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Tenel Ka

EU costumes!

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Tenel Ka

I was working on a site that showcases EU costumes, where people can email in their info and pictures and then the stuff would be uploaded onto the site -- so it would act as sort of a gallery of people who have done EU costumes and so on. And it was making me wonder if anyone had any EU costumes cause I've only seen a few here and there, and I KNOW there have to be more somewhere. XD You know, Star Wars costumes are always cool -- but EU costumes are even better because when someone recognizes who you're supposed to be it's awesome. Heeehehe~

So anyone have any and/or are working on some?

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Well, I don't, but Ana had a nice Tenel Ka costume at Celebration III.

And I don't seem to have a picture of it. Someone else will though. heh

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And hopefully I'll have improved it by C4.

What's the link to this place? I'd like to check it out.

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Tenel Ka
http://echuta.net/oc/ -- I know there's more EU costumes out there than these. ;D And if you had a TK costume at CIII, I probably took a picture of you when I saw you (cause I am a total nerd <3). It might even be on my TK site -- and if I do have a picture of you up there then I'll finally have someone to credit it too! :D

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... you do have me! I'm the second one down.

God, my costume looks like crap... but that's me! XD

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Haha, thats pretty cool.

Ana's famous! :p

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Bad furday

It's Ana....our newest celebrity! :p :D

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Tenel Ka

LOL, I wish I could make people famous on my crazy Star Wars domain. Heeeehehe~ :rofl:

Would you like me to put your TK costume on the Outlander Club site too? XD

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Hey, it's famous enough for me. :D

Sure you can put it on the Outlander site... even though it's way inferior to the ones there...

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That's neato!

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Tenel Ka

Heheh, thanks!

Alright Ana, I'll just need to profile info from you -- which is on this page. You can e-mail it to me, or PM it to me on here or even fill it out on the LJ, if you have a livejournal. :D

And if you know anyone else who has EU costumes, rope them in too. ;D EU costuming needs more love!

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...you have parody costumes on there... do parody costumes based on the Jedi Punks fanfic collaboration we wrote count? Because if it does, then there are a few other people 'round here who qualify...

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Tenel Ka

If they're parody costumes of established canon characters then yes they do count! :D

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