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Darth Bane

Chat box

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Darth Bane

We should get a cbox up. That way general disscusions could be held without haveing to go back and forth through the forums.

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Everything inevitably turns into a chatbox on GB but yeah, one of those would be a cool idea.

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I'm not really a fan of chatboxes... Let's see what everyone else thinks...

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If we're going to do that we might as well just all get on MSN. Nah, I don't really like the idea.

And then we would have to have a Mod on it 24/7

Edited by Rogue

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I'm not sure if you can delete messages from those, either.

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Jake Durron

I agree with Rogue, we do them already... Andy is there a way to put the options down at the bottom of our posts where it had our messenger contact info... I was certain we used to have them... or am I imagining things.... again

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If we're going to do that we might as well just all get on MSN. Nah, I don't really like the idea.

And then we would have to have a Mod on it 24/7

Not really... cos we don't have a mod on the forums 24/7 lol

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I'm not really a fan of the idea just because the vast majority of us regs have msn, and if we want to chat, we just do that. Besides, how much space would one of those things take up? If we're going to grow the site, we don't want unnecessary bells and whistles slowing things down.

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Jake Durron

Maybe we should all just add our MSN IDs to our signatures and perhaps set up a weekly chat or multiples for those of conflicting work schedules?

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I don't even think that much is necessary. Maybe if we get as big as we want to be and have a significant number of members that don't want to share their MSN info, then yeah, I can see a chatbox being added. But as of right now, I don't really see much of a reason for it.

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Radioactive Isotope

i thought we had one at one time. i'm going to abstain from this one for now as i really don't have an opinion. moderating a live chat and making sure it doesn't turn into a flame fest would be a chief concern, i think.

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I don't think we need one right now... Maybe when we are bigger though. ;)

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Yeah.. chat boxes are really just a big magnet for spam anyway, lol.

Plus, I think if we want to encourage discussion on the various boards, it would be a negative influence to have the chat box.

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Isn't this what the cantina is for? :p

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