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It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

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Anyone else watch it? I just discovered the series about 2 weeks ago and I'm absolutely psyched for the season premiere this Thursday.

It's basically "Seinfeld on crack," four friends run an Irish pub and get into all sorts of shenanigans, each of which takes the theme of a taboo/controversial topic and runs with it.

It's great in that every single character is a complete jackass, really without any redeeming qualities; they're constantly trying to one-up each other.

Oh, and there's also Danny Devito, for some reason.

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Looks like a no.

But I will say that I was surprised to see not one, but two premiere episodes.

The first dealt with cannibalism and the other dealt with the gas crisis and terrorism in the worst and most hilarious way possible. Best episode yet.

I'll now let this thread drift into obscurity. :p

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Philadelphia always reminds me of the Fresh Prince theme tune. :p

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No, no. This show's funny. :p

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How dare you insult the Fresh Prince with your insolence. :p

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