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The Force Unleashed 1 & 2 (spoilers abound!)

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It's the toughest at the beginning and end. All those stormies on the platform you land on at the start...it's like they have nothing better to do than just stand around all day on a run-down landing pad. :p

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Uncle Du

No kiddin' man! The first time I played it on normal I got whooped!! Totally threw me off.

Did you get the achievement for killing a bunch of dudes with the big ass globe? ;)

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No! I will now!

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Uncle Du

That's a fun one.

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What's an ass globe? :nerves:

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Uncle Du

You DON'T wanna know.

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I finally got bored and decided to go back and complete TFU. :)

Canonical ending, of course. ;)

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Uncle Du

Yay, now you read this thread and not have anything spoiled for you!! :p

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Psssh, like I didn't just read the whole of Wookieepedia beforehand anyway. :p

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Just got it yesterday. I wish I could feel as awesome the rest of my life as I did walking through that wookie village. :evil:

The camera's a b**** and it's not exactly easy to throw stuff with both accuracy and velocity at the same time, but it's still a fun as hell game. Just disappointing I don't have as much control over the chaos as I'd hoped. Then again, it's probably my suckitude at gaming, so we'll see.

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Uncle Du


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Okay, so I only played about 20 minutes of it yesterday, and it was mostly the same level as the demo. Now, after almost a day of playing it...this is one of the greatest games I've ever played. It's so over-the-top but awesome nonetheless. Once you've progressed in the levels a bit, and get access to the really nice combos...*squee!*

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Did you just squee?

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Uncle Du

Hahahaha, I think I squeed in my pants when I first played this. ;)

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I bought it (along with Mass Effect) when I bought my 360. It's not a perfect game. I had major problems with the story (rushed and a bait and switch). And ripping down the Star Destroyer with the Force sounds cool, but it was a pain in the ass. I finally realized that I should basically ignore the directions after pulling down twice. Plus, why does it have to be lined up facing you before you can pull it down.

At the same time, it's a badass game. Slicing a walker in half or beating the every-living ewok out of Jedi and Sith alike or heaving Wookiees off into chasms to their deaths is beyond cool. And the graphics are amazing.

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A few nitpicks because I'm such a nerd. Was that an X-Wing or a Z-95 Headhunter? The Headhunters were around since before Episode I. Still sort of an easter egg in that it's hidden, lol. Also, it's probably not Jar Jar in the carbonite...and the "alien from episode II" is hardly an easter egg. There's two of them side-by-side too...a reek and acklay head. With the Falcon one...I would have to look for it in the game since I couldn't see it in great detail in the video. Might be an earlier ship model too.

The clone commando helmet was pretty cool, though.

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It's supposed to be the Falcon, 3PO, and Jar Jar, yet none are canon. Same for the X-wing probably. I think it's supposed to be an homage to the scene in TESB when Luke and Yoda lift the X-wing out of the water. Same goes for the Falcon, it could be a reference to Luke's "What a piece of junk" line.

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Uncle Du

  Drake said:
A few nitpicks because I'm such a nerd. Was that an X-Wing or a Z-95 Headhunter?

I'm pretty sure that it's an X-Wing. If you look close, you can see duel canon housings for each individual s-foil that wouldn't be on a Headhunter. It does look like the projection from the lower s-foil isn't there any more, which is why it kinda looks like a Headhunter.

I can be a dork too. :D

It's fun. ;)

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Uncle Du

I'm loving the GB twitter updates, which is really the only reason that I found out about the Tatooine DLC that came out today.

Wish I hadn't traded the game. :p

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haha, glad it's come in handy. :D

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If they ever do another game, they should have it center on Mara Jade.

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I would SO buy a Wii for that.

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