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Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi (Spoiler free as of Ascension)

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Some info here.

So, Aaron and Troy are back, but it's Christie Golden instead of Karen Traviss making up the third author.

Either people complained or there's no Mandos in this one. :p

Anyway, with Alston and Denning, there should be some continuity, at least, with writing style.

Book 1: Outcast, Aaron Allston

Book 2: Omen, Christie Golden, June 2009

Book 3: Abyss, Troy Denning, August 2009

Book 4: Backlash, Aaron Allston, January 2010

Book 5: Allies, Christie Golden, May 2010

Book 6: Vortex, Troy Denning, December 2010

Book 7: Conviction, Aaron Allston, May 2011

Book 8: Ascension, Christie Golden, ? 2011

Book 9: Apocalypse, Troy Denning, ? 2011


Personally... I hope they're good. I really want them to be, but who knows.

I am interested to see how everyone is reacting to the end of Invincible, the characters, because there wasn't a whole lot of time at the end of the Legacy of the Force series. Just some quick summations and by the way, look who's in charge now.

Maybe we'll get a few more details; at least, I want details, lol.

And I guess it'll be bridging the time gap between LotF and Millenium Falcon.

Cover arts! (Taken from a later post):

Outcast: http://www.starwars.com/vault/books/news20090108.html

Omen: http://www.starwars.com/vault/books/03042009news_omen.html

Abyss: http://www.starwars.com/vault/books/04292009news.html

Backlash: http://www.starwars.com/vault/books/news20091023/backlash/index.html

Allies: http://www.starwars.com/vault/books/news20100304/index.html

Vortex: http://www.starwars.com/vault/books/vortex_back/index.html

Conviction: http://www.starwars.com/vault/books/conviction/index.html



Edited by Mara

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9 novels to bridge the gap between Legacy and a stand-alone novel? I doubt it. MF is being released December 30th of this year so it will be bridging the two series'.

Edited by Drake

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Yes, but this series is supposed to be right after LotF, and MF is, like, 2 years after the end of LotF, isn't?

These nine books could take place within 2 years' time.

I meant bridging the gap as in Star Wars timeline chronology, not book release date.

Edited by Mara

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Take a second and think about how difficult that will be to pull off. It's doubtful that they even have the entire series planned out yet. If Falcon takes place AFTER it, what kind of spoilers are there going to be? What will conflict between the two when Fate is completed? It's just silly to think that MF is set after Fate and yet is being released before it.

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I need to update my SW timeline, don't I? :p

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Radioactive Isotope

yes. i had to scour the Internet for a timeline to do my EU Workshop notes. :p

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Oh, I can't wait, Allston is one of my favorite SW authors!

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Take a second and think about how difficult that will be to pull off. It's doubtful that they even have the entire series planned out yet. If Falcon takes place AFTER it, what kind of spoilers are there going to be? What will conflict between the two when Fate is completed? It's just silly to think that MF is set after Fate and yet is being released before it.

Lots of the novels have been written out of order.

FINE! But I may need some help...

It's not been updated in about 3 years...


I need to update mine as well, I think. But it just has the novels on it yet; haven't gotten to games and graphic novels and stuff.

I just use the list that the paperbacks have in the front.

Edited by Mara

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FINE! But I may need some help...

It's not been updated in about 3 years...


I need to update mine as well, I think. But it just has the novels on it yet; haven't gotten to games and graphic novels and stuff.

I just use the list that the paperbacks have in the front.

Lazy. :p

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I typed it all up in a Word doc.! :p

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I typed it all up in a Word doc.! :p

Yeah, and on mine I typed all the HTML out by hand too! :p

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Wow...I really need to finish the Unifying Force. :p

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I typed it all up in a Word doc.! :p

Yeah, and on mine I typed all the HTML out by hand too! :p

Yeah, well, mine's all in pretty colors! :p

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Well, Outcast is slated for release next month.

I'm excited. :D

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James the Defender

Oh, no....all in hardcover! That's going to be expensive! I love the paperback just because they're so much cheaper. If you take the average hardcover at $25 and multiply that by nine...that's $225...for nine books! :eek: That's almost as bad as college textbooks...

Edited by James the Defender

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If you look at it that way, it's a good deal! Nine books for the price of only one stupid text book. :p

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Bad furday

Nine books that you'll get more satisfaction and fulfillment out of than any college textbook! :p ;)

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James the Defender

lol, that may be true, but I can't sell these books back. It's a lot of money.

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Radioactive Isotope

tell me about it. why did hubby have to put me on a budget?! :wail:

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You can sometimes get used ones online for cheaps.

Or just don't buy them. :p

Hang out at the bookstore all day and read it and put it back on the shelf. :p

Found the cover arts! (Plus summaries, but I didn't read those...)

They are a bit unique than previous art.

Outcast: http://www.starwars.com/vault/books/news20090108.html

Omen: http://www.starwars.com/vault/books/03042009news_omen.html

Abyss: http://www.starwars.com/vault/books/03052009news_abyss.html

Backlash: http://starwars.com/vault/books/news20090615.html

Edited by Mara

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Saw the first one on shelves today. I made a "bagh!" kind of noise, cause I'm still on the third book of Legacy, lol. Catching up though.

I like the cover art, and I don't. This more illustrated, comicy thing is nice, but there's just something about the old Bantam era covers, where its a composition of a bunch of characters and such, that I've always loved. Feels more epic and tied into the movie posters. *Shrug*

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lol, I've hardly got anywhere with Legacy either...

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I went to the bookstore yesterday to pick it up so I could read it to and from work but, of course, they hadn't put it on the shelves yet...morons...so I got True Colors instead.

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I finished it last night.

Here's my thoughts:

I think that the storyline here is very interesting. Luke's exile from Coruscant will hopefully be shorter than the 10 years. I liked how Ben laid the smackdown on the Kel Dors. I found the Kessel storyline interesting and was glad to see some old Rogues, Wraiths and other Aaron Allston characters come back and make an appearance. It was like a class reunion. I wasn't too happy to see Tarc back and what's happening to the Jedi really sucks.

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