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Nintendo Wii and DS

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Hai, all hail Miyamoto-sama! Banzai! :p :p :p

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I'm sorry... but I can't... I've just reciently gotten over a girl who was obsessed over Final Fantasy... and all that Japanese stuff so I think I should distance myself from that so that way I can focus on this totally awesome girl I've found... But Thank you Mr. Andy.

You baffle me.

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I'm sorry... but I can't... I've just reciently gotten over a girl who was obsessed over Final Fantasy... and all that Japanese stuff so I think I should distance myself from that so that way I can focus on this totally awesome girl I've found... But Thank you Mr. Andy.

You baffle me.

I'm a very complicated guy who went f or the wrong girls so that just made me more complicated...

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And I just got the Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatium 2009 game. It's actually fun, with a very country soundtrack

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I purchased FFIV for my DS while on vacation. Its a remake of the SNES classic, and true to its heritage; it's kicking my ass.

I've never played a traditional Final Fantasy RPG (I don't consider the Crystal Chronicles series 'traditional'), but I'm happy to say I'm enjoying the game, despite its general difficulty.

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I'm getting EA Active on Tuesday. The guy at the store said 140 people preordered it

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isn't it just going to be the same as wii fit witch coimes with wii anyway?


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No, this is more cardio and resistance training. And wii fit doesn't come with wii.

I wish I could figure out how to add the Chewbacca mii now that I've got my Wii hooked up to the net

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Uncle Du

Can you just create a Mii that looks like him? I dunno, I haven't had a Wii in like 2 years.

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Of course the warranty is expired on my Wii, but going through Nintendo is only going to cost me $90 to repair it and if they can't fix it, I get a new one

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My Wii is coming back on Monday!!!

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Radioactive Isotope

Got a 3DS for my burfday. PM me with friend codes and I'll return the favor. :D

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