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I've noticed some of the threads in the Spaceport are saying they've been updated today, but the last post is more than a month old.

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that, and when i've posted something, and then gone to another topic, it counts my post as new for me

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It probably has to do with cookies...

As for month-old topics becoming new... I think that happens because it's so old... it becomes new again. :p

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If you're talking about the weekly polls, it's probably because someone vvoted but didn't post

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Yeah, with polls... If someone votes it'll mark the topic as being new.

I can turn that option off though.

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i had a problem yesterday...but different, i guess? i had already read the drunk side, and it kept on saying mara wrote something new in there, when that was the last thing that was written...i eventually had to click the button before entering the forum to keep it from saying it was new...

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It was doing that for me too...but with new posts by me. I was still logged in but it said I had new unread posts, and there definitely weren't any new ones.

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Yeah, I've had that... I figured it was just a cookies' problem.

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me too on my own posts!

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