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Probably ought to change the tag line from "a Star Wars fan community" to..... Well, something else. Fandom Community sounds a bit fishy to me :p

I intend to... Gotta make a new theme though... lol :p

How about "The Ultimate Fan Community"

Maybe... Hmm...

Sounds good, twice as good. :p

I deleted the poost. :p

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Is that different that a post? :p

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Duh. Clones of a person usually have names with double vowels of the person who was cloned. Since it was a "clone" post, it therefore becomes a poost.

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It's in the GB dictionary... :p

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What are we teaching these kids anyway? Who forgot to indoctrinate Mara when she joined? :p

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*hides as random forums fly past him*

JM, Nice to see you again! Yes I'm back?!!! Sydney is great, work is busy but I now my own staff so that kind of makes me less busy? lol How's everything been for you JM? :)

life's been busy, but pretty good. i got married back in January and i'm loving married life (if you catch my drift....). school's going well. i just aced my instrumentation test that i really wasn't prepared for, so that's got me pretty excited. and i just signed off on lung scans, so i only have two more proceedures i need to sign off on before the end of April.

Congrats JM! :) Sounds like you're doing well in school too! I'm thinking of doing a degree soon too, I just need to sort it out between my works hours, lol.

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I had an idea... Perhaps another way to get activity back, would be to get the newsletter back up and running.

Then once again, I ask for people to help write features for it.

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New theme is being made... (GB Community standard) It's selectable from the drop down at the bottom of the forums, but so far I've only changed the header. There will be variations for different fandoms, and I will leave the current default theme there if people prefer the darkness.

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Hmmm...stars are a little lame.

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Well plain looked boring and I couldn't think what else to put...

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Suggestions welcome...

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You could have sub-forum for books where we can discuss books...

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Radioactive Isotope

there already is one for the Star Wars books. i dunno what beeurd did with the other book threads, lol.

EDIT: found it. http://www.galacticbasic.net/index.php?showforum=75

Edited by Radioactive Isotope

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Yeah, REAL books... Because I wanna discuss about how awesome Jane Austen is and how much I hate Charles Dickens.... BECUASE DICKENS IS BAD! *shudder*

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What are we teaching these kids anyway? Who forgot to indoctrinate Mara when she joined? :p


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It says there's an error... and that there isn't a page... am I to assume there isn't one?

As I suspected, it was because Drake broke it... :shifty:

It works now. :p

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I'm the one who told you about it. :p

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Oooh, me likey the new organization.

Oh! And while you're trying to make it more "neutral," and changing over some of the ranks... I thought perhaps the same should be done with the filter words?

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Already doing it. Although "ewok" stays, for hilarity. :p

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Haha...indeed it should.

But hopefully we won't see it much. ;):p

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Jake Durron

OH! Andy! Is there a way to attach a sound clip?

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Hey, the next time B says to stop, can we do it immediatly? :p

And soundclips are a bad idea. No easy way to censor them.

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