps warning us about terrorism, saying "9/11" and "al-qaeda" ad nauseum to keep us afraid. He tries to keep us in a constant state of fear. That way, we'll support him, because, hey, he's the only one who can protect us. A huge part of his 2004 campaign revolved around his scare tactics, and how we'd all be killed if Kerry won.

The Patriot Act has nothing to do with terrorists. It's just the first step towards 1984.

Edited by Chickenman

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Yeah, I don't think the threat of terrorist activity is any greater than it has ever been.

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how are they even gonna track these "suspects" any way?

hell, i could be connected to al queada, and they wouldn't tap me. i'm a white american.

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Bad furday

I'm sure they watched my moves closely when I was in the courthouse on Monday... :p :lol:

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They've probably heard about you. :p

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  Smurfette said:
how are they even gonna track these "suspects" any way?

What do you mean how are they gonna track suspects? There's this thing called spying. You may have heard of it. You know, the whole "tapping phone lines" and "bugging houses" and things of that nature.

  Smurfette said:
hell, i could be connected to al queada, and they wouldn't tap me. i'm a white american.

Yeah...except...no. If you were connected to "al queada" they could easily find out. And if they did find out, they would definitly tap you. The CIA may be uneffective, but it isn't stupid. They know that there are terrorists that arn't middle eastern. They know there are such things as "home grown terrorists."

  Smurfette said:
they wouldn't tap me.

You're cute. I like you. :D

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Though racial profiling is big

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Oh yeah, definitly.

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I refer you my Hoover Dam story this past summer. lol

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I really wish someone in power would ask how can the President and his cronies say they're really protecting Americans when the bi-partisan 9/11 Commission gave them low grades on homeland security.

Edit to include: And it's very troubling that some of the groups that have been spied on are anti-war groups. I don't have any evidence to really say it was politically motivated, but it's very scary to think administrations (whatever persuasion) could use this for purely political motives.

Edited by TheUnknown

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Well of course they are... That's a given.

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For the antiwar groups theyd just say, some people who are against the war could be terrorists trying to sway american opinion

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Glad that we followed through on that. :roll:

Seriously, how the hell have we not done anything about this yet? How the hell has America just rolled over and let this happen? Are you serious? :mad:

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