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Not What It Seems

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I've removed this story...

1). It hasn't been read and/or commented on in a while.

2). I'll be working on it and editing it, so that I can eventually publish it.

Main reason --> 3). To publish it, I can't have other "published" copies, so I'm keeping the copies of this limited right now.

If you would still like to read it sometime, please PM me for a copy. : )

I would be happy to either:

-- Send a link to my Fiction Press page - http://www.fictionpress.com/s/2479022/1/Not_What_It_Seems

-- E-mail it as a Word doc. attachment.

Depends on which is easier for you to read.

Comments can stay in this thread, though.. so others who may read in the future can comment. : )

Okay. Yes. I know this is really rough... and I know the ending is sudden...with the solution and all. But I was having a mind blank and just wanted to end it, lol. I wrote this a few months ago as a challenge.

Any thoughts on how to fix/expand this.. I'm am so open to them.

Edited by Mara

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