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My Fan Expo Adventure

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Here is a documentation of my trip to the 2006 Fan Expo in Toronto! Featuring displays from the genres of sci-fi, horror, anime, gaming, and comics. With guest star appearances by Carrie Fisher, Alice Cooper, William Shatner, and more! This was my very first convention ever so it was exciting for me. :D

Oh...the anime cosplayers...I don't know where half of them are from so I'll leave it up to the super-geeks to answer those. :p

All the lovely people in line

The entrance beckons

Into the Con

Where is she, already!?

That Doctor guy from Voyager

This guy's costume looks so real...

Ummm...I think I was told these were Naruto people

That's all the 501st has to send?

Paul McGillion (Dr. Carson Beckett) from Stargate Atlantis

Another of Paul

Captain America

A random Sith trying to look menacing

Bre and I up close and personal with Paul McGillion!

Some anime people...with a fan and umbrella thing

Juggernaut being interviewed by a cardboard Transformer

Wolverine and Magneto


Met back up with Cap on Day 2

I think this was .Hack people doing an interview with some TV people


Final Fantasy folk

Jedi and Sith together for a special fan...no flash on this one because the lightsabers screw it up

Lots of X-Men

Awesome Jango costume


Stargate personnel

Oh there's a couple more

Team InuYasha

More FF, I think...looks like Cloud in the back

Funniest costume...Trekkie with a lightsaber (you should have seen how many SW nerds tried to get it away from him)

It was a great two days. I picked up a nice Vader Unleashed figure, a Boba Fett art piece, a Holy Grail T-shirt and a Zboard for playing WarCraft. I also got an autograph from Paul McGillion. I would have liked to get a Carrie Fisher auto but the line was massive and I'm pretty sure she would have charged a lot for her little scribble.

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Uncle Du

Wow, sounds like a wicked time, and you got some great pics. That rocks.

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Lol a lightsaber-bearing trekkie?! That's just asking for it. :p

Those Inuyasha people are freakin' awesome.

And I am so incredibly jealous of you for meeting Paul.

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That's why I said he was "trying". :p

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Wow, talk about a delayed reaction B

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Wow, talk about asking for a slap in the face, Prin. :p

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Bad furday


*films* :p

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*gets out modstick*

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