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Flash Games

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There are a lot of flash games that don't, you know...suck.

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Pandemic II

Create a virus and wipe out the human species. :D

Edited by Chickenman

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The other day I started in China, and managed to wipe out life in Canada, Eastern Europe, Middle East, Indonesia, India, Russia, USA, Mexico, and China. :)

Edited by beeurd

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I will say this for everyone: Madagascar sucks.

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How is the US handing out gas masks if they're all dead? :p

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Chicken, /internet highfive

I played a couple of the 'quick' games to get a feel for it. Just did a full 'realistic' one now. The parasite-based disease started in Madagascar. good game. I removed all its symptoms, gave it full infection traits, and sat back and watched the world turn red. I had everyone in every country infected, with no hospitals running to create the vaccine. I was slowly killing them off (by adding points for symptoms), had the world down to under 1 billion people, victory assured...and then my laptop battery died. -.-

Trying again right now!

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*Receives high five*

Though to be fair, it was Drake and Rogue who reminded me about it enough to play it again.

And your battery fails. :p

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And by Drake and Rogue you just mean Drake, the one who gave you both the link. :p

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I suppose. :p

*Shakes cane* But I was around for Pandemic 1! You kids and your doodads and whatzits, nowadays!

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Parasites, the SLOW killer (426 days). Everyone is dead. My score was pretty low (34,000).

Delicious drama when a vaccine was developed at the last lonely hospitals in Greenland and New Zealand, but was never deployed as both hospitals shut down literally seconds before deployment completed.

Whats your general strategy for complete earth destruction Drake/Chicken? I go Parasite, and just jack up Transmissions, and a little resistance, while keeping only one symptom (fever) usually. Its a guaranteed win if you get Madagascar before the borders start getting closed off. I add symptoms once every country has been infected.

I played with Virus/Bacteria a bit, but I found it was too quick, too visible for my playstyle.

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I like parasites, and usually name them after my ex. :p

Again, I use only symptom, probably sweating or fever, and bulk up the resistance (Once I got it to Drug IV and it said "days to vaccination: infinity). The only problem with parasite is that I never have enough evolutionary points to give it some symptoms, like insanity, or the one where the brain pushes outward against the skull until it explodes. Last time I won with parasites I think it was just a fever with some diarhea or something. Not very diabolical.

Anyone ever read the Cobra Event?

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Parasite. I get resistances to the first tier then buy airbourne transmission. Sell any symptoms I may have started with. Up second tier resists then sit back and wait. Airbourne transmission is all you really need if you're a little more patient.

I've noticed that there seems to be a boiling point in the starting country. Once the infected reach a certain number, they'll suddenly spread to all the adjoining countries followed shortly by most of the rest of the world. It's pretty amusing watching them all go at once.

Edited by Drake

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Madagascar's the key though. Hardly any ships go there, and that's the only way to get the disease there. Last time I was watching Madasgascar cause they were the only one left, and I watched a ship near it. I silently urged it to dock on Madasgascar, and it did. The dock closed a split second later. Close one.

Edited by Chickenman

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Toss The Turtle- This spanks Kitten Cannon by a thousand percent.

Murray's Missile Mayhem-The best game that has ever been made. The rest of the world can just give up at this point.

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...and hilarious. :p

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Uncle Du

Awesome, now I'm addicted to this Pandemic game. :p

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Making your own Swine Flu predictions? :p

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Uncle Du

Pretty much. :p

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