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Haha appearence is very big in korea, im not surprised

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Haha... nice... it's like subliminal messaging, only not subliminal.

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Uncle Du

Wow. Having regulations in the military, I live that everday. But having stuff like that as a cvilian? Whew, I can't imagine that.

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Radioactive Isotope

w00t! everyone bow before the mighty Star Warsness! :D

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Uncle Du

Nice, kinda makes me wish I was old fogey, so I could have been wowed in theaters when it first came out. ;)

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I was watching the bonus disk the other day and the effects were just like wow, those suck, because compared to what I'm used to today they do, but back then those were awesome effects.

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Uncle Du

Yea, it's hard for us to believe it, but when you stop to think about it, that top ten list really does make sense. I'm sure there was some hard-core Matirx fans that were pissed. Oh well. ;)

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Radioactive Isotope

bah Matrix. :p

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Star Wars > MAtrix

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Radioactive Isotope

Star Wars pwns Matirx

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yeah w00t w00t!

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I think the award thingy was for best effects at the time. Since The Matrix wasn't made back in the 70's, you can't compare them that way. If you just compare their FX now, Matrix wins.

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Still in every aspect, SW > Matrix :p

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SW > Matrix > Everything

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SW > Most things > Matrix > Some things :p

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Everything> Crud > GI


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GI > Chicken :p

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beeurd > all

j00 = pwnd

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Radioactive Isotope

Star Wars > beeurd. :p

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GI > Chicken :p

Chickenman = sad


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Dont worry Chicken > Ender :p

I = w00t : j00 = pwn3d!

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Bad furday

Furday = adult videos

GBnet > Innuendo Club

Chicken>Ender> The Wiggles = Barney :p

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A teacher at my old high school was found dead yesterday, apparently. he used to be my Physics teacher in my GCSE years. didn't really like him that much, but it's still kinda weird...

That school is way too unlucky. There is a wall of memorial in the main foyer that is full of kids and teachers that died. and i personally knew 5 of those people, 2 were killed in a minibus accident in 1993, 1 died of cancer in 1996, and 1 commited suicide in 1998, and now my old physics teacher.

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