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How Happy Are You?

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You Are 32% Happy


You're not miserable, but you could stand to be a lot happier.

Focus on what's right in the world, and you'll be happier than you ever thought possible.

How Happy Are You?


That's much too high to be me. :???:

Edited by Chickenman

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Radioactive Isotope

You Are 52% Happy


You're definitely a happy person, even though you have your down moments.

You tend to get the most out of life, though there's always some more happiness to be squeezed.

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You Are 36% Happy


You're not miserable, but you could stand to be a lot happier.

Focus on what's right in the world, and you'll be happier than you ever thought possible.

How Happy Are You?


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You Are 16% Happy


You know that there's more to life than how you've been living it.

Life can be rough at times, but most of your unhappiness is self-inflicted.

How Happy Are You?


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You Are 56% Happy


You're definitely a happy person, even though you have your down moments.

You tend to get the most out of life, though there's always some more happiness to be squeezed.

How Happy Are You?


Sheesh, JM and I are the only happy people. What a depressing group of people we hang with. ;)

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You Are 84% Happy


It's unlikely that you know anyone happier than you.

You know how to be happy, no matter what life throws at you.

How Happy Are You?


Ha! I'm happier than you! :p

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You Are 48% Happy


You're definitely a happy person, even though you have your down moments.

You tend to get the most out of life, though there's always some more happiness to be squeezed.

How Happy Are You?


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I reexamined my answers and retook the test. 16%. That sounds about right.

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You Are 48% Happy


You're definitely a happy person, even though you have your down moments.

You tend to get the most out of life, though there's always some more happiness to be squeezed.

How Happy Are You?


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Radioactive Isotope

Sheesh, JM and I are the only happy people. What a depressing group of people we hang with. ;)

you just had to go and say something, didn't you? now look at all the happy people. :p

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Pfffft, that test made me sad, and decreased my happiness 500%! :p

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You Are 64% Happy


You are a very happy person. Generally, you feel content and that all is right with the world.

Occasionally, you have a down day - but you have the ability to pick yourself right back up.

How Happy Are You?


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You Are 20% Happy


You know that there's more to life than how you've been living it.

Life can be rough at times, but most of your unhappiness is self-inflicted.

How Happy Are You?


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Jake Durron

You Are 20% Happy


You know that there's more to life than how you've been living it.

Life can be rough at times, but most of your unhappiness is self-inflicted.

How Happy Are You?


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