Stephen 0 Posted May 18, 2007 MOFF JERJERROD: Welcome to the DS2, Lord Vader. VADER: Blah-blah-blah? Shut up. My boss sent me here to baby-sit. Just leave me alone. JERJERROD: Oh, okay? as long as we don?t get in trouble. VADER: OH! I FORGOT! The Emperor is coming later! JERJERROD: ?crap? JABBA?S DOOR: [?Who the hell are you??] C3-PO: We?re droids. DOOR: [?Really? No crap!?] C3-PO: We?re here to place a lightsaber into Jabba?s Palace in the attempt to save Han Solo. DOOR: [?? ? okay. Come on in!?] JABBA: [?Hey, sexy! Wanna hug a slug??] OOLA: [?No, you?re all nasty and stuff!?] JABBA: [?You sure? We can use this chain in interesting ways.?] OOLA: [?EWW! You?re vile!?] JABBA: [?Fine then, ho! SPIKE! Dinner time!?] RANCOR: [?Mmm? twi?leck!?] OOLA: *Ouch* BOUSHH: [?Here?s the Wookie. Give me money.?] JABBA: [?No? just leave.?] BOUSHH: [?I?ll blow us up!?] JABBA: [?Fine? geez!?] JABBA: [??zzzZZZzzz??] BOUSHH: Wake up, Han. HAN: I can?t see! BOUSHH: Shhhh! HAN: Who are you? LEIA: Your biatch! HAN: Sweeeeeeeeet! JABBA: [?You fell for the trap!?] HAN/LEIA: ?crap? LUKE: I?ve come to free my friends. JABBA: [?You?re an idiot.?] LUKE: Will people stop calling me that! I?m grown up and mature now! JABBA: [?SPIKE! Desert!?] RANCOR: [?Mmmmm! JEDI!?] DOOR: [CRASH!] RANCOR: *Ouch* JABBA: [?I?m going to kill you all!?] HAN: Yeah, like we haven?t heard that before! JABBA: [?To the Sarlaac!?] HAN: The what-now? LUKE: A creature that looks like a plastic tube with sand around it. HAN: Oh? not to bad then. LUKE: Oh?it also has tentacles. HAN: [shudders] ?crap? HAN: Hey! I can see! Oh, wait? no I can?t. LUKE: Don?t worry, I have a lightsaber and the plan I made. HAN: Wait? you made the plan? LUKE: Yep! HAN: ?crap? JABBA: [?I?m dead sexy! Look at mah sexy bo-day!?] LEIA: Eww? you?re repulsive. JABBA: [?Yeah, I get that a lot. Check out my tongue, baby!?] LEIA: [Retches] JABBA: [?Are you guys ready to die now??] HAN: I have one thing to say to you, Jabba! JABBA: [?Ah, to beg for mercy, eh??] HAN: No, just to say that you should never have quit Weight Watchers? you?ve let yourself go to hell in a matter of a few years? JABBA: [? I know! I eat because I?m lazy; and I?m lazy because I eat. It?s a vicious cycle.?] LUKE: Let me help you, Jabba. JABBA: [?Gah! Who cares?! I?m rich! Throw them in!?] LUKE STUNTMAN: CANNONBALL! [bOING!] R2-D2: [?Here?s your saber, dude!?] LUKE: [ignites saber] SKIFF CREW: Oooooo? green? pretty? LUKE: [sLICE!] SKIFF CREW: *Ouch* SKIFF GUNMAN: [bLAM!] LANDO: Oh, I fell ovah! SKIFF GUNMAN: [bLAT!] LANDO: Oh, I fell ovah again! Help me, Han, you silly boy! I?m too pretty to die! BOBA: My precioussssssssss? HAN: Who? What-what! Oops? I hit you. BOBA: MY PRECIOUS IS LOST! NOOOOOOO?*Ouch* LANDO: Shame! He looked so cute in his little helmet! LEIA: [Wraps chain around Jabba] How?s this for S&M, you sick freak!? JABBA: Ack! Ghck! Whuch! LEIA: Geez! Your neck rolls are getting in the way. Eww? JABBA: [Dies] LEIA: Bout time. LUKE! LUKE: Geez, she?s hot in that bikini. Check out her? LEIA: Let?s get out of here. LUKE: Yeah, okay. Grab the droids. LEIA: Coming to the fleet? LUKE: Nope, I have to go see, Yo. LEIA: [rolls eyes] Luke? it?s YO-DA. LUKE: [sighs] How many times do I have to tell you people this? He?s on Dagobah, not Yoda. LEIA: [groans] I give up. See you at the fleet. LUKE: Geez, you're old. YODA: Well, duh! 900 years old am I! LUKE: Is Vader my father? YODA: Your father he is. LUKE: THAT'S NOT TRUE! IT'S NOT POSSIBLE! NOOOOOO? YODA: Oh, shut up. He turned to the darkside and became Vader. LUKE: Don't worry, I won't confuse things and ask who my mother was. YODA: Good, don't ask about your sis?[dies] LUKE: Oh, well... lemme leave. BEN SPIRIT: You have a sister? LUKE: No, I don't. BEN: You have a twin. And you know her. LUKE: Funny, no woman I know looks anything like me. BEN: SHH! Don't point that out to the audience. LUKE: Oh?sorry. HAN: Lando, you're leading the starfighter attack against the Death Star? LANDO: Yep! I just love the way the big ball looks! HAN: Why'd they pick you? You're a little pansy. LANDO: [Playful slap on the shoulder] Oh, stop it, you! MON MOTHMA: Look... I'm one of the only three or four females shown in the movie, so I'm the boss. ACKBAR: Fishy, fishy, fishy, fishy? MON MOTHMA: Shh! Let's go kill the Death Star...erm...again. ACKBAR: Fishy, fishy, fishy, fishy? MON MOTHMA: SHH! HAN: We're going to the moon to take down the shield. LEIA: I'm going. You're sexy. CHEWIE: ["I'm going. She's sexy."] LUKE: I'm going... uh... I'M sexy. LANDO: You sure are, hun. LUKE: Ew... EMPEROR: Vader. VADER: 'Sup, boss? EMPEROR: It's 'My Lord' VADER: Oop?sorry. 'Sup, My Lord. EMPEROR: [rolls eyes] Send the fleet to the other side of the moon. VADER: Why? EMPEROR: Just do it. VADER: [looks at camera and lifts shoes] Air Vader by Nike. 'Just do it'. HAN: We're requesting access to the planet. CONTROLLER 1: "[snicker] Okay Imperial shuttle. [snicker]" HAN: They may be onto us. LEIA: Look, the shields down. HAN: Guess we're okay. CONTROLLER 1: "They don't know that we know. The Emperor said to let?" CONTROLLER 2: "The comm's still on!" CONTROLLER 1: "Oh, shi?[click]" VADER: Ready or not; here I come! HAN: Let me go over there and attract attention. LEIA: Okay! HAN: Yo! [punch] SCOUT: Go for help! LUKE: Let's go ride the bikes. LEIA: Weeeeeee! Whoooooaaaaaa. EWOK: Yub-yub. HAN: Where's Leia? LUKE: Wha? Oh, she must've fallen off. CHEWIE: ["Here's her helmet."] HAN: Well, she wouldn't just have taken it off. She must be dead. Let's go. LUKE: Yeah, okay. EMPEROR: I told you to stay on the ship. VADER: My son is on the moon. EMPEROR: Whaaa!? How come you know, and I don't? You better not betray me! VADER: I won't. EMPEROR: Go and wait for him. VADER: He'll find me? EMPEROR: Yep. Then bring him up here. VADER: Aight, dude. EMPEROR: [ahem] VADER: Uh, I mean, My Lord. CHEWIE: [?Look a trap with meat.?] HAN: Mmmmm? meat? CHEWIE: [?Should we risk it??] HAN: Sure? not like it?s natives who will eat us, or anything. CHEWIE: [?Okay then!?] TRAP: [sWOOSH!] EWOK: Yub-Yub! HAN: ?crap? C-3PO: Goodness-gracious me. EWOK: [Gasp!] ? [bows and chants] C-3PO: They think I?m a god. LUKE: Sweet EWOK CHIEF: [?We?re gonna eat you! Get in our bellies!?] LEIA: No! They?re my friends! EWOKS: So, we have to fee the golden-one. C-3PO: [Levitates] BOO! EWOKS: AAUUGHH! EWOK CHIEF: [?Okay, we?ll help you fight the Empire.?] LUKE: [To Han] Did we ask for that? HAN: [To Luke] No, so shut up! LUKE: Vader is my father. LEIA: No? that?s not true? it?s not possible. LUKE: Pssh! That?s what I said? but Yoda confirmed it. LEIA: Whoa? mind-trip, man. LUKE: I?m not done. You?re my sister. LEIA: Naaah! No, way. We look nothing alike. LUKE: Shh! LEIA: Oh?sorry. LUKE: I have to go save him. LEIA: Okay then. Lemme go cry on Han. VADER: Ah, son. Welcome back. LUKE: Turn back to the light. VADER: No, way, man! Being evil kicks ass! LUKE: Look what I made, Dad! VADER: Oooo? green? LUKE: Okay, let?s go home. VADER: Nope, gotta take you to the Emperor. LUKE: ?crap? EWOKS: [?We?ll distract them. You go inside.?] HAN: Yeah, okay. LEIA: We?ve set the charges! Let?s run out into the trap. HAN: Okay! LANDO: Everybody?s here, sweetie! ACKBAR: Fishy, fishy, fishy?ahem! Prepare to go to Hyperspace on my signal. LANDO: Okay. [Flips switch] Oops? guess I don?t listen well. ACKBAR: Fishy, fishy, fishy, fishy? EMPEROR: Ah, young Skywalker. How are you? LUKE: A little confused, angry, upset? EMPEROR: It was a rhetorical question. LUKE: Oh? well, excuuuuuuse me. EMPEROR: Let me turn you. LUKE: Nope. EMPEROR: Your Dad is mine. LUKE: We?re all going to be dead. EMPEROR: Your fleet? Yes, I know about it. LUKE: [Looks out viewport] EMPEROR: [sticks fingers in ears and sticks out tongue] MY FLEET?S BIGGER THAN YOURS! LUKE: It?s not fair! I?m telling Dad! Oh, wait? EMPEROR: Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!! LANDO: Everyone here? WING LEADERS: Yes. LANDO: Let?s go spank their bottoms! WING LEADERS: [roll their eyes] NIEN NUNB: [?We?re being jammed.?] LANDO: They knew we were coming. TURN AROUND. ACKBAR: FISHY! IT?S A TRAP! LANDO: Well, doi, you silly fish! TIE FIGHTERS: [bLAST! BLAM! BZZZT! POW!] REBEL PILOTS: *Ouch* EMPEROR: We?re killing your friends! We?re killing your friends! LUKE: STOP IT! EMPEROR: Here?s your lightsaber; come kill me. LUKE: No, I don?t want to. It?ll take more than the deaths of no-name pilots to anger me. EMPEROR: We?ll see? we?ll se? VADER: [FART] Oops?s?cuse me. STORMTROOPER: We have the Rebels. C-3PO: Hello! Come over here so we can attack you! SCOUTTROOPER: Go get them! TROOPS: Yes?sir! EWOKS: [?ATTACK! Look! Our small rocks work against their armor! Who would?ve guessed?!?] TROOPS: *Ouch* HAN: Let?s go blow this thing up now. LEIA: We can?t the door is locked. R2-D2: [?Move. Let me do it?] STORMTROOPER: [bLAST!] R2-D2: *Ouch* STORMTROOPER: [bZZZT!] LEIA: You shot me! That really hurt! Honestly? who shoots a princess? HAN: Lemme grope your cheast really quick while I help you up. LEIA: Whoo! Feisty! [shoots STORMTROOPER] HAN: I love you. LEIA: NOW you tell me?! I?ve already slept with Lobot! I love bald men. HAN: ?crap? EMPEROR: Luke, come watch again. LUKE: What now? EMPEROR: It?s my new toy; watch. DEATH STAR II: [bLAM!] REBEL SHIPS: *Ouch* LUKE: [ignites Lightsaber] DARTH VADER: [blocks LUKE?s blow] EMPEROR: Heh-heh-heh-heh-[COUGH!] LUKE: I won?t fight you?um?anymore. VADER: Oh, yeah? [Attacks!] LUKE: I can feel the good in you. VADER: Who?s yo daddy?! LUKE: You can?t kill me. I?m your son. VADER: Blah-blah-blah? let?s fight. HAN: Charges are set, let?s go. LEIA: We did it! Yay! HAN: Wait! I have to get behind this glass before the charges go off. LEIA: What glass, Han? HAN: Oh, yeah? what glass?! There?s no glass there. [Nervous laughter] IMPERIAL BASE: *Ouch* VADER: Come out, come out, wherever you are. LUKE: No. You?ll never get me, or my sister. Oop?crap! VADER: I?m gonna get your sister! I?m gonna get your sister! LUKE: NEVER! [Attacks, chopping off VADER?s hand] There? we?re even. EMPEROR: Good? use your anger. Now take his place. Never liked him anyway. LUKE: No, I?m a Jedi. EMPEROR: Oh, well that works too. [LIGHTING] LUKE: *Ouch* EMPEROR: You die now! LUKE: Dad! Help! VADER: [Thinking] Emperor?Son?Emperor?Son?Emperor?Son? EMPEROR: This is fun! [More Lightning] LUKE: DAD! ANYTIME NOW! VADER: [Picks up Emperor] EMPEROR: He-he-he! That tickles! VADER: [Throws him down the power shaft.] EMPEROR: *Ouch* LUKE: Dad, are you okay?! VADER: No, my circuits are shot. Leave me. LUKE: No, we can save you. VADER: Nah, I?m old and tired. Lemme look at you once more. LUKE: [Removes VADER?s mask] Pew! It stinks! When?s the last time you took a bath? And try to use some antibiotic. Those cuts look nasty. VADER: Sorry? can?t see well without my mask. You ARE a boy, right? LUKE: Yes, Dad! VADER: Now, go. Save yourself. Just remember one thing: LUKE: What?s that, Father? VADER: Air Vader? Just?do?it. [dies] LUKE: [Flies away] LANDO: The shield is down. That sexy hunk of man, Han, must?ve done it! WEDGE: Let?s go in and blow it up. LANDO: It?ll be tight, but I love a tight fit. WEDGE: [shudders] Too much information. LANDO: [Girlish Giggle] Not, that silly. Clothes. WEDGE: [shoots torpedoes at Power Core] DEATH STAR II: *Ouch* GALAXY CITIZENS: Ding-dong, the old dude?s gone. Which old dude? The Sith old dude. Ding-dong, wicked Sith is gone! EWOKS: [?Yay! Our rocks worked!?] LANDO: Go rainbow patrol! WEDGE: Don?t touch me, Lando! HAN: I love you, Leia! ANAKIN/YODA/OBI-WAN GHOSTS: You did it, boy. LUKE: Wait?Now, what? [END CREITS] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites