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Chapter 3: Archaic

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Deign turned with the blow, grinding his teeth together against the stinging pain. The evidence of her assault would be visible for several minutes. He set his jaw firmly, that easy anger rising in him as his jabbed in the lock code to the door with a stiff finger before taking Layla roughly by the arm and forcing her into a chair.

"Don't make this harder for yourself than it has to be, Layla. Do you realize how long it took me to clean up that mess you and the damned sister of mine left behind!"

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"Oh, I'm so sorry. That must have been hard to explain to your puppeteer." She sneered angrilly up at him, her tone rising with his. She could feel his hand tight on her arm. "You tried to kill me Deign! So stop trying to act like your little security problems are a big fragging deal. You tried to rat out some good people to the Empire, and we stopped you. You resorted to murder."

She smirked, challengingly at him. "And it must just eat you up inside that you failed."

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"My only failure was in my judgement of you!"

Deign drew up to his full height, right fist poised. Oh how he wanted to hit her, to break that pretty face! But no. It would only fuel her annoying self-righteousness. He turned away from her completely and took a few steps towards his desk. An idea came to him and he turned back, smiling now. He almost laughed to himself to consider the mix of wrath and warmth that must be displayed in that expression. When he spoke again, his voice was even and calm.

"What happened to you, Layla? You used to be such a sweetheart under all that fire."

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"And you used to be someone worth my time." She crossed one leg over the other, sitting casually in the chair. Deign wanted control over her, and she wasn't about to let him have it. Lay had a quirk, and maybe it stemmed from paranoia or intuition or some crazy OCD, but she needed to be in control of her situation at all times. "I'm sorry Deign, you're right. You just hired a Bounty Hunter to swoop in with a small fleet of mercenary ships to come in and kidnap me. We should sit around and I don't know, sing a song or something." She raised an eyebrow a him. "Would that make you happy?"

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Deign chuckled softly. If he didn't need information from her, he'd kill her. How had they ever been lovers? He kept his fury carefully in check.

"Now my dear, you know I've never been much of a singer. No, I had something else in mind, something more... relaxing." He paused for a moment and circled around her, before laying his hands on her shoulders from behind her and speaking softly in her ear. "Mother's been asking after you. And she can't wait to see you tonight. For dinner, at the old family house." He was so close to her his lips brushed the edge of her ear as he brought his voice all the way down to a whisper. "Doesn't that sound like fun?"

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Four years...and your family still thinks... Layla blinked, shuddered, and her whole calm center wavered, sending a wave of pheromones out that were anything but cool and collected. "I'd love to take your mother up on the invitation, but I've heard a few rumors that subhumans were no longer welcome at your table. So I'll have to wait for a time when my pink skin doesn't get between us."

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"Only at my official table, my dear." He circled back in front of her and raised her chin to look him in the eye to be sure she saw his wicked smirk. "But even under the Empire, there's really no social backlash in keeping a pretty Zeltron in ones custody. Especially not when she's as exquisite a specimen as you, Layla. Pink skin on a mistress is merely exotic in that context."

He released his grip on her and pushed a button on the opposite end of his desk, calling several guards into the room.

"So it'll be dinner tonight with the family. You'll find fresh clothes in your... room."

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She pulled her chin from his grasp and sat there for another long moment, looking at him, halfway between glaring and evaluating. She stood to leave, then thought better of it, walking up to him and leaning towards his ear. She spoke just soft and slow enough for him to understand. "You killed a part of yourself when you signed on with the Empire, Archaic Leader. I bet you miss him sometimes--the optimistic, hard-working, caring and proud young man you used to be. Everything you are today is an abomination to who you used to be. Who you were supposed to be. The Deign Argos that I fell in love with is gone or buried, and I'd endure all the torture the galaxy has ever known before I'd lay down with the shadow of a man that stands here in his place."

Edited by Rogue

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That urge to strike her returned with a vengence. But the thought of his mother's reaction to any intentional injuries to her precious Layla would be too much for the woman to handle. Instead, Deign grabbed a fistful of her hair and yanked her to him, kissing her cruelly and roughly on the mouth. Tugging her away again by the hair, Deign spun Layla around, brought her wrists behind her back and clapped a pair of stuncuffs on her, tightening them a little past the point of being mostly tolerable.

The office doors parted again, revealing three armed guards. Deign shoved Layla into their arms. "Lock her up."

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Layla thought she might just vomit up the taste of him in her mouth, but settled instead for spitting at him, a very un-feminine wad that landed right on his shirt.

Then one of the guards yanked her back towards the door, and she felt the stuncuffs digging into the flesh on her wrist.

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NRDF HQ, Coruscant

Aston arrived at the waiting area he had been directed to, and was pleasently surprised to see that someone had thoughtfully sent Bucket up here already. The R3-unit tweetled cheerfully, and Aston smiled back. As he stepped in through the door, he saw Szen sitting down on her own.

"Hey," he said as he took a nearby seat, "I wasn't expecting anyone else to be here yet. Except maybe the Captain." He frowned then continued; "I guess you don't know what this is all about?"

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"Not a clue." Szen looked over at Aston. "I was looking for someone to tell me what happened. I only know that we can probably assume the worst if we're here."

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Radioactive Isotope

Atuarre stalked in next, though her annoyance wasn't with the emergency recall. "I suppose they'll tell us soon enough," she growled. She needed a fight right now. Something to bleed off the irritation at herself for being too cowardly to stand up to her mother. "If anyone intentionally betrayed us, I will rip their arms off."

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Bad furday

Spaceliner Morning Star, en route to Coruscant. ETA 3 hours.

Jya and Arlan relaxed in one of the many onboard lounges, as they pondered the mornings' events.

They'd had to cut their shore leave short, when the emergency notice had come in over the comm.

Fortunately, they hadn't left for Coronet City yet.

Arlan had gone to check them out of their room, and arrange for passage off planet. Jya had went around the room, making sure everything

they had brought with them was packed. She'd then put the bags in the rental speeder and waited for Arlan.

The skies were so blue this morning! Jya had thought. They would have had a fantastic time in the capital.

And now they were here, on one of the first commerical flights off Corellia this morning.

Arlan swirled his drink in the glass and looked thoughtfully at her.

"If the base was somehow compromised...either someone betrayed us, or ...what? I don't see how one can find what is not known."

"Perhaps it's not as simple as that. There's a lot of variables - say a supplier doesn't feel they're getting a fair deal. They could secretly

track their shipments and discover where they're going. If they wanted vengeance, they could have hired pirates or something. The

message wasn't clear in what way the base was compromised." replied Jya.

"I hope they packed up R5K1 in the kitchen; I thought I'd like to try him out in the X wing." mused Arlan.

His face grew pensive again, as he stared into his glass. Jya reasoned that he was less than thrilled over their vacation, and time

together being cut short.

"Hey. Next shore leave, we'll go somewhere exotic!" she said, trying to brighten his mood. "Ryloth! We can annoy Nat and Nima."

Jya grinned teasingly.

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Jaim brought the White Riot into dock at a station owned by a mechanic friend named Lassa who Jaim had helped out on several occasions. He knew the rest of the squadron would dock right at NRDF headquarters, but Jaim had something he needed to do first.

Exiting the station, Jaim "appropriated" one of Lassa's speeders and set off for a cantina called the Inebriated Ithorian, in one of the less-reputable districts of the city. It wasn't quite as dingy as some other establishments in the area, but it made up for it in its reputation for, among other things, being a haven for the black market.

Jaim walked in and sat down at the bar. The barman's eyes widened for a moment when he saw Jaim, but he quickly regained his composure.

"Well well, Jaim Adarra. Haven't seen you round these parts in a long time."

"It's because I'm usually causing trouble," Jaim replied. "Listen, I need some information."

The bartender sighed. "Jaim, I have a feeling that this is another one of those times."

"It is, Darek. I need to know who Archaic's man in this city is. They're holding a friend of mine on Corellia, and I'll be damned if I'll let Argos get away with whatever he's planning."

Darek paused for a minute. "You didn't get this from me."

"Get what?"

He hesitated. "Her name is Shen Garos. She's got an office near the government plaza. Garos Insurance Group is a front for Archaic; I've heard they run, among other things, weapons and drugs through that office."

"How many does she have on staff?" Jaim asked.

"Not many, three or four lieutenants and a dozen or so bodyguards. I don't know anything else."

Jaim stared him down for a minute, then rose from the stool. "Thanks, Darek, I owe you one." He slid a hundred-credit piece to him.

"For the record, Adarra, you owe me several."

Jaim nodded to him and walked out of the cantina, heading for NRDF.

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near Tyrena, Corellia

Kaden shrugged. "Or at least to the spaceport." Now that he had been recalled, it was easy to slip out of any easy going manner he had had and return to the more familiar stance that encompassed him as a fighter pilot. It was time to get back to work.

Artie twiddled and Kaden glanced down at his droid and waved a hand at him, shushing him.

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Transport from Ryloth

Nima considered what Nat had said. "You're probably right. That means though that we'll have to up your PT. Can't have that leg cramping up on missions to high gravity planets." She sat in the seat across from Nat and fidgeted. "I hope everyone's all right. And I hope that they ship all my medical supplies back to Coruscant with us. I just requisitioned us some cool new stuff." She leaned back and closed her eyes, figuring it'd be good to get some rest in the couple of hours until they were back on Coruscant.

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Brier shrugged. "Well, I'm curious at this point anyways. So... I don't mind giving you a ride over to Coruscant. Then at least I can nosy around and see what's going on before my own leave is up."

Edited by Tyche

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Archaic Headquarters, Tyrena, Corellia

Deign had more or less expected the response he got from Layla. Afterall, Zeltron's weren't human, so he couldn't possibly expect her to be more civilized than that. But no matter. He'd get the intel he wanted out of her, one way or another.

He waited until the doors had shut again, leaving Deign alone in his office before discarding his shirt for another identical uniform from his adjacent quarters. He took his time buttoning the fresh shirt, smiling to himself. "What will Mother think?" he mused, imagining the procedings of the evening.

"Oh, my dear Layla, it's been so long!" she'll say, tears clouding her eyes. All she'll see is that stunning dress I had placed in her cell, then Layla smiling despite her state of captivity, and then me... her eldest most beloved son, beaming as usual. "Oh, it's just like old times again!" Mother will gush. "Oh Deign, how did you ever manage to let such a girl slip through your fingers?"

Deign indulged himself in a full laugh. "And no one will be the wiser!" He tucked in his shirt and switched on the false holowindow to display a view of the waterfall and sighed in satisfaction. "Such a beautiful day. Only missing one more thing.... aha!"

He strode back into his office and hit the intercom on his desk.

"Yes, Mr. Argos?" came the response from his secretary.

"Kyra, see if you can't get in touch with Sano for me. I'd like to know why it was a high-priced bounty hunter and not him delivering Ms. Nasrin to me."

"Certainly, Mr. Argos," came the reply. Kyra was always so willing to help Deign ruin someone's day. He should give her a raise.


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Artie beeped happily, then snorted at Kaden.

Ignoring his droid, Kaden smiled at Brier. "Thank you. I would appreciate it." He knew it would save him quite a few credits by getting a lift from a friend but didn't feel the need to express it.

"And thank you. For everything. All of you," he said, turning to the other occupant in the room and inclining his head. "It means a lot to me."

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Near Tyrena, Corellia

Brier's father smiled, and nodded. "It was nothing. We take in many. I just hope you enjoyed yourself while you were here."

Zak, her husband, stood and came over as well, resting a hand casually on Brier's shoulder. Smiling, Zak glanced at Kaden. "If you don't mind having another person on board, Kaden, I need to hitch a ride to Coruscant as well to work on some... business transactions." He grinned and looked at Brier, "I'll go pack the bags."

Brier just sighed and made a face as he left. "Means I'll end up not having a ship afterwards. Well, anyways, come on. Let's go get ready for take-off. Your bosses won't like it if you're late." She hurried him away to his room to get repacked while she went ot help Zak get her stuff ready as well.


Some very while later:

Brier came into the lounge. In her typically soft voice, "Alright boys. We'll be landing on Coruscant in about 20 minutes. Get ready." She smiled and returned to the pilot's seat.

Edited by Tyche

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Layla was escorted though the cavernous maze that she knew so well, past people she used to work with, look up to. People who used to look up to her. She noticed whispering among some of the people who had been there before she had left. She tossed her thick red hair behind her shoulders. Let them talk. She'd never shied from attention before.

The guards led her into a cell. It was decently sized as far as cells went anyway. And it was clean, and decently furnished. She supposed Deign had seen that she was treated a little better than the average Archaic prisoner. She noticed that the one guard leaned in just a little too close, sniffing her perfume as he unlocked her stuncuffs. She ignored this, rubbing her wrists once the cuffs were off. She sighed, walking over to the bed and looking to the azure colored dress that had been left there.

She wasn't about to be treated like a prisoner either, turning to them she said, "You can inform Deign that if he expects me at dinner tonight he is going to have to allow me the privledge of a shower. He can't possibly expect me to show up as dirt-covered as I am."

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Deign smiled as Kyra relayed the message to him. Obviously, there was no shower in the brig. There was a utility hose, certainly, but Layla deserved better than that.

A wicked grin sprang to Deign's lips as the solution presented itself. He checked the chrono on his wrist. Nearly time to start heading to his parents' house. Back in his personal quarters, Deign changed from his uniform to a plain blue, long-sleeved shirt and black pants. He holstered a blaster pistol at his belt and made his way to Layla's cell in the brig, grabbing one armed guard on the way. He keyed open her cell door and leaned against the frame.

"I hope it's cozy enough for you in here. So I heard you were looking for a shower. Get that dress and those shoes over there and come with me."

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She nodded towards the guard. "He's the lackey, right? He can get them." Lay stood from the bed, walking over with that sultry saunter of hers and stepping right past him and into the corridor beyond. "And as for the cell...it's depressingly Imperialistic. It lacks the beautiful color that made the Old Republic so great. Even the free systems understand the need for bright, beautiful color."

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Deign put a hand on the other side of the doorframe, blocking Layla's path. "This lackey's been disposing of bodies all day. But I'll compromise with you. You carry the dress, I'll take the shoes. And the speeder we're taking to dinner is red. Does that do anything to appease Your Highness?"

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