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Big Bang machine started in Europe

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Surprised there wasn't a thread about this, but the latest experiment from the guys who brought us the internet is under way.

However, some are portraying the $8.8 billion experiment a 'doomsday' machine out of fears that it will create a black hole and destroy the Earth.

It was started up today, and we are all still currently here:


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Yeah, I was worried about that one. :???:

Damn you, science!

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Bad furday

One night at work, we had one of those late late night talk shows on the radio....and the people who called in 'all afeared' about the LHC were

a shining example of 'the common clay.....you know, morons!' of our planet.

How could they be so stupid? :p

We determined that if any alien civilization was listening in to the same show, they might decide that the nicest thing they could do

for the humans would be to use this planet to test out their planet destroying superweapon (Notthedeatstareventhoughitis) :p ;)

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They don't actually start the colliding of anything until the 21st, after the official unveiling of the machine. Today they only fired up the beam or whatever.

Doomsday isn't for a couple more weeks.

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Radioactive Isotope

eh. i'm not concerned. if it does create a black hole that swallows the Earth, our problems will be over, yes? ;)

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  Drake said:
the official unveiling of the machine.

Wow, that must be one ewoking huge cloth they have it covered with. :p

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Ah, thought the actual experiment was today.

Damn it. :p

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I just thought it would be rather ironic that the Swiss would destroy the earth. :p

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They've gotta have all of this pent-up frusteration after all these years of being neutral. :p

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Like I said...the collision hasn't even happened yet. That website is stupid for another two+ weeks. :p

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  Drake said:
Like I said...the collision hasn't even happened yet. That website is stupid for another two+ weeks. :p

It's not stupid at all...

The question was:

"Has the LHC destroyed the Earth?"

not WILL it. :p

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If it's going to destroy the planet, they need to fire it up before I go back to work Friday :p

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  Chickenman said:
They've gotta have all of this pent-up frusteration after all these years of being neutral. :p

Exactly. :p

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Its rediculous

we are all still here

and apparently there trying it again with more energy nd power or something

A girl over here in india got so scared that she hung herself

clever scientists


your helping the world.. keep telling yourselves that

why do we HAVE to potentially implode the universe to find out how it was made???


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You know, it figures that the world would end when girls start to actually like me! What's next?

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  Delphra7 said:
why do we HAVE to potentially implode the universe to find out how it was made???

Oh noes, Jenn! The media has gotten to you too. :(

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It's not the media that's done this, B. It's the Internet. People learn about this, spread rumours and whatnot, then the media picks up on that and broadcasts it.

You give them too much credit. :p

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The media should know better though. :p

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All that the media does nowadays is report rumors. How else are you going to keep a 24 hour news channel going?

And then, just be reporting rumors, investigative journalism goes out the window and we end up in Iraq. :roll:

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the media hasnt gotten to me

i just find it annoying when people say stuff like that

like the world leaders would agree to let them almost kill everyone....

actually... maybe its time for a culling

i think thats the right word...

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Well, here's a question, if it's a mini-black whole, it'll only eat the matter around, so in theory, it could just end up just eating all the nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon-dioxide... providing it doesn't start with the ground, I hope it's pointing up...

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I don't think they point in any particular direction. :p

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I think a black hole sucks up anything, it doesn't matter what direction it's pointing.

I notice no one's mentioning anything about how the Hadron Collider could yield antimatter and such.

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  Chickenman said:
I think a black hole sucks up anything, it doesn't matter what direction it's pointing.

I notice no one's mentioning anything about how the Hadron Collider could yield antimatter and such.

Oh no... antimatter... I forgot about antimatter... the Swiss are going to blow them the Alps and southern Germany away (and Austria... Western Poland... Parts of France... Just central Europe... say good bye to Central Europe in a big bang that will make a nuclear bomb look like a pop gun...

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