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So...has anyone else watched it? NBC on Wednesdays...

Just curious because of tonight's show (Halloween). Criss Angel pissed off one of the contestants because he didn't believe what he did was real. The contestant had "contacted someone who died" who he apparently "made a pact to do this with a year ago." Well, Criss (surprisingly a skeptic of this guy), held up an envelope and challenged him. "Tell me what's in this envelope, and I'll give you $1000000 of my own money. Don't give me anything about the energy, no bull sith...just tell me what's in the envelope." The guy flew off on him! I could have sworn he was going to hit him, and luckily, a bodyguard and the host separated the two.

Any thoughts?

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It's all a crock, imo. I'm not just talking about the contestant, either. Criss Angel is a crock.

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Nah, I'm not really into that "magic" stuff. I don't watch it, but my friend is a fan of Criss Angel.

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i know half of what Criss Angel does is fake...

he admitted it during a remake of a houdini jail cell escape

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