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Dace Sarkin

The reality of the Star Wars story....another time, another place. Fact, not fiction?

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Dace Sarkin

Do you know how in the intro to every Star Wars movie, it says, "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away....." ?

It very well could be that those events really happened sometime in the past history of the universe; that the author is accessing memories of what happened long ago. I believe The 'Force' really exists and is the Universal energy field that surrounds all reality; a quantum field if you wish.

I remember someone saying somewhere that the Lightsaber is the laser sword that was used during wars between beings we know as 'Angels' that may have occurred in higher-dimensional spacetime. They also said that the Force is the Creator.

I think there is always more to a movie than meets the eye at surface level. Deeper truths can be accessed and communicated through signals from outside this world.

Edited by Dace Sarkin

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That's religion dependant.

In addition, if this was true, why do we not have jedi today? Aka maybe the popes? the cardinals? In addition, this would then rely on the fact that there has to be only 1 demon and the devil.

But yes...there might be a certain allegory to religion among other things

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Radioactive Isotope

you can pull religious allegories out of just about everything. ;)

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Dace Sarkin

As a side note, I don't think the Pope or any Cardinals would be on the Light side. They actually seem more like the Sith in nature, to me. Just have a look at the uncanny resemblance between the new Pope Benedict and the Emperor Palpatine:


Even the name Palpatine sounds like something associated with Papacy. My friend Josh said that the dark side of the force has always disguised as the moral absolute truth attacking any ideology that jeopardizes its position of power, and only a Sith talks in absolutes!

But if we put religion aside, since that is a rather unfashionable topic in this current epoch, what about the possibility that the events in Star Wars were historic events; yet they did not happen in our known history?

May the force be with us all.

Edited by Dace Sarkin

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Have you ever seen the Political Compass? I think in that the Pope (John Paul II) was in the same quadrant as Saddam Hussein.

But anyways, my theory (joking, though) is that George Lucas came to Earth from a galaxy far far away, and thought his world's history would make some damn good movies. ;)

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